BES Newsletter
August 2024
Welcome Back!
Bowie Elementary is so excited to kick off the 24-25 school year. The teachers and staff have been working hard to get our campus ready for the new academic year. The classrooms are decorated and the teachers are getting the lessons and activities ready for the first day of school on Wednesday, August 7th.
Bowie ISD is changing some of our curriculum to be better aligned with the state standards and learning objectives. We changed our math curriculum two years ago. We are using Eureka Math for grades K-5. This year we are adding Amplify for reading and language arts. The science curriculum will be Stemscopes. This is also new this year for grades K-2. All programs are high quality instructional materials produced to engage students and set high expectations for learning. In September, BES will host a curriculum night for parents to learn more about the materials we are using and the things the students will be doing this year.
Counselor's Corner
Meet our counselor Heidi Hamilton. Mrs. Hamilton is a certified teacher and she has four years of experience as a behavior interventionist. She took over our counselor's position last January, when Mr. Neese retired. This year, Mrs. Hamilton will be working with our students on character education, self regulation and social skills through monthly guidance lessons. Watch the next newsletter for more information.
Start Times and Dismissal TImes
The front doors will open at 7:15 am. Please keep your kids in the car until the doors unlock. Never drop your kids off unless the staff is outside to supervise them.
When students arrive, staff members will be help them get to their classrooms. Parents of kindergarteners and preK students may walk their child in on the first day of school. After that, parents will need to say goodbye in the car or at the front door.
Classes will start promptly at 7:40. Students who are not in their classroom at 7:40, will be counted late/tardy.
Buses will start loading at 3:45 in the afternoon. If you need to make changes to your child's pick up routine, please let the office know by 2:45 or sooner.
Dismissal will be at 3:55 for all car riders. Please see the link in the traffic section for information on dismissal locations and traffic patterns.
Please take time to read BES student handbook. Information on dresscode and behavior expectations have changed.
Traffic Safety
If you are are dropping off your child in the drop off lane, please pull forward and remain in your car. A staff member will open the door on the passenger side of the car for your child. Please do not let your child out of the car in the center lane. This lane is for through traffic only.
If you walk your child to the front door, please use the crosswalk and wait for the crossing guard to signal that it is safe to cross.
For more information :
Attendance and tardies
Daily attendance is one of the most important things you can do for your child. With the four day week, missing just one day can cause your child to miss valuable daily lessons. Please be consistent when it comes to your child's attendance in school.
The State of Texas requires that your child be in class for 90% of the class days. Students with excessive absences, will be subject to truancy consequences. Please see the handbook for more information.
Questions or Comments?
If you have a question about your child's classroom lessons or activities, please contact the classroom teacher first. Each teacher has a conference period set aside to meet with parents and discuss their students. Please do not attempt to discuss your child's progress or behavior with the teacher during drop off or pick up time. Please schedule a conference or phone call so the teacher can give you her full attention.
The Principal and Assistant Principal are available by appointment if you need to discuss an issue that has not been resolved by a parent/teacher confernce. Please call the office to schedule a time to meet with the principals.
Get Connected!
Class Dojo--Each classroom teacher has a Class Dojo account. This app allows you to send and recieve messages from the classroom teacher. She may also post pictures or send out reminders through the app. Please contact the classroom teacher for information on how to get class dojo set up on your device.
Facebook- Bowie Elementary has a facebook page that is updated daily. We post pictures, activities, reminders and upcoming events on this page. Please follow us on facebook
Bowie App- BISD app is a good way to stay in touch with district and school updates. Weather updates, school closures, and any changes to the regular schedule will be sent out through the Bowie APP. Check your device app store for the BISD app.
Website-Bowie ISD has a robust website that has all the information you could ever need in one place. Calendars, handbooks, school policies, and school updates are available. Check out our BISD website for tons of information.
Parent Portal-Every Bowie ISD student has a student ID for the BISD portal. You can very grades, attendance and behavior updates through the parent portal. You used the portal to register your child on line. You may log in at anytime to view your child's information.