Venetia Valley Voice
Family Newsletter - May 2023
Principal's Message
Welcome to the month of May! May 1st is "May Day," or better known as a day of unity, togetherness and rebirth; a day to celebrate life! (nationaltoday.com) It's also known as the international "worker's day" and commemorates all of the struggles and advances made by workers and the labor movement! Coincidentally the same month we have our Fact Finding for our San Rafael Teachers Association members. It's my sincere hope our district and SRTA members can come to an agreement soon. I know our teachers appreciate all of your support and would say thank you! Keep that support going!
Just this past weekend, we participated in the HeadsUp Carnival event at Davidson Middle School! What a huge success. As of Sunday morning, the HeadsUp team reported having raised over $70,000 for SRCS kids! That's just amazing! A huge special thank you to all of the families and folks that attended, bought tickets and helped support HeadsUp who in turn support schools with our arts programs.
May is a busy month for us at Venetia Valley. The first week, we begin our state testing known as the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASP). This week, our 5th grade Spanish immersion class is first to test in Spanish Language Arts. Next week, we will kick off testing for our middle school and the week after our 3rd - 5th graders. State testing is an important data point and we ask our families to be cognizant of the stresses our students face. Provide them with healthy nutritious meals, make sure they limit their screen time and have them to bed early so they can wake up ready to go! Let's have a successful testing season everyone!
Principal Quesada
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May At A Glance
Events that Happen Every Week during the Month
- Tuesdays - Food Pantry from 3:15 - 4:30 pm in front of the school
- Matrix Parent Network: 9:30 am - 11:30 am in the FC
- Wednesdays are Early Release Days. Students are dismissed at 1:15 pm for Special Day Classes (SDC), 1:35 pm for TK/Kindergarten, 1:40 pm for Middle School, and 1:45 pm for 1st - 5th Grade.
Week of May 1st - 5th: CAASPP Testing Begins for 5th Grade (Spanish Lang. Arts)
- National School Principals Appreciation Day!
- Family Center is Closed - Staff is attending a workshop in Redwood City!
- 1st Graders will have a special visit from the Nature Van through Wildcare today! Let your child's teacher know if your child has any allergies to animal hair.
- "May the 4th Be With You" for all you Star Wars Fans!
- Community Closet from 3:30 - 4:30 PM
- PTA Movie Night at 5 PM in the MPR!
Week of May 8th - 12th: Teacher Appreciation Week!
CAASPP Testing Begins for 3rd/4th (Spanish Lang. Arts), 5th Grade, and 8th Grade Science
- Our 3rd Grade Team has a field trip to the Exploratorium in San Francisco! Get those permission slips turned in!
- Teacher Appreciation Buffet at 2 PM! Families are encouraged to bring a dessert, beverage or any other treat to add to our teacher appreciation buffet! Volunteers always welcome to help serve the food. Contact Ms. Pilar Sanchez or Kristal Garcia to sign up!
- Mother's Day Bingo Night from 5 - 7:30 PM! All people are encouraged to attend and always welcome at VV!
- Charla in the Family Center from 9 - 10:30 AM! Join us for some coffee, pan dulce and an update from our Family Center Staff, including our principal! Everyone welcome to attend.
- School Site Council Meeting at 4:30 PM in the Family Center
FRIDAY, 5/12
- 2nd Grade Team field trip to Global Exchange for new books!
- Marin Symphony Special Performance for our ES Students at 2:30 PM in the MPR!
- PTA Movie Night at 5 PM in the MPR
Week of May 15th - 19th: CAASPP Testing Continues Schoolwide
SUNDAY, 5/14
- Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day to all who take on this important role in the lives of your children!
- English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Testing begins for TK-2
- Monthly Fire Drill
- PTA Executive Board Meeting at 5 PM (in person)
FRIDAY, 5/19
- ELPAC Testing continues for TK-2
- PTA Movie Night at 5 PM in the MPR!
- After School Programming (LEAP) Olympic Games - Field Day from 9 AM - 3 PM at our school! More details will be coming to you from our LEAP staff!
Week of May 22nd - 26th: CAASPP Testing Continues Schoolwide (Math)
ELPAC Testing Continues for TK-2nd Grade
- PTA Meeting via Zoom at 6 PM
FRIDAY, 5/26
- This is our last PTA Movie Night for the month. Will be held in the MPR at 5 PM!
Week of May 29th - June 2nd: CAASPP Testing Make Up Week!
MONDAY, 5/29
- No School - Memorial Day Holiday
- 8th Grade Six Flags Field Trip! Chaperones are always needed! Contact your child's teacher to sign up. Get those permission slips turned in ASAP!
- First Day of LGBTQ Pride Month!
- Youth In Arts Evening Family Showcase Event from 5:30 - 7:30 PM (tentatively scheduled)
- 8th Grade Dinner Dance from 6 - 8 PM in the MPR! It's tradition that 7th grade families provide the dinner and 7th grade students are the servers at the event. Be ready to be called upon to help make this wonderful event a success!
Mark Your Calendars...
There are a few items you should take note of as you plan ahead.
- We have Early Release at 12:20 PM for students in Special Day Classes and 12:50 PM for everyone else on Thursday, 6/8 and Friday, 6/9.
- Our 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony is scheduled for 9 AM at V.V. on Friday, 6/9.
