Parents as Partners
September 2024
Message from Administration
Dear Winand Families,
We hope this message finds you well. Mr. Day and I wanted to take a moment to share how fantastic this week has been at our elementary school. The students have been engaged, enthusiastic, and eager to learn. It's been a joy to see their bright smiles and positive energy fill our classrooms.
Thank you for your continued support in making this a great week. We're looking forward to many more wonderful days ahead as we continue to grow and learn together.
Ms. Ramos and Mr. Day
Community School Information
Hello my name is Shawna Jones and I am the Community School Facilitator at Winand Elementary. My role is being the connector between the school and the greater community. Please complete the needs assessment because your voice matters!
With Gratitude
Needs Assessment-English
Needs Assessment-Spanish
Counseling Office-Ms. Knight
September Lessons: Counselor Introductions and School Success
· Pre-K and Kindergarten- Students will learn about the role of a school counselor and participate in activities to understand how a counselor supports all students. They will also learn about “whole body listening” and being ready to learn at school.
· First Grade- Students will listen to Mrs. Joyce Gives the Best High Fives by Erainna Winnett to learn about the role of the school counselor. They will also focus on strategies to be successful at school.
· Second Grade- Students will learn about the role of the school counselor. They will also listen to The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson to focus on building resilience and how that relates to school success.
· Third Grade- Students will learn about the role of the school counselor. They will also listen to Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman to focus on identifying people who can help support them and how that relates to school success.
· Fourth and Fifth Grade- Students will review the role of the school counselor and recall how they can seek out support. Additionally, students will identify strategies to be successful in school, such as setting goals, asking for help, and organization. We will also discover how to use Schoology to check their grades, keep track of assignments, message their teachers, and more.
Attention Pre-K and 5th Grade Families!
All Pre-K, 5th, and 8th grade students are eligible to apply for Magnet Programs. Magnet Programs are theme-based curricula and instructional programs that draw students from across Baltimore County to study a specific area of interest. There is a wide variety of programs available, at all levels elementary through high school. All Pre-K, 5th grade, and 8th grade students eligible to attend a Baltimore County Public School are encouraged to apply to a Magnet Program aligned with their talents or interests. The Magnet Program application opens on September 10th and closes on November 1st.
Magnet EXPO
Saturday, September 28, 2024
9:30-12:00 p.m.
CCBC Essex Wellness and Athletic Center
7201 Rossville Blvd.
Baltimore, Maryland 21237
News from the Reading Specialist-Ms. Rhoten
The Winand Way is to Read Every Day!
The Winand AT HOME READING CHALLENGE will soon be getting underway for students in Kindergarten through Grade 5. Students will read for at least 15 minutes each night, and will record their reading activity on a reading log each evening. More information is available HERE.
Partner with us as we create life-long readers.
Title One Information
Chat & Chew
- Connect with Administration and the Title 1 Team to learn how to support your child's growth.
- Meet Other Parents.
- Receive answers to your questions.
- Discuss important information.
Save the Dates:
* October 8, 2024 9:45-10:45 In Person (Winand Cafeteria)
* January 7, 2025 6:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting (Link to be sent at a later date)
* May 6, 2025 3:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting (Link to be sent at a later date)
September 10, 2024 6:00 p.m. Zoom (Check out the Winand Website for the Link)
9-17-2024 IHOP Spirit Night-Owings Mills 4:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Trunk or Treat and Fun at Winand
October 26, 2024 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Food..Activities..Fun..
Experience the Magic of the PTA...Join the PTA
$20 Individual $25 Family with Two Adults
Any questions, please email the Winand PTA winandespta@gmail.com
Grand-Families Reading Day
Welcome To “Grandparents Reading Day”
Celebrating Community, Reading, and Wisdom
Grand-FAMILIES Reading Day
Wednesday September 11,2024
We are seeking 2 grandparents per class. If you are interested, please reach out to Ms. Nunn at snunn@bcps.org and include the following:
- Grandparent's Name
- Contact Phone #
- Student Name and Grade
Calendar Reminders
· Monday, September 2 No School
· Tuesday, September 10 PTA Meeting 6 p.m. Zoom
· Wednesday, September 11 Grand-Families Reading Day
· Wednesday, September 11 Northwest Elementary School Boundary Study Meeting #1 6 p.m.
· Tuesday, September 17 PTA IHOP Fundraiser 4:00-9:