Friday Focus
September 8, 2023
Message from the Director
September is food safety month and VCS is very fortunate to have a staff that takes this seriously and vigorously follows our food safety plan. It's worth repeating that our hands can pose the greatest risk to both food safety and allergen cross contact. Even a tiny amount of an allergen can cause a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. Think about both of these things before touching food and wash, wash, wash. Gloves are for single use tasks and must be changed frequently (washing hands before putting new gloves on). Watch a VHS student's video below on food allergies and what to do if someone experiences a reaction. Managers must discuss with their teams the plan for students at their school with food allergies. Everyone needs to know what to do - from proper preparation, holding and serving to how to use the menu allergen report in order to answer questions and ensure our youngest students do not have an allergen on their tray. Parents are putting their trust in you, thank you for working hard to protect our kids!
With gratitude,
From IDOE: Water Availability
USDA Policy Memo SP 49-2016 states that potable water must be available to students during the meal periods. The water must be free of charge and students must be allowed to access water or have an adult provide them with water. The use of a water fountain is acceptable as long as the fountain is within the meal service/cafeteria area and students can access it. Please notify all adults in the meal service area providing oversight of students of this USDA program requirement.
Please remember that bottled water is not an allowable expenditure of food service funds to meet this requirement and providing water for sale also does not meet the requirement. Additionally, the availability of water cannot act to meet Special Dietary needs for beverage substitution without a medical note from a prescriptive authority.
The Importance of Personal Hygiene
Transferring pathogens from body to food is the leading cause of foodborne-illness outbreaks at restaurant and foodservice operations. Neglecting personal hygiene significantly increases the chances of transferring harmful pathogens onto food. Prioritizing effective personal cleanliness is one of the best ways to protect the health of students and coworkers.
One of the primary places for pathogens to be found is the skin and hair. There is a far greater risk of transferring pathogens onto food and equipment if a food handler doesn't follow a personal hygiene program and comes into work unclean. Showering or bathing before work is the only way this can be effectively and reliably accomplished and should be considered a requirement for all food handlers.
Practicing good personal hygiene includes maintaining clean hands and nails. Make sure your fingernails are trimmed, filed, and free from nail polish or false nails. It’s also important for food handlers to keep their hands clean throughout their shift by knowing when, where, and how to wash hands and wear gloves.
Not only does dirty work attire leave a poor impression on those you serve, it also puts their health at greater risk. Dirty, unwashed clothing has an increased risk of carrying pathogens that can be transferred onto food and cause foodborne illnesses. What makes clean work attire so important is that dirty clothing doesn’t even have to come into direct contact with the food, as the pathogens can easily be transferred from the clothing to the hands, and then onto food.
Thank you for coming in to work clean and following the dress code.
Popcorn Festival!
The Popcorn Festival Parade is this Saturday (September 9th) and you are invited to be part of the VCS Walking Float.
Here are the details:
1) Line up by 9:00 a.m.
2) VCS is #23 (behind #21 VHS Cheer Team and Vikettes and #22 VHS Band)
3) Meet on Bush Street between Lafayette and Washington
4) The parade starts at 10:00 a.m.
Success Requires Organization
--from Employee Assistance Network
Success is a result of long term planning and daily action. Success doesn't come by showing up and "winging" it. We all manage something, at work, home or both. Good organization helps you gain control of your time so you can plan and complete the tasks needed to achieve your goals.
1. Focus on what’s important
Remind yourself of your long-term goals and revise them when necessary. Set daily priorities to meet your goals. Keep photos of your family or inspirational pictures nearby.
2. Make lists
Make daily, weekly and monthly to-do lists of important tasks. Review your daily priorities at the beginning of each day.
3. Manage your time well
Schedule quiet time at work to accomplish tasks that need extra concentration. Do your most challenging work when your energy is at its highest; save less demanding work for other times. If you tend to procrastinate, focus on the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel when the job is done. Use commute time to plan your day’s activities.
4. Use calendars and planners
Check your work calendar daily to review your activities and avoid conflicts. Write down all commitments in pencil rather than trusting your memory. Use planning and scheduling forms and software to help you map out long-term projects.
5. Delegate tasks
Assign tasks to others when the task is not on your level of expertise. Provide adequate training and feedback on assigned projects.
6. Manage your mail and phone calls
Sort incoming mail into categories by priority or action. Use voice mail to screen phone calls.
7. Reduce clutter
Clear your workspace. Keep only the most critical items and information you need daily on the top of your desk. Archive resource materials you rarely use. Toss out duplicate information and materials that will soon be outdated. Leave blank space on bookshelves for growth.
8. Stay organized
Organize files by priority and keep the most important ones within arm’s reach. Spend 15 minutes at the end of each day clearing your desk and 15 minutes the next morning planning for your day’s activities. Review items one through seven on this list.
New Donation Partner: The Caring Place
digital resources
Non-employees can apply by completing an online application as an External Applicant here: https://www.applitrack.com/valpo/onlineapp/
FS Tech, TJM, 4 hours
FS Tech, BF Middle, 4.5 hours
FS Tech, Central, 4 hours
2023-24 Calendar
September 29, 2023 Half Day K-12 (Regular Work Day)
October 16-17, 2023 Fall Break (No Work)
October 26-27, 2023 Half Days K-8 (Regular Work Days)
November 7, 2023 eLearning Day (Regular Work Day)
November 22-24, 2023 Thanksgiving Holiday (No Work)
Did you miss an issue of Friday Focus?
About Us
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Email: kkane@valpo.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.valpo.k12.in.us/apps/pages/nutrition
Location: 2727 N. Campbell St., Valparaiso, IN 46385
Phone: (219) 531-3050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ValpoSchoolFood
Twitter: @ValpoSchoolFood