Granger School Weekly Newsletter
February 3-7, 2020
Quick Reminders/Planning Ahead
Feb. 6 100th day of school (Grades Pre-K-4th Dress like you're 100 years old!)
Feb. 6 Visit from Little Hippos/Little Giggles Dentistry for Pre-K-4 at 1pm
Feb. 7 Parent Permission Slips due for grade K-6 Science Fair
Feb. 12 Student Council Valentine Orders due
Feb. 12 Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Feb. 29 Junior/Senior Roaring 20's Prom 7-11pm @ Georgetown Community Center
Spring Break March 9-13, 2020
Planning Ahead:
March 18 Granger ISD K-6 Science Fair Exhibition
March 18 School Board Meeting 6:30 pm
March 28 Mother/Son Father/Daughter Dance
April 17 End of School Dance for grades 6-8th
Weather Watch:
*Please check the school website ( https://www.grangerisd.net ) or social media platforms (Facebook/Twitter) for any updates and possible school closures during inclement weather.
*Check your phones, emails, and phone call messages for closures and updates.
*Check local news.
*The website will have all of the protocols and procedures posted for inclement weather for your reference.
***Please make sure your child's contact information is up-to-date!***
*Remember to check school website and Dojo in case of any last minute changes due to situations beyond GISD control.
Character Theme of the Month:
Honesty - I follow the rules and I tell the truth kindly and tactfully. I keep my word. I am a genuine person. I am sincere, truthful and trustworthy. I accept myself as I am.
Tuesday: Spaghetti
Wednesday: Soft Taco
Thursday: Chicken Alfredo
Friday: Pepperoni Pizza
Riddle Me This
A: The rope was not tied to anything else.
Fundraiser Awareness
Student Council: Selling Valentine Treats & Socks
Granger Elementary: Color Run coming soon!
This is going to be fun!
Granger ISD K-6 Science Fair Exhibition
Wednesday, March 18th
Participation is optional
Ask teachers for Science Fair Packets if you are interested in participating.
Signed permission slip due Feb. 7, 2020.
Grades PK-6th Chances to Win a Bike & Helmet
Support the Granger Food Pantry
Raffle sponsored by: SHAC
*For every 5 non-perishable food items brought to school earns a ticket for the raffle.
*You may enter as many times as you like
* Bring items to nurse's office & sign ticket for drawing
*Winner announced Feb. 14th during lunch
*If helmet and bike are not the correct size for winner, SHAC will exchange for a correct fit.
Student Council News
The annual Father/Daughter-Mother/Son Spring Fling dance will be held March 28th in the school cafeteria. Forms will be sent home towards the end of February. This year's dance will be for 1 year old through 5th grade.
We will be having an end of school dance for 6th, 7th and 8th grade on April 17th.
SENIORS: Turn in your pictures for the Senior Graduation Slide Show!
Have you heard yet? Free Prom Resources!
Cinderella's Closet: Prom Dresses & Accessories
Feb. 1st 10-3pm & Feb. 4th 4:30-7pm
Old Taylor High
410 W. 7th Street Room 216
Taylor, TX
*Items are for borrowing. Please return them to Cinderella!
February Observances/Holidays
Dental Health Month
Heart Health Month
Library Lovers' Month
2 Groundhog Day
7 National Wear Red Day (Heart Health Awareness)
14 Valentine's Day
17 Presidents' Day
25 Mardi Gras
26 Ash Wednesday
*Remember to check school website and Dojo in case of any last minute changes due to situations beyond GISD control.
