Scarborough Middle School
Family Newsletter for 05.10.24

Hello Scarborough Middle School Families,
Please take a close look at this week’s Friday Family News. There are lots of important pieces of information included this week.
Kathy Tirrell, Principal
Chris Murphy, Assistant Principal
SMS Arts Night
Join us Friday, May 31 (5/31/24) between 4:00-7:00 to celebrate the awesome artists and musicians in our school. Visual Art will be on display in the Learning Commons, musicians will be performing in the downstairs Rotunda with some light refreshments served between the two. Come out to support our school community and see and hear some great artistry!
SMS Nurses Notes
As a reminder the nurses are not able to administer allergy medicine at school. We know that many people are suffering from seasonal allergies and we encourage students to please take their allergy medicine before coming to school.
Spirit Week June 3-7
Noetic Math Learning Contest
This week several students from Scarborough Middle School celebrated their success on the Noetic Math Learning Contest with Mrs. Avery and Mrs. Kuhn. Our motto is, "It's Cool to be Good at Math!"
Our team leaders are:
6th grade: Nathan Fournier, who also earned National Honor Roll!
7th grade: Jasper Mackenzie
8th grade: Turner Wheeler
Matthew Azer (6th) also earned National Honor Roll!
Congratulations to all of our teammates for your dedication and success!
Spring Choral Concert
If you can't attend the Spring Coral Concert in person Here is a link to the live stream.
The 8th Grade Dance Fundraising Committee
The 8th Grade Dance Fundraising Committee is still looking for monetary donations to help fund the photo booth rental, dance decorations, non-donated food items for the 8th Grade Celebration dance which is scheduled for June 7th at Scarborough High School.(The QR Code also links to the Giving Fuel page.)
Thank you again to all the families who have already donated or signed up to contribute to the 8th Grade celebration/dance. This is going to be night to remember for the class of 2028!
If you have questions, please reach out to Michelle Mulcahey at mmulcahey@scarboroughschools.org for more information.
Last Day of School Schedule
The last day of the 2023-24 school year is Friday. June 14.
The Dismissal time on that day for the Middle School and High School is 10:45.
Dismissals for the K-5 Schools will be at 11:45
Important Upcoming Dates
Memorial Day- No School
- May 27
Chorus Concert
- May 29
SMS Art Show
- May 31: 4:00-7:00
Early Release Day
- June 5
- Friday, June 7
Last Day of School
- Friday, June 14: Dismissal For SMS 10:45
Absence Reporting
Families should report their middle school student's absence from school by calling the SMS main office at 207-730-4800 or by email at msoffice@scarboroughschools.org. A reason for the absence must be stated, otherwise SMS office staff will reach out to determine the reason for the absence.
Excusable reasons for an absence:
- illness
- appointment
- religious holiday
- family emergency
- planned absence
For Planned Absences (a day out of school which is not illness or medical appointment related), families should fill out the Scarborough Middle School Planned Absence form, which is found here.
For questions about attendance, please contact the Scarborough Middle School main office at 207-730-4800 or email us at msoffice@scarboroughschools.org
Scarborough Middle School
Email: msoffice@scarboroughschools.org
Website: https://sms.scarboroughschools.org/
Location: 21 Quentin Drive, Scarborough, ME, USA
Phone: (207) 730-4800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scarbmeschools/
Twitter: @scarbmeschools