Meadow Brook Magic
Week 1: August 16th-25th
Welcome Back Meadow Brook Mustangs!
Mustang Monday Message
The last two weeks have been a great week to start our new school year! It was wonderful to welcome back returning Mustangs and to welcome new friends.
This year, our theme and focus will be ELEVATE! Great joy comes as we look for ways to focus less on ourselves and more on others. As we elevate and strengthen each other, our Meadow Brook Team will find greater unity and success in meeting the needs of ALL students. Increased success makes our roles as teachers, students, and parents more meaningful and satisfying.
We can take inspiration from Nikola Jokić, the two-time NBA MVP, who led his team to become this year’s NBA Championship team. When asked what the MVP title means to him, he quickly discounts it, saying it is all about the team. Despite his impressive individual talents, he is known for his selflessness and team-oriented approach. Although he is a 7-foot center, he is one of the best offensive orchestrators the league has ever seen. His coach said, "One thing about Nikola is he takes great satisfaction in helping make plays for others...I think he takes more joy in that." Jokić says, “Passing makes two people happy. Scoring only makes one person happy.” Jokić doesn't care if he is the one that scores; his real interest is elevating the team.
As teachers and parents, we can help our students find greater joy at school by teaching them to elevate each other. Research shows that when people work with joy, all performance metrics improve. It creates a safe and connected environment where individuals feel comfortable sharing ideas, solving problems, and taking learning risks.
At Meadow Brook we highly value collaboration amongst students, staff, and parents. We know ongoing communication between home and school is paramount to providing an excellent education; please do not hesitate to reach out to me, or to your child's teacher, if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas that you would like to discuss.
I am looking forward to another great year at Meadow Brook!
Principal Balli
*If your child is in need of a backpack, let us know! We have several that were donated to the school last week.
¡Las últimas dos semanas han sido una gran semana para comenzar nuestro nuevo año escolar! Fue maravilloso darle la bienvenida a los Mustang que regresaban y dar la bienvenida a nuevos amigos.
Este año, nuestro tema y enfoque será ¡ELEVAR! Una gran alegría surge cuando buscamos maneras de centrarnos menos en nosotros mismos y más en los demás. A medida que nos elevamos y fortalecemos unos a otros, nuestro equipo de Meadow Brook encontrará mayor unidad y éxito para satisfacer las necesidades de TODOS los estudiantes. Un mayor éxito hace que nuestros roles como maestros, estudiantes y padres sean más significativos y satisfactorios.
Podemos inspirarnos en Nikola Jokić, el dos veces MVP de la NBA, que llevó a su equipo a convertirse en el equipo campeón de la NBA de este año. Cuando se le pregunta qué significa para él el título de MVP, rápidamente lo descarta y dice que se trata del equipo. A pesar de sus impresionantes talentos individuales, es conocido por su altruismo y su enfoque orientado al equipo. Aunque es un pívot de 7 pies, es uno de los mejores orquestadores ofensivos que jamás haya visto la liga. Su entrenador dijo: "Una cosa acerca de Nikola es que siente una gran satisfacción al ayudar a hacer jugadas para otros... Creo que eso le alegra más". Jokić dice: “Pasar hace felices a dos personas. Marcar sólo hace feliz a una persona”. A Jokić no le importa si es él quien marca; su verdadero interés es elevar el equipo.
Como maestros y padres, podemos ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a encontrar una mayor alegría en la escuela enseñándoles a elevarse unos a otros. Las investigaciones muestran que cuando las personas trabajan con alegría, todas las métricas de desempeño mejoran. Crea un entorno seguro y conectado donde las personas se sienten cómodas compartiendo ideas, resolviendo problemas y asumiendo riesgos de aprendizaje.
En Meadow Brook valoramos mucho la colaboración entre los estudiantes, el personal y los padres. Sabemos que la comunicación continua entre el hogar y la escuela es fundamental para brindar una educación excelente; No dude en comunicarse conmigo o con el maestro de su hijo si tiene alguna pregunta, inquietud o idea que le gustaría discutir.