Elementary Awards Dates
Time: PreK-2nd: 8:10AM - 9:10AM 3rd-4th: 9:20AM - 10:20AM
3rd 9 weeks, March 27, 2020
4th 9 weeks, May 27, 2020
Renaissance Universal Screening
April 6-10 Reading EOY
April 13-17 Math EOY
STAAR Testing
STAAR Spring Dates:
ENG I – April 7
4th/7th Writing – April 7
5th/8th Math – April 7
5th/8th Reading – April 8
ENG 2 – April 8
ALG 1 – May
BIO – May
US Hist – May
8th Science – May 7
8th Social Studies – May 8
3rd/4th/6th/7th Math, 5th/8th Retake – May 12
3rd/4th/6th/7th Reading, 5th/8th Retake – May 13
5th Science – May 14
Secondary Bell Schedule
Jr. High Class Periods
1st 8:00-8:46
2nd 8:50-9:36
3rd 9:40-10:26
4th 10:30-11:16
Lunch 11:16-11:46
5th 11:50-12:36
6th 12:40-1:26
Advisory 2:20-2:50
8th 2:54-3:40
High School Class Periods
1st 8:00-8:46
2nd 8:50-9:36
3rd 9:40-10:26
4th 10:30-11:16
5th 11:20-12:06
Lunch 12:06-12:36
6th 12:40-1:26
7th 1:30-2:16
Advisory 2:20-2:50
8th 2:54-3:40
· Pre K 10:25 – 10:55
· Kinder – 1st 10:30 – 11:00
· 2nd-3rd 10:35 – 11:05
· 4th 10:40 - 11:10
· 5th 11:10 - 11:40
· 6th - 8th 11:16 – 11:46
· 9th - 12th 12:06 - 12:36
8:50-9:36 Ivicic
12:40-1:26 Mr. Irisawa 3B
8:50-9:36 Chapman
2:00-2:30 Pre-K
8:50-9:36 Steffek
12:40-1:26 Marek
8:50-9:36 Repa
10:30-11:16 Q. Kubacak
12:40-1:26 Michalik
1:30-2:16 Lewis 3A
12:40-1:26 Vanek
1:30-2:16 Sessums
Ninth grade every other Friday during 2nd, 4th, 7th Periods
Morning Pickup: Between 6:50 am and 7:20 am.
Afternoon Routes: Depart campus at 3:50 pm.
NW Quadrant – Bus 23, Mr. Terry
NE Quadrant – Bus 18, Ms. Baker
SW Quadrant – Bus 22, Mr. Holubec
SE Quadrant – Bus 16, Mr. Davidson AM/Mr. Valdez PM
Monthly Character Development Themes:
October: Responsibility
November: Respect
December: Friendship
January: Perseverance
February: Honesty
March: Self-Discipline
April: Leadership
School Board:
Sandra Carpenter, Secretary
Chelsey Ellison, Member
Tommy Filla, President
Mark Harwell, Member
Scott Murrah, Member
Daryl Stefek, Member
Timmy Tidwell, Vice President
Helpful Links:
Academic Counseling Service link: https://www.grangerisd.net/79539_2
Accelerated Reader Bookfinder: https://www.arbookfind.com
Video guides to college financial aide:
Overview of the Financial Aid Process : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_iS7gmQd9o
How to Create Your FSA ID : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7ihhGk8mCY&t=2s
2019-2020 FAFSA Full Walkthrough : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1GmaBMD-oY
After the FAFSA: What Happens Next : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c1gNefSw78
Parent resource on E-Cigarettes and JUUL prevention: https://www.catch.org/pages/cmb-parent-resources
Parent Portal to grades & attendance: https://ascportal.esc13.net/ParentPortal/login?distid=246905
Resources and outreach available to students, teachers, and the community:
*Intervention Services: Alana Arndt or Aspen Weber are on campus daily during the school year for individual/family therapy and support (512-713-9886)
*Mobile Outreach Team: available for mental health crisis and can offer mental health resources in Williamson County area. (512-864-8277)
*The Christi Center: Offers free, ongoing support groups for adults grieving the loss of a child, spouse, parent, sibling or other loved one. (512-467-2600) http://christicenter.org/services/williamson-county/
* Bluebonnet Trials 1-800-841-1255
*Crisis Hotline Text 741741
*Crisis Hotline 1-800-273-8255
FRIENDLY REMINDER: Students in grades 7-12 are past due on the 2019-2020 school year laptop insurance. Please make sure your students' obligation has been met. Thank you.
Granger ISD
Email: dgriffis@granger.txed.net
Website: grangerisd.net
Location: 300 North Colorado, Granger, TX, USA
Phone: 512-859-2173
Facebook: facebook.com/grangerisd
Twitter: @Granger_Lions