The Crossing - Welcome Back Edition
Brooks Crossing Elementary School
Welcome to BC's 2024-2025 School Year
Dear Brooks Crossing Families,
Welcome back to Brooks Crossing's 2024-2025 school year! As a school community, we have used the summer months to reflect, plan, learn and adjust. We are confident that this year will be a great one. This year's district theme is “Being present is a gift to yourself and others.” In line with our theme, our staff will be making a concerted effort to be present physically, but also to work with intentionality this year. While that is the district theme, Brooks Crossing's theme will continue this year with "Kindness Begins With Me." We are confident that our kids will continue to take their responsibility of being kind to all members of our Brooks Crossing community seriously. If everyone believes that, imagine how our school will feel! We already have the best school, so just imagine!
I hope your family has had a chance to refresh and enjoy time together, whether locally or abroad. While you've been away, we have been planning for this upcoming year. One of my main tasks this summer was to find a strong replacement for Mr. Mathews. I am pleased to introduce you to Mrs. Stacey Katz, Brooks Crossing's new Assistant Principal. She has worked in a variety of roles in South Brunswick School District, in a few different schools. She is a strong educator, skilled in meeting individual student needs, and has a reputation for putting kids first.
In addition to Mrs. Katz, I'd like to especially welcome our families who are new to the Brooks Crossing community. I am confident that you will love it here! As you have probably already found, we are a caring, supportive, welcoming community where we all work together to support children. I speak for our teachers and office staff when I say we want the best for your child(ren) and are ready to offer assistance in any way.
Our teachers are excited to welcome your child(ren) into their classrooms. They are energized and prepared to make a connection and provide the quality instruction that Brooks Crossing students are accustomed to. We continue to focus our efforts on creating a comfortable, safe learning environment where students are free to be who they are and can practice their social and academic skills. Only in an environment where students are comfortable to take risks will they reach their greatest potential, and they are able to do so when they are comfortable. We encourage everyone to try something new - students and staff alike!
If you have not joined our Brooks Crossing Instagram account, please follow us! Our Instagram handle is @BCESBears! You can also follow Brooks Crossing on Facebook. We look forward to sharing our year with you!
The new school year always brings so much excitement. Know that we will work our hardest to keep our children safe and happy. We look forward to welcoming them on September 5th! Enjoy the last little bit of summer - make memories, have fun, and stay safe.
Jaime Maccarone, Principal
BC's Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Welcome Message
Dear Brooks Crossing Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year at Brooks Crossing! We are so happy to have your family be a part of our school community. Our PTO is committed to supporting our school community in every possible way.
What is the PTO?
PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization. It is a nonprofit group of parents, teachers, and staff dedicated to improving the educational experience of all students at South Brunswick Schools. PTO goals are to encourage interaction between family and school, serve as a source of support, and work with staff and the community to improve our children’s educational experience. The PTO works closely with the school administration to meet this goal.
Your membership money at work:
Free School Events such as Popsicles on the Playground, Book Fair Pajama Night, Bingo Night, Family Fun Dance, Halloween Trunk o Treat, etc.
PTO organizes, funds and executes the following fun activities for all children in our school:
Author’s Visits
School Wide Assemblies
Partial cost for 5th Grade Field Trip
Popsicles and inflatables for the Field day
Snacks and Drinks for 5th grade Ceremony
School Picture Day
Scholastic Book Fair
The PTO donates academic, technological and facility resources that support our kids' education and help aid in the success of all children.
Wireless Sound System and Projector in Cafetorium
Water Refill Stations
Playground Equipment (Soccer Nets, GaGa Pit)
Homework/Friday folders
Support for Families in need
Staff Appreciation Luncheons
Teacher & Staff Retirement/Recognition
Ways you can get involved:
Anyone with a child at Brooks Crossing is invited to be a part of all the volunteer opportunities.
Become a Member
Participate with your family in our family fun events and enjoy our school community
Participate in our fundraisers or Opt-Out Program
Attend our Public PTO Meetings to learn about what is happening at the school
Join a committee and focus on ONE thing!
