News from the Threes
March 6-10, 2017
Vision Screening
If you would like for your child to participate in the vision screening, please remember to turn in your form. They will be testing tomorrow and Thursday.
Registration for next school year is open to the public, and classes are filling quickly. If you would like for your child to attend ODS again next year, please turn your registration form in as soon as possible.
Our letter this week is "R". Show-N-Tell will be Thursday and Friday.
Snacks for the Firemen
Next Monday and Tuesday (March 13-14), the fireman will be coming to visit us at school. They will be teaching the children about the job they do, and showing them all of the equipment they use. They usually bring a firetruck for the children to walk through. As a "thank you", we like to give each group a box of snacks to take back to the fire station. There is a sign up sheet outside our classroom door if you would like to bring something to contribute. Thank you!!
Mrs. Plummer and Mrs. Hartzog
Phone: 803-397-5691