Heights Happenings
August 19-23, 2024
Dear Madison Heights Families,
It was great to see everyone at Curriculum Night last night. As promised, the links to the presentations are below.
Steve Lee
If you have yet paid the $50 Student Activity Fee, there is still time....
The student activity fee helps pay for extracurricular activities such as field trips, assemblies, author visits, character education programs and recess programs.
Login to your Parent PowerSchool Account: PowerSchool Parent Portal Sign In.
- If you do not have a Parent PowerSchool Account or are having problems login into your account, please contact the Madison Heights office for assistance, 602-664-7800 or heightsoffice@madisoned.org
4th Grade Spirit Shirt Design Contest
Click here for information about the Spirit Shirt Design Contest - Open through Aug. 19th
Sign Up to have lunch with your student
Lunch Visit Procedures
Lunch visits are limited to two visitors per child and we can accommodate 10 adults per grade level in our visitor seating area. Siblings are not permitted during any lunch visits.
Please follow school rules and procedures for the cafeteria. This includes using designated wait areas, instructions for meeting your student, no photographs or social media postings of other children.
Upon arrival at the school, all visitors must report to the main office. Office personnel will facilitate the process for visitor registration/check in. Your student will meet you as their class enters the cafeteria. We ask that you sit at the designated tables marked "visitor seating" with your student.
After lunch, please come directly to the office, sign out, and return your visitor’s badge.
Thank you!
Birthday in Box Program
The Madison Food & Nutrition Services Department would love to help you celebrate your child's special day by offering birthday snacks for the entire class. Offerings and pricing are able in the attached link or in the front office. Please download the Birthday Celebration form, complete it in its entirety, and return it with cash or check payment to the school cafeteria no later than 7 days in advance for ordering. We can accept orders for the entire school year as early as the first day of school. The last day birthday treats will be served is Friday, May 16, 2025. Parents please don't forget! Outside birthday cupcakes, other birthday treats / snacks, balloons, or party favors are not allowed to be brought to school, as this interrupts your child, teacher, and classmate’s instructional time.