Order Spiritwear
We wish you the best of luck in the 2024-25 School Year!
Brooks Crossing PTO
Connect with us:
Email : brookscrossingpto@gmail.com
Website : https://sites.google.com/view/brookscrossingpto/home
Facebook : www.facebook.com/groups/1397496623856382/
If you do not want to receive email information regarding Brooks Crossing opportunities from the PTO, please click here to complete this form by September ??.
Join the BC PTO's WhatsApp Group!
Are You Ready For School?
Do you have:
- A working device to join classes (or have you already completed the form saying you need one)? This applies to grades 2-5 only. If you are in need, please see information below.
- Your grade level supplies? Click here for our '24-'25 Grades K-5 School Supply List.
- Is your positive attitude ready to go?
If you are having any trouble with the top two items, and we can help, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Application for Free or Reduced Cost Meals
Technology Usage for the 2024-2025 School Year
Grades K & 1: The school will provide any technology needed during the school day. Please do not send technology to school with your child.
Grades 2 - 5: Students will be expected to bring a fully charged device to school each day to use in class. Please know that you will have the option to borrow a district Chromebook for the year, if needed. Please see below for steps to follow so your child can be prepared for the first day of school.
If Your Child is in Need of a District Chromebook
Your child will be expected to bring a Chromebook or laptop each day to use in class when they return to school in September. Please know you will have the option to borrow a district Chromebook for the school year if needed.
There is a $40 yearly Chromebook insurance fee due prior to receiving the district Chromebook which covers accidental damage. This fee is waived for those receiving free or reduced lunch.
Please submit your payment online through MySchoolBucks The Chromebook will be distributed to your child once they are in school. Please allow us some time to get the Chromebook to your child.
If you have any questions, or need further information, please contact your child's school.
Click here to sign into Myschoolbucks. Choose the technology store from the drop down and pay the non-refundable $40 technology insurance fee.
Click here to Print and sign the agreement form. - you will not be able to fill the form out digitally. ***NOTE: The Chromebook Asset Number and Serial Number will be added once the device is assigned to your child.
Once you have your Myschoolbucks receipt AND the COMPLETED Chromebook Agreement form, click here to add this information. This step will trigger us to issue the Chromebook during the first days of school.
Renewing Insurance on District Chromebooks
If you have a district issued device already:
Your child will need to turn on the Chromebook and sign in using the student email and password prior to the first day of school to allow for automatic installation of updates. The updates may take up to half an hour.
Your child's password is located in Genesis.
The yearly insurance fee is $40 and is due by September 30, 2024. This can be paid online through MySchoolBucks. This fee is waived for those receiving free or reduced lunch.
If your Chromebook is damaged or not working properly at any time during the school year, please complete this form.
If you have lost the charger, you’ll need to purchase a replacement through MySchoolBucks.
Dropping Items Off at School
As such, we are going to ask for your cooperation. In life, there are natural consequences for our actions and kids need to learn that this is true. Before dropping what you are doing and driving to school to drop an item off, please consider whether the item you are bringing is a necessity for the day, or whether your child could manage without it. If you believe your child could manage without it (homework, water bottle, etc.) please resist the urge to bring it to them. If your child calls you for an item from the school phone, this indicates that their teacher also agrees they need it to get through their day.
PLEASE NOTE: Our secretaries will not be calling the classroom to inform the teacher of your delivery. We are working to eliminate disruptions to instruction.
Bus Transportation
The first day of school for students is THURSDAY, September 5th and it will be a full day for all students. We strongly recommend that your child arrive by bus if they have a bus route assignment. Riding the bus from the very first day will help the bus driver get to know your child and begin to associate your child with their bus stop and family members who have permission to receive them. Riding the bus also helps us to ensure that we have smooth arrival and dismissal procedures at school.
Our Transportation Department does not mail bus passes home. You must obtain the BUS ROUTE #, pickup/drop-off location, and time through the Genesis Parent Portal. You many want to print and place a copy of the bus pass in your child's backpack, but the bus pass will not be needed to board the bus. Drivers will refer to their bus rosters for attendance.