¡Espero con ansias otro gran año en Meadow Brook!
Principal Balli
*Si su hijo necesita una mochila, ¡háganoslo saber! Tenemos varios que fueron donados a la escuela la semana pasada.
School Safety
- In order to be on the playground before, during, or after school, you will need to check in at the office. This helps us keep our students safe.
Algunos recordatorios:
- Para estar en el patio de recreo antes, durante o después de la escuela, deberá registrarse en la oficina. Esto nos ayuda a mantener seguros a nuestros estudiantes.
Back-to-School Assembly!
Welcoming Kindergarten
Student caught "elevating" our school!
* Tuesday, August 29th: Preschool Open House 1:00-3:00 pm
* Wednesday, August 30th: First Day of School for Preschool; Director of Elementary School Visits Meadow Brook; Room Parent Tea @3:45
* Monday, September 4th: Labor Day- No School
* Wednesday, September 6th: Hearing Screening for K, 1, 3, & 5th grades
* Friday, September 8th: Vision Screen for K-5th Grades
* Tuesday, September 12th: First PTA Meeting @10:30; Fire Drill
* Wednesday, September 13th: Meadow Brook Students Perform for the School Board
* Monday, September 18th: Teacher Development Day-No School
* Monday, September 25th: PTA Chalk-the-Block Fundraiser
SEP dates for the year (Please do everything you can to be there!)
Oct 12th
Dec 14th
March 7th
Picture Days:
Fall Picture Day- Sept 26, 2023
Make-Up Picture Day- November 8, 2023
Spring Picture Day- February 8, 2024
*District Calendar (pictured below)
Hearing Screening
Nebo School District offers free hearing screenings for all kindergarten, 1st , 3rd , and 5th grade students each year. This year, those screenings will be held at Meadow Brook on Wednesday September 6th. It takes about 3-5 minutes for each student.
If for any reason your child does not pass this screening, he/she will be rescreened two weeks later. This is done because in many cases, on the day of the first screening, the child had fluid in the ears, congestion, excessive ear wax, etc. Many children who fail the initial screening go on to pass the second screening.
If, however, your child does not pass the second screening, we will let you know. If this is the case, it is recommended that your child receive a full evaluation, which is offered free of charge through the district.
If for any reason you would prefer your child’s hearing NOT be screened, please email Elizabeth Cope at to let her know before September 6th. Feel free to reach out to her with any questions as well.
Supporting our school through donations is of paramount importance. These generous contributions play a significant role in enriching the educational experience for our students. With the funds received, we can organize exciting field trips, procure essential classroom supplies, and conduct enjoyable classroom activities that enhance their learning journey.
Making a donation is quick and convenient. Simply log into your account on iCampus, and on the right-hand side, click on "More." You'll find a dedicated "Fee" section where you can easily make a donation. Your support, no matter the amount, goes a long way in making a positive impact on our students' education.
We are immensely grateful for your generosity and belief in the value of education. Together, we can continue to create a nurturing and inspiring learning environment for all our students.
Los animamos a todos a ser miembros de nuestra PTA. ¡Hay un lugar para todos en la PTA y nos encantaría su ayuda durante este próximo año escolar!
Meadow Brook's School Calendar
*If you are new, you can add our school’s Google Calendar (from our school is on the left hand side of the front page) where you will find all school events.
*Si es nuevo, puede agregar el Calendario de Google de nuestra escuela (del sitio web de nuestra escuela... está en el lado izquierdo de la página principal) donde encontrará todos los eventos escolares.
About us
¡No olvide seguirnos en Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, el canal de YouTube y el sitio web de nuestra escuela!
Location: 748 South 950 West, Springville, UT, USA
Phone: 801-489-2897
Twitter: @meadowbrookmagic