Scott Middle School
December 23, 2024
Scott Middle School's Motto- "We Enter to Learn and Leave to Achieve"
What Has Been Happening in Ms. Fogg's Classroom?
Students in Mrs. Fogg's 6th grade math class just finished their unit on area, surface area and volume. Volume was introduced using cubes to create various prisms. Mini marshmallows and toothpicks were used to create polyhedrons. 3D mobiles were made and hung in the room of pyramids and prisms. Boxes were brought from home and students measured them to find their surface area and volume. These projects were hung in the hall.
Students are currently working on Topic 8 (Display, Describe and Summarize Data). Statistical questions were created, and the results were displayed in box, dot, and stem and leaf plots. Mean, median, mode and range were also computed by the students using the data they gathered. These are also hung in the hall.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday break! The students have worked hard and deserve it!
Scott Middle Winter Concert
Congratulations to Mr. Wagner and all of our Scott Middle School musicians on their wonderful performances last Thursday night. Both grades' performances in orchestra, chorus and band were beautiful! Thank you to our community for coming to the concert and showing support for our talented musicians. We can't wait to see the Spring concert!
December's Golden Ticket Prize Winners
Congratulations to our December Golden Ticket prize winners! Last Friday, ten Golden Tickets were pulled from the box in the main office. Golden Tickets are earned when students go above and beyond our expectations of Respect, Ownership, Courage, Kindness and Safety. Staff give them to students when they are really impressed. The following 10 students were given the choice of a Dunkin Donut or a sweet treat at lunch.
Congratulations to: Jocelin Ortiz, Ava Townsend, Mirna Caal Tec, Noah Eason, Naomi Martinez Romero, Yumaris Cruz, Brayden Ewell, Ashton Faison, Jacob Juncal and Abel Osborn.
Keep up the great work! We are so proud of you!
December's Students of the Month... Kade Dale and Zeke Mayo
Kade: Kade consistently works hard and participates in my class. His attitude towards learning new things is very much appreciated. He is kind, helpful, hardworking and all around awesome!
Zeke: Zeke is a great student who always participates. He asks insightful questions at higher levels regularly. He helps his classmates. Zeke is an all around great kid.
Both young men are hard workers and show respectful behaviors daily. They have had a wonderful start to the school year academically as well, and we are so proud of them! Keep up the great work!
Employee of the Month for December... Mr. Handerhan
Congratulations, Mr. Handerhan! Mr. Handerhan does amazing work with the kids. The artwork displayed in the hallways is impressive, it's clear students are learning so much about art and bringing forth their creativity. It's lovely. Also, Mr. Handerhan cares so much for the kids, not only does he have high expectations for his students' work and work ethic, but he also stretches himself out to ensure his students have a good experience in his class. Mr. Handerhan rocks Scott! Every time I walk by his class, the kids are engaged in some really cool projects and seem to have a great relationship with Mr. Handerhan. They always share how funny he is. He makes art fun and teaches the students all kinds of art projects. Currently he is doing an impressive papier-mache' project and the kids are loving it. Mr. Handerhan also makes the school beautiful and lends supplies from his own art budget to other teachers. Thank you for all that you do to help our students and staff here at Scott!
We also want to congratulate our runners up: Ms. Gable, Mrs. Smith, and Mr. Altland. All three staff members were given a gift card to treat themselves at Dunkin. We have an amazing team here at Scott.
Mrs. Farley's ELA Class Gives Back to the Coatesville Community
The students from all of Mrs. Farley's ELA classes made cards for the Senior Citizens from our community living at Freedom Village in Coatesville. Mrs. Farley's mother, Crystal is 90 years old and lives in Freedom Village. While visiting, she noticed many of the residents don't get many visitors and she spoke to some staff members, many of whom go or went to school in CASD, and they said, "It can be quite sad around the holidays to see residents not getting visitors." The students from all of Mrs. Farley's ELA classes decided to show our Scott R.O.C.K.S. (Respect, Ownership, Courage, Kindness, Safety) for these members of the Coatesville Community and spread some holiday cheer to those who may need it.
We want to thank the PTO for organizing the treat bat last Wednesday. Thank you to all our families that donated the amazing spread of goodies. It was very much appreciated and helped us fuel through the end of the week.
Scott R.O.C.K.S.
Nurse's Corner
Donated gently used or new clothes, especially pants , would be greatly appreciated by the nurse.
1.If your student needs medication in school, please have their doctor complete the medication form and have an adult bring the medication to the school nurse.
2. 7th grade students require a Dental Exam. All forms are due back after Winter Break.
3. 6th grade students require a Physical Exam by their Primary Care Physician. All forms are due back after Winter Break.
4.7th grade students were given Mobile Dentist Permission slips last week. The dental program is scheduled for Scott MS 2/11/25. Please register your student or fill out your consent and return it to the school nurse to participate. This program meets the criteria for 7th grade health mandate.
If you have any questions, please email:
Upcoming Dates
December 23-January 1- No School/ Winter Break
January 9- Science Fair (during school hours)
January 15- Early Dismissal/ PM Staff Professional Development
January 20- No School/ Martin Luther King Day
January 21- PTO Meeting at 5:00 in Library and via Zoom
Coatesville Youth Lacrosse
Coatesville Youth Wrestling
Contact Information
Location: 800 Olive Street, Coatesville, PA, USA
Phone: 610 383 6946
Additional Contact Information
Mrs. Kathryn Lamothe- Principal
Mr. Peter Altland- Assistant Principal
Mrs. Devyn Hamilton- Guidance Counselor
Ms. Ashley Russum- Principal's Secretary
Mrs. Sue Shumate- Assistant Principal's Secretary
Attendance Email
Attendance email-