The bus stop is the location where your child will be picked up and dropped off each day. Bus times may fluctuate by up to ten minutes for arrivals and departures, please be ready and waiting.
Our system updates daily and with additional summer registrations expected, you will need to check the night before school starts to make sure the times or routes have not been adjusted.
Non-Emergency questions or concerns regarding bus transportation should be emailed to: Transportation@sbschools.org
Call (732) 297-7800 extension 5108 for urgent and time sensitive concerns.
GRADES K-5 - Arrival/Dismissal times
7:00 AM Before School Program begins
9:00 AM Students may enter
9:10 AM Class begins – Students should be in class
3:35 PM Ending time
3:45 PM Dismissal
6:00 PM After School Program concludes
1:40 PM Ending Time
9:00 AM Before School Program Begins
11:00 AM Students may enter
11:10 AM Class begins - Students should be in class
How to Stay Connected & Informed
Please continue to monitor your email accounts that are in the Genesis Parent Portal for important news and information sent by Principal Maccarone, Superintendent Feder and your child's teacher, that are sent throughout the school year to keep you informed!
Many questions may be answered by checking on the homepage of our school website: Brooks Crossing Elementary School Website: https://bc.sbschools.org/
Brooks Crossing's homepage has convenient links for:
- BC's weekly Online Friday Folder, that includes our monthly school newsletter, The Crossing. (The Crossing school newsletter will also be sent via SchoolMessenger.)
- BC's Facebook Page
- BC's Instagram Page
- Brooks Crossing's Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
- Parent Note to School / Dismissal Change Form
- Instructions - How to Report Absence in Genesis Parent Portal
- Champions Before/After School Program
- BC's School Supply List for 2024-2025
- SBSD 2024-2025 School Closing & Early Release Days Calendar
SB School District Website: https://www.sbschools.org/
Set up your phone numbers and email accounts for notifications. Monitor you email account for SchoolMessenger announcements that we send periodically. CLICK HERE for Steps to follow to update your notifications in the Genesis Parent Portal.
SCHOOL MESSENGER TEXT MESSAGES - Our school utilizes SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more. Sign up by opting in from your mobile phone. Just SEND A TEXT MESSAGE OF "Y" or "YES" to 67587. You may opt out at anytime by replying to one of our messages with "Stop".
2024-2025 School Closing Calendar & Reporting Attendance
THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL WILL BE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th! Are you already making travel plans & appointments for the 2024-2025 school year? If so, please first refer to the SBSD 2024-2025 School Closing Calendar. Refer to the South Brunswick District Policy 5200 - ATTENDANCE (M) and attendance information in the Elementary Code of Student Conduct 2024-2025. In accordance with the State, the SBSD requires students to attend school regularly to ensure continuity of instruction and classroom participation.
NOTE: Students who will be on extended trips of ten or more consecutive school days, will be dis-enrolled from school. The parent will assume educational responsibility through parental instruction or enrollment of student in school at their destination. Students who return to District will be required to email Mrs. Cima (michelle.cima@sbschools.org) to complete the registration process again. Once you contact her, she will share more information about the process with you. If your child will be absent from school for 10 or more consecutive school days, it is required that you complete this Extended Student Absences South Brunswick District Form as soon as possible.
All absences and late arrivals for all students should be entered promptly in the Genesis Parent Portal. These can be entered in advance, 24 hours a day, but no later than 8:00am. Go to https://parents.sbschools.org
IF YOUR CHILD WILL BE LATE TO CLASS, enter this in the Genesis Parent Portal, making note the reason they will be late in the comments. Attendance will be adjusted when your child arrives/attends class and the teacher informs the office.
NOTE: # of tardy & absences will be noted on the report card because attendance matters!
Important Upcoming Dates
To stay informed and not miss an opportunity you or your child may be interested in, please read our weekly Online Friday Folder for news and events that may not be included in our monthly newsletter.
