Goliad Update
Returning Students
Update - We are aware of several issues regarding our new online registration process. We apologize for these issues as we work out the kinks in a new system.
Issue 1 - Withdrawal Forms - Several users have reported that a withdrawal form is required for all new registrations. You can safely skip uploading this document if your student has not attended school elsewhere (e.g. new PreK students or Kindergarten students who did not previously attend school). These students' registrations will not be delayed or placed on hold for failure to submit this document.
Issue 2 - Snapcodes - Several users have reported not receiving their child's snapcode for returning student registration. We have been told that there have been some delays in the sending of those emails. Some users have reported those emails going to Spam or Junk folders. Please check those folders first. Emails are being processed and will be delivered as soon as possible.
If you still do not hcw or cannot find the code please email... Erika.DeLosSantos@saisd.org
English Returning student form
New to SAISD Student Registration (including Kindergarten)
Online New Student Registration - English
Deadline to order is 5/22/2020
It usually takes 2 weeks for books to be delivered.
Price: $20.00 + shipping
Weekly Update Information
- School Pictures - still waiting on a reply from the photo company(they temporarily shut down) to see where they were in printing the pictures.
- We are working on details for a drive-through Kindergarten and 5th-grade celebration. We will relay the information soon.
- Chocolate sales prizes - We are planning on having the prizes for the end of year distribution of supplies.
Weekly Overview
Take a look at all this learning happening this week !
General Information
- SAISD wifi hotspot locations - https://www.saisd.org/5056
- Devices that need to be swapped out are by appointment - contact teacher and they will set up the appointment
News from the Counselor
- If your student needs to speak to a nurse or school counselor please complete this form and a virtual meeting will be scheduled. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-QeJJu08QjVF7hskrsFfsJ0YVYjFMn7V197TzLJBAx_9Gmw/viewform
- Click below for a list of available food pantries in our area. Share with families in need!
Zoom Show & Tell with Mrs. Taylor
Join Mrs. Taylor's zoom MONDAY, May 11 at 1:00 PM. Bring a special item and tell us why it is special to you. This can include your pet! Mrs. Underhill will be our first guest to show and tell!
Diana Taylor is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 502 583 8471
Password: eagle
Congratulations students, staff, and parents!
Thank you parents and Goliad families!
Mrs. Maskill's family
Mrs. Amaro and Mr. Smith
May 4-8 Teacher Appreciation Week
Kona Ice was at Goliad on Monday and many people (and dogs) took advantage of the cool treat, including Romeo (Mr. Ramirez's dog)! He is so cute!
Personal notes were sent to each staff member and the staff will enjoy a Sonic drink on Friday!
May 6th was National Nurse Appreciation Day!
Thanks, also, to all of our other frontline healthcare workers who go above and beyond to care for patients during this pandemic! #americastrong
How to contact the School
- Call the school at 659-3660 - listen to prompt and leave a message
- Emergency--- a phone number is given at the end of the prompt to call
- Email - zachary.ramirez@saisd.org ; judy.knight@saisd.org
- Home access link - https://www.saisd.org/Families/HomeAccessCenter.asp