The Lincoln Log Issue #4
Abraham Lincoln School Newsletter - October 4, 2024
A Note From Mrs. Shaw...
Dear Abraham Lincoln Families,
It is such a pleasure to announce the completion of the Pollinator Mural! On Friday, our students completed the painting on the mural and on Saturday members of Bangor Beautiful organization including Annette Dodd and the collaborating artist, Peter Walls, installed the mural onto the side of the Abraham Lincoln School facing Chapin Park. The whimsical design including students' drawings of bees and bugs has been such a positive project for our entire school community. If you haven't stopped by to see it, I highly encourage you to do so.
Shannon Shaw, Principal
September Student of the Month
As part of our PBIS positive behavior acknowledgement system at Abe Lincoln, students across the school earn RAM Awards daily for being Ready to Learn, Ambitious, Mindful, and Safe. Each Friday, one RAM Award is pulled from each class for a reward. Each month the total RAM Awards given is tallied. The student at each grade level who has been awarded the most RAM Awards is the student of the month. These students earn a Student of the Month Certificate with their picture and the number of RAM Awards given along with a bracelet. Our Students of the Month are also proudly displayed in our school lobby and announced during morning announcements. At the end of each month the RAM Awards are sent home for students to celebrate with their families.
Abraham Lincoln School's Total RAM Awards Given in September: 1,494
We will have a school-wide celebration when 5,000 RAM Awards are earned.
September's Students of the Month are:
Pre-K: Aaron Adorno
Kindergarten: Blair MacDonald
First Grade: Zoey Wilder
Second Grade: Claire Ostrowski
Third Grade: Kayden Burris
Congratulations to all of our RAM Award recipients and keep up the great work!
Contacting the School Office
Abraham Lincoln School
call: 207.941.6280
email: abelincolnoffice@bangorschools.net (NEW THIS YEAR!!)
fax: 207.990.6376
visit: 45 Forest Avenue, Bangor, ME 04401
Principal's Secretary: Marian Jerome, mjerome@bangorschools.net
Principal: Shannon Shaw, sshaw@bangorschools.net
School Nurse: Erika Wing, ewing@bangorschools.net
School Counselor: Dana Morris, dmorris@bangorschools.net
School Social Worker: Lindsay Chadbourne, lchadbourne@bangorschools.net
A Note from Nurse Wing
Head Lice Reminder
It’s time to start checking your children’s scalp. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
★ Do daily head checks.
★ Teach children to avoid sharing things that have been on or near another child’s head, including hair brushes, combs, hats, helmets, towels, scarves, coats, sweatshirts etc.
★ If your child has long hair pull it back into a ponytail for school.
★ Regularly clean things that your child’s head has direct contact with, such as car seats, pillows, headphones, etc., especially if you are sharing these items with other children.
★ As tedious as it may be, you must comb and remove nits for at least 2-3 weeks.
★ Head lice can be resistant to over the counter treatment, for example, RID and NIX. As a result these treatments may not be effective in treating head lice. If you have used these over the counter treatments and they have not been effective, please contact your physician or school nurse for alternative treatments.
Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Head Lice Fact Sheet
Stay Up To Date on Abe Lincoln and BSD Announcements. Download the BSD app.....
Please review these bus safety rules with your children if they ride the bus.
- 10/7 3-4p Grade 3- Chess Club on Mondays
- 10/9 3-4p Grade 3- Music-Makers' Club on Wednesdays 🎵
- 10/9 5p Volunteer Training
- 10/9 5:15p PTO Meeting
- 10/10 3-4p Grade 3- Garden Club on Thursdays🌱
- 10/14 No School- Observance of Indigenous Peoples' Day
- 10/17 9:30a Pre-K Field Trip to Country Pumpkins 🎃
- 10/21 3-4p Grade 3- Chess Club on Mondays
- 10/23 3-4p Grade 3- Music-Makers' Club on Wednesdays 🎵
- 10/23 4p Volunteer Training
- 10/24 3-4p Grade 3- Garden Club on Thursdays🌱 LAST DAY OF GARDEN CLUB
- 10/28 3-4p Grade 3- Chess Club on Mondays
- 10/30 3-4p Grade 3- Music-Makers' Club on Wednesdays 🎵
- 10/31 In-School Book Fair 📖
- 11/4 9a Grade 3 Field Trip to UMAINE Women's Basketball Game @ the Pit 🏀
- 11/4 3-4p Grade 3- Chess Club on Mondays
- 11/6 3-4p Grade 3 Music-Makers' Club on Wednesdays 🎵
- 11/7 Photo Retake Day 📷
- 11/11 No School- Veterans' Day
- 11/13 3-4p Music-Makers' Club on Wednesdays 🎵
- 11/13 5p Volunteer Training
- 11/13 5:15p PTO Meeting
- 11/18 3-4p Grade 3 Chess Club on Mondays
- 11/20 3-4p Grade 3 Music-Makers' Club on Wednesdays 🎵
- 11/25-11/26 Parent/Teacher Conferences
- 11-25-11/29 No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences/Thanksgiving Holiday
A reminder for students to bring their water bottles to school every day. Hydration is crucial for their well-being and concentration in the classroom.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students refreshed throughout the day.
**We are graciously accepting donations of small paper or plastic cups for students to use to access water when they forget to bring their water bottles to school. THANK YOU!!**