Message From Our Community Liaison
Hello Venetia Valley Families,
Below is some information for everyone so that you can take advantage of some of these amazing opportunities that are offered to your children for being members of the Venetia Valley School Community!
The Wonderful Marin Symphony:
On behalf of the Marin Symphony, and for our participation with Symphony in Schools program, they would like to offer to students, parents and staff free complimentary tickets to see the Marin Symphony Spring Pops Concert Superhero Classics on Saturday May 6, 7pm, at the Marin Center Veterans Memorial Auditorium. The concert is just under 2 hours and details of the concert program are copied below. If you are interested, Please use the code MARINSCHOOLS that can be used on the box office website here. This code will unlock free tickets in sections 2 and 3.
Free Homework Tutors:
The Civic Center Library will be offering a weekly Homework Helpers program beginning April 19th. High school volunteers will be available to help students grades 3-10 with multiple subjects. Homework Helpers will be offered every Wednesday from 3:30-5pm inside of the library. could please share this with your families and any interested students needing help with their homework. it.
STUDENT Library Homework Help Program Flyer SP.pdf
STUDENT_ Library Homework Help Program Flyer.pdf
Camp Chance Please nominate students:
A big Thank you for adding names on the list. I will call families so that they come to fill out the forms with me. Sponsored by the San Rafael Police Department and Marin County Sheriff’s
Department, Camp Chance offers underserved kids ages 11-14 the opportunity to enjoy a traditional camping experience as well as connect with police officers and deputy sheriffs free of charge. Every camper will have the opportunity to participate in hiking, swimming, arts & crafts, and team building activities to help bridge the gap between our community youth and law
enforcement. San Rafael and Marin County Sheriff personnel will offer interactive demonstrations in CSI, SWAT, Hostage Negotiations, Search & Rescue and so much more. A copy of the forms will be in the office and the family center, I will also be helping to fill out the forms.
- 2023 Camp Chance Flyer.pdf
- WC101 Parent Information Packet 2022 (Spanish).pdf
- WC101 Parent Information Packet 2022 English.pdf
Office hours are Monday- Friday from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm.
Thank you,
Ms. Pilar Sanchez
Venetia Valley Community Liaison
Office (415) 492-3150 Ext 2001
Fax (415) 492-3160
Family Center Updates
Venetia Valley Families,
We would like to thank you all for the amazing support our school has received from all of you! We had a successful Day of the Child (Dia del Niño) and so many families brought in food and your children had a delicious lunch that day! We had a great turn out for our annual scavenger hunt that had to be rescheduled and families were awesome in participating! We have a few events left this year and we hope you continue to be involved. For those of you that have not had an opportunity to participate, we hope you find one of our upcoming events convenient. Your children LOVE to see you at school for their functions (and so do we)!
Speaking of being present, families, please ensure your children are at school and ready to learn daily. Attendance is very important! When they miss any days of school, the effects are always negative and creates a more stressful environment for your child because they feel behind. Making up the work is not the same as being present to receive the information, the ability to socialize and work with their peers. Illnesses happen, but please try your best. Always try and schedule those appointments as late as possible and plan your vacations during school recess breaks.
Below are tips on how you can help your child succeed in school:
As always, do not hesitate to reach out if you need any support.
Upcoming Events:
Food Bank distribution happens every Tuesday from 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Families, remember that bags of food are handed out every Tuesday in front of the school. Feel free to stop by if you need this service.
Matrix Parent Network - Every Wednesday from 9:30 am - 11 am - FC.
A representative from Matrix to support families with any questions they may have regarding Special Education, EIPs, and much more.
Community Closet - Friday, May 5, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm in the Family Center
Coffee & Conversation - Thursday, May 11, from 9 am to 10:30 am in Family Center
Families, join us for informative monthly presentations, essential school updates, and an opportunity to voice any questions, comments, and/or concerns. Also, learn about services or events happening in our community.
Community Fridge - Bay Marin Church parking lot at 150 N. San Pedro Road
The Community Fridge is open 24/7 for families to come and grab what they need! If you wish to donate any food, this is also a place where you can donate by placing your food in the community fridge.
Families, make sure you are following us on Facebook and Instagram @venetiavalleytk8.
Want to contact us? Here's how:
Family Center Hours
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Direct line: 415-496-0226
Kristal Garcia - Family Advocate - kgarcia1@srcs.org
Nicole Lescano - Family Advocate - nlescano@srcs.org
Pilar Sanchez - Community Liaison - psanchez@srcs.org
Follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram @ventiavalleyTK8, and follow Mr. Quesada on Twitter @PrincipalPaulQ.
Venetia Valley TK-8 School
Venetia Valley is a community school where students, families and staff are celebrated for who they already are and are supported in every way to become all that they aspire to be.
Nuestra Declaración de Misión
Venetia Valley es una escuela comunitaria donde los estudiantes, las familias y el personal son reconocidos por quienes ya son y son apoyados en todos los sentidos para convertirse en todo lo que aspiran a ser.
Email: aquesada@srcs.org
Website: https://vv-srcs-ca.schoolloop.com/
Location: 177 North San Pedro Road, San Rafael, CA, USA
Phone: 415-492-3150
Twitter: @PrincipalPaulQ