TMS Monthly Memo
Tarkington Middle School - November 2024

Get Ready! Get Set! Volunteer!
We invite you to join our school community by volunteering! Your involvement not only enriches our students’ experiences but also strengthens the bonds between our school and the community. Whether helping in the classroom, organizing events, helping with student incentives, mentoring students, or sharing your insights and skills, every little bit makes a big difference. Together, we can create a vibrant learning environment that benefits our children and fosters lasting connections. Thank you for considering the following opportunities to make a positive impact!
- Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) - Next Meeting November 19th at 5:30 pm
- Campus Improvement Committee - Next Meeting Coming in January
- DAD Squad - Orientation Meeting - Tuesday, November 12 @ 6:00 pm
- Second Cup of Coffee - Next Meeting December 2 @ 9:00 am
Ready for a COMPETITION!!!!
The Class (6th, 7th, 8th) with the MOST PARENT INVOLVEMENT in these meetings will receive an exclusive pre-Christmas experience during finals week!!!! The winning grade level will watch a Christmas Movie in pajamas with hot chocolate and snacks!!!
Buses are Bigger!!
Please make sure that you are yielding for our buses before and after school. Buses keep a tight schedule to ensure students are picked up and dropped off on time. When cars block entrances and driveways, our buses cannot maintain their schedukes! Please make sure you are clear of driveways when you are waiting in the car rider lanes!
Principal Points with Dr. Lariviere
A Note about Social Media
As I walk through our hallways and classrooms each day, I am continually inspired by the dedication and passion our teachers and staff members bring to their work. They pour their hearts and souls into supporting your children.
Over the last several weeks, I have sat with staff members who have shed actual tears about some of the negative and mean-spirited social media messages that have been posted. I see the defeat in the faces of our most caring teachers. It is disheartening to see these posts on social media, and I urge you all to remember that behind each of these posts is a dedicated educator who takes their role seriously and cares deeply for their students. Please be reminded, it is just as easy to post something positive and uplifting as it is to post something hurtful.
Having said that, I know that we don't always get everything right, despite our best efforts. I personally believe that all wisdom starts with self-reflection, and that is what I strive to live out each and every day. We value open communication and are committed to addressing any concerns you may have. There are no issues too small or too big for us to discuss, and I encourage you to reach out to us. Your feedback and engagement are essential as we strive to create a positive and supportive environment for all our students.
Thank you for your partnership and support. Together, we can ensure that our school continues to be a nurturing, consistent, fair place for your children to grow and thrive.
Attendance Matters!
TMS needs YOUR HELP! Our campus attendance goal is 97%!
For the 1st six weeks, our campus attendance percentage was 94.55%
For the 2nd six weeks, it was 94%
Additionally, we are processing an ABUNDANCE of attendance letters each week. Please know that students who are absent more than 10% of school days are in danger of not recieving credit for their course. This may require them to attend summer school or even repeat a grade level. Compulsory attendance (90% attendance) is a state law that we are required to follow and does not take into account whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
Attendance Incentives
Individual Attendance Incentives
Each six weeks students who have perfect attendance will be entered into a raffle for a large prize at the end of the semester. Prizes may include sports equipment, headphones, hoverboards, electric bikes, etc.
Grade Level Attendance Incentives
Each six weeks, when a grade level reaches 97% ADA attendance, the entire class will receive an invitation to a movie and popcorn privilege during a class period to be held in the auditorium. Students with excessive unexcused absences or major disciplinary issues resulting in ISS during the six weeks will be diverted to the commons to make up seat time.
A Word from Campus Leaders
AP Corral with Ms. Evans
Updated Tardy Policy
After reflecting on the tardy issue for the previous six weeks, we have revised our policy. Most of our students tardies come from their first period class. We all know traffic can be hit or miss in the morning. Encourage your student to be ready to leave home 10 minutes earlier to avoid rising tardies.
Hall Passes
After getting some feedback from Student Ambassadors, our hall passes will look a little different this six weeks. Instead of 24 opportunities over the 8 period day, students will have 18 passes for the entire six weeks. Teachers allow students to utilize their hall passes at their discretion. The first and last 5 minutes of all classes are not used for hall passes. At the end of each six weeks, we reward students who do not use hall passes or who use them sparingly with prizes!
Privilege Cards
Privilege cards are passed out each six weeks to students who have shown positive behavior in and around campus. This includes but is not limited to: positive classroom behavior, no lunch detentions, no ISS, no excessive tardies, and no DAEP placement. These positive incentives are offered as a reward for positive behavior. I'm proud to say we hand out way more privilege cards to students than we hold back! Our students are amazing!! Ask your student about their privilege card today!
Speaking of discipline - For the month of October, we had 43 discipline referrals campus-wide. In September, there were 41. This is down from last year's totals which were 60 and 96 respectively. This is AMAZING PROGRESS!!!! This is indicative of the classroom management practices that our teachers are employing each day! This means that more students are able able to learn in class and fewer students are in the assistant principal's office. Horseplay is still the number one behavior we are dealing with as a campus. Please be talk to your students about horseplay starts.
On The Menu
October Menus are posted on the TISD Website under the Families Tab! Click HERE to go to the Middle School Menus for November! When is Thanksgiving Meal?
Upcoming Events: Save the Date!
11/12 ~ DAD Squad Orientation Meeting - 6:00 pm in the TMS Commons
11/19~ TMS PTO Meeting - 5:30 pm in the TMS Commons
12/2 ~ Second Cup of Coffee (Commons)
Other Events:
11/4 ~ 3rd Six Weeks Begins
11/4 ~ 2nd Cup of Coffee @ 9 AM - TMS Commons
11/5 ~ Chick-Fil-A Pre Sale Day during Lunches (Life Skills Fundraiser)
11/5 ~ Jr. Beta Meeting @ 5pm - TMS Commons
11/5 - 11/6 ~ Boys Basketball Tryouts - TMS Gym
11/7 ~ Chick-Fil-A Day (purchased food will be delivered during student lunches)
11/7 ~ Report Cards Go Home
11/9 ~ Girls BB Tournament *A Teams* - New Waverly
11/11 ~ TMS Veteran's Day Presentation
11/11 ~ TMS FCA Friendsgiving Celebration @ 6pm - TMS Commons
11/12 ~ TMS Life Skills Relays Field Trip - Liberty ISD
11/12 ~ DAD Squad Orientation Meeting - 6:00 pm (TMS Commons)
11/14 ~ TMS Girls BB vs Shepherd (HOME) - 4:30 pm
11/14 ~ TMS Boys BB vs Shepherd (AWAY) - 4:30 pm
11/16 ~ TMS Jr. Beta Club Bake Sale (11 AM - 2 PM) - Mama Made Boutique
11/18 - 11/21 ~ Generation Texas Week
11/19 ~ TMS PTO Meeting - 5:30 pm (TMS Commons)
11/19 ~ JR. FFA Meeting - 6:30 pm (TMS Commons)
11/25 - 11/29 ~ Thanksgiving Holiday/No School