WCMS Monday Message
Week of February 10, 2025
Message from the Principal
Dear WCMS Parents/Guardians,
I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. Please see the newsletter below for what is happening at WCMS!
Nicholas Eastham
Attendance Matters!
🍎 Lunch Menu (Week of 02-10-25)
NTI Day 6 and Day 7
📢Attention 8th Graders📢
The March 04 scheduling meeting is for students only during the school day.
Parents are highly encouraged to attend the Parent meeting on March 11.
🏐 Volleyball 🏐
See below for the WCMS Volleyball schedule.
📣 Cheer 📣
Planning for the 2025-2026 cheer season is underway! Orders and money are due Thursday, February 06.
🏹 Archery 🏹
- Abby Langston- 2nd place with a 276
- Emery Thomasson- 4th place with a 276
- Luke Doyle
- Cayden Fields
- Emery Thomasson
Athletic Ticket Sales via GoFAn
Webster County Middle School is now utilizing GoFan to sell athletic game tickets to all of our home events; we will no longer be accepting cash sales. Please click the following link for directions on how to purchase tickets: https://gofan.co/event/1709007?schoolId=KY74849. Purchasing tickets prior to the events helps to reduce wait-time in a ticket line. You may use a debit/credit card at the gate if tickets are not purchased online. Again, cash sales for tickets are no longer accepted.
📚Academic Team 📚
Good luck to the WCMS Academic Team as Several students will advance to the Regional Governor's Cup on Saturday, February 15 @ DCMS!
WCMS Yearbook 24-25
24-25 yearbooks available for sale at yearbooksforever.com.
Winter Formal
The Winter Formal is a privilege and students must abide by the guidelines in order to attend.
📅Important Dates to Remember 📆
Important Contacts
Mr. Nicholas Eastham, Principal
Mrs. Christina Whitsell, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Jenny Winstead, Dean of Students
Mrs. Danielle Rickard, Instructional Coach
Mrs. Mary Tapp, School Nurse
Mr. Jason Doyle, Athletic Director
WCS Calendar 2024-2025
School Contact Info
Webster County Middle School
School Phone: 270-639-9496
Website: https://wcms.webster.kyschools.us/
Address : 1928 US-41 Alt, Dixon, KY 42409