The Raider Nation Newsletter
News from Principal Novak: April 15, 2024
It Takes a Village
Dear Raider Nation,
We made it through prom weekend! Kudos to the Junior Class sponsors and class officers for hosting this event at Martin's West. The students looked amazing and seemed to have a great time! Hopefully our seniors enjoyed their last prom. It is definitely something you remember well after you graduate. Each year I attend prom, I reminisce about my own senior prom many moons ago and it seems just like yesterday my friends and I were singing, dancing, and living it up in the limo. I hope all our students who attended had a night to remember!
Many thanks as well to the PTSA and all the parent volunteers who worked behind the scenes and at the After-Prom event at Bowlero. We would love to see more of our students attend, but that requires your assistance. We'll be working to make next year's event bigger and better. Don't be surprised if we start hitting you up at Back to School Night in the Fall to be a part of the planning.
As I share thank you's in the theme of "it takes a village," I also want to share my appreciation for our student services staff and for all of our Atholton families for supporting our students as we learned this past week the tragic news of the unexpected passing of one of our own. In good times and in bad, it's important that we be there for another...students, staff, parents, and the entire Atholton Community.
Go Raiders!
Nick Novak
Important Information-New
One Night Only
On April 17th, come support your AHS drama students and attend the 'One Night Only' performance! See student-directed One Acts, as well as exciting devised performances by the Theatre Company and Musical Theatre Ensemble! Tickets are $3 online at hcpss.booktix.com, or $5 at the door. See you there!
Graduation Updates
If you haven't seen the info on the website, we're steering folks to this document to get the most updated graduation information as we approach May 28th.
The senior calendar of events was also shared recently and we have subsequently been required to change the date of the crab feast from May 13th to May 6th. More info will be shared soon with seniors on how to buy tickets for this event.
Mimi's Outreach Initiative
Hello Atholton! Join the Mimi's Outreach Initiative with a community service project helping a charity called MACONA support communities across Africa with educational, medical, and essential resources. Help make a difference by donating books and toys (April 14-26), clothes and essentials like sanitary products (April 29-May 10), and food and money (May 13-24). Donation boxes will be available around the building for two weeks during each time frame. Your contributions are important to uplifting those in need. Together let's bring hope and opportunity to those in need.
Remember from April 14-26, please donate books and toys. Thank you for your support!
Staff Appreciation
Staff Appreciation Week is May 6th-May 10th and we need your help! One of the best "gifts" staff can receive is hearing the gratitude you have for the support they have provided you/your child this year and/or during their high school career. Take some time over the next few weeks to share these words of appreciation here:
It can be a teacher, counselor, coach, paraeducator, secretary,...whoever has done something worthy of your thank you message. Maybe they wrote your/your child's letter of recommendation for college? Maybe they stayed after school every week to help you/your child prepare for quizzes or tests? Maybe they believed in you/your child even when they didn't and this staff member helped you be successful?
Thanks for taking the time to make their day!
Bullying vs Peer Conflict
As we gear up to finish the school year strong, it's important to address student interactions that can affect both individual students and/or our school community. Peer conflict is something that most students will experience at some point in their school career. However, it is essential to understand the difference between conflict and bullying, should bullying occur. By understanding the differences, we can better navigate challenging situations and foster a positive school environment where everyone can thrive. We look forward to continuing to work together to end the school year on a strong and positive note. Thank you for your continued support and partnership!
More information can be found on the HCPSS Stop Bullying website. If you have any questions regarding this policy or its implementation, please contact a school administrator. Here is the online link to report an Instance of Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation and a link to the Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form to fill out and return to your student's school administrator. More information on HCPSS Policy9460 can be found at Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, and Intimidation Involving Students - HCPSS.
Important Information-Reposting
HCPSS Hispanic Achievement Program Graduation Sarapes
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for these important dates:
4/17 MP 3 Report Cards Viewable in Synergy
4/17 One Night Only Theater Performance
4/19 Class of 2024 Movie Night (All Grades Welcome)
4/25 Band Concert
4/27 Bull Roast
Security Update
- Don’t let anyone in through doorways around the school.
- All visitors or anyone arriving late needs to check-in at the front lobby using the buzzer. I know it's in our nature to be nice and hold the door, but please don't let in people you don't know. Our front office staff will be focusing on groups coming to the buzzer and ensuring that all parties check-in properly. If it's difficult for you not to be friendly, be "friendly-nosy." "Good morning, your Sally's dad aren't you. Are you dropping off her oboe this morning?" Their response will indicate if you need to follow the last bullet in this list.
- Doors shouldn’t be propped open or held for people you don’t know.
- If you see something suspicious, report it to a teacher, administrator, or other staff member.
We are increasing our signage around the building and are also working with HCPSS to explore renovations that require people being buzzed in to enter first to an office area before accessing the lobby. Thanks for doing your part to help keep our school safe.