Weds. Sept. 4 - Sneak-A-Peek, 5:00pm-6:00pm
Thurs. Sept. 5 - First day of school for students. This is a regular full day.
Thurs. Sept. 12 - Board of Education Meeting
Fri. Sept. 13 - PTO's Popsicles on the Playground, 5:00pm-6:30pm - come and meet Mrs. Katz!
Thurs. Sept. 26 - Board of Education Meeting
Mon. Sept. 30 - School Picture Day, Back to School Night - Mark your calendars. More information to come!Details to follow in the Online Friday Folder.
Thurs. & Fri. Oct. 3 & 4 - Schools Closed. Rosh Hashanah
Thurs. Oct. 17 - Board of Education Meeting
Fri, Nov. 1 - School Closed, Diwali
Maschio Breakfast and Lunch Program
Buying lunch at school: For your convenience, you may save time by using our cashless lunch card system and create an account. Elementary Board Approved Prices for 2024-2025: Breakfast $2.55 Lunch $3.40 Milk $0.75
[Note: Lunch cards remain at school, readily available for your child to buy breakfast or lunch on all days you choose.]
To create your child’s lunch account, go to http://www.myschoolbucks.com and login using your email address and password. Parents will have the ability to view recent purchases, check balances and set-up low balance alerts. It’s convenient, available 24/7 on the web or with the app on your mobile phone.
If you are new to this service, follow these steps:
1. Go to www.myschoolbucks.com and register for a free account.
2. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to activate your account.
3. Add your child using their school name and ID. (You can find your child’s ID in the Genesis Parent Portal.)
4. Make a payment to your students’ accounts with your credit/debit card or electronic check. A program fee may apply. You will have the opportunity to review any fees and cancel if you choose, before you are charged.
Lunch menus for our schools can be found at: https://sbschools.nutrislice.com/menu/
Students have lunch everyday, even on early dismissal days.
For more information on the SBSD lunch program, read ????
Champions Before/After School Childcare
Will you need childcare before and/or after school when we return September 2024? If so, please register today! Click here for Champions Before and After School Program information.
Questions? Email Area Manager, Jessica.Hanat@discoverchampions.com or call Champions Customer Care: 1-800-246-2154 8:00am-8:00pm for online registration assistance.
If you have medication/treatment requests, or activity restrictions that are a change to your child’s daily participation in school, you must speak with Mrs. Kneis directly. For your child’s safety and well-being, do not email this information. Any change to your child’s daily participation in recess or gym must be reported directly to the nurse. A child may be excused from physical activity for three consecutive days with a note from a parent/guardian. If the restriction is beyond three days, a note from the family physician is required.
Unless notified otherwise, it is anticipated that your child will be able to participate in gym, recess and physical activities coordinated by their teacher daily. Due to this fact, sneakers or rubber soled shoes with closed toes should be worn daily. For your child’s safety, no open toed shoes should be worn to school.
Medications/Treatment Requests
The school MD has given standing orders for basic medications that can be given at the discretion of the nurse, unless otherwise stated by parents. These include, but are not exclusive of, Tums, Visine, Chloraseptic Spray, Orajel, Cough Drops, Benadryl Cream, and Hydrocortisone Cream. Children are not allowed to carry ANY type of medicine with them throughout the day unless special permission has been granted by the Health Office.
Whenever a student requires medication at school, the medication must be brought in by the parent directly to the nurse at the beginning of the day. Only medication in its original pharmacy container will be accepted. Prescription medication also requires written permission from the parent. If your child suffers from asthma or allergies that require medications to be kept in school, please contact the health office for further instructions.
The School Nurse may administer any form of medication that is accompanied by the District’s Medication Form completed and signed by the child’s doctor and parent/guardian. Forms can be obtained by visiting the District’s website at www.sbschools.org, or contact the nurse in the health office at (732) 821-7478 ext. 3709.
Questions may be directed to our school nurses at:
Susan Kneis, R.N. - (732) 821-7478 ext. 3709 Susan.Kneis@sbschools.org