Tuesday Times from Elm Grove
August 27, 2024

Tuesday Times from Elm Grove
Principal's Message
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Dear Eagle Families,
Happy 100th Day of School!
It’s been 100 days filled with learning, growth, and great memories. We are so grateful for the opportunity to teach and support your children each day. Thank you for sharing them with us! We look forward to all the learning and success still to come in the days ahead. Let’s make the rest of the year just as amazing!
Our attendance is heading back in the right direction! Last week, our school-wide attendance improved to 92.74%. A big shout-out to our Kinder students for leading the way with the highest attendance at 95.66%! Thank you for prioritizing attendance—every day in school makes a difference. Let’s keep up the momentum!
Have a wonderful week!
Jennifer Hanna, Principal
Elm Grove Elementary
Building Our Legacy
Leader in Me-Habit 6-"Together is better."
Synergize is when two or more people work together to create a better solution than either would have thought of alone.
• It’s not your way or my way, but a better way.
Attention-5th Grade Parents and Students
Attention 5th grade students and families: Please check out the information below for important upcoming events to help with the transition to middle school.
Celebrations-School Counselor Week
This week, we are celebrating School Counselor Week and recognizing the incredible work of our amazing counselor, Ms. Bergeron! Elm Grove is so fortunate to have such a kind, caring, and dedicated counselor supporting our students each day. She goes above and beyond to ensure our students feel heard, valued, and supported. We are so happy she is part of our EGES family—thank you, Ms. Bergeron, for all that you do!
February Philanthropy
Student Health Services
Student Health Services
The dashboards linked below are helpful for tracking trends. Please note that these dashboards reflect data from all populations, not just schools.
Hays County Respiratory Illness Surveillance Dashboard
Texas DSHS Respiratory Illness Dashboard
Guidelines for when to stay home are on the Student Health Services page.
A Look Ahead!
A Look Ahead!
February 3rd-7th-School Counseling Week
February 4th-100th Day of School
February 4th-5th-Grades 3-5 Reading Benchmark Testing
February 7-Habit 6 Assembly, Buddies, and Clubs
February 14-Student Holiday/Staff Work Day
February 17-Student and Staff Holiday
February 18-PTA Meeting 6:00 PM
March 4th-6th-Grades 3-5 Math Benchmark
March 7-Leader Day
March 13-Spring Picture Day
March 14-PK-4 Field Day
March 17-21-Spring Break
Important Links
Elm Grove PTA
Elm Grove PTA
Joining the Elm Grove PTA is a wonderful opportunity for parents to actively contribute to their child's education and overall school experience. The partnership between home and school is vital for student success, and by becoming a PTA member, you can help strengthen that bond. The PTA provides a platform for parents and teachers to collaborate, share ideas, and work together to create a positive and supportive environment for our students.
Counselor's Corner
Gifted and Talented Spotlight Award
Know someone who is doing an awesome job supporting the needs of gifted and advanced students? Nominate them today for the G/T Spotlight Award here: G/T Spotlight Award Nomination
EGES 24-25 Yearbook
2024-2025 Yearbooks are on sale now! Purchase yours now for $30 before the price increases in January! To order, go www.yearbookordercenter.com/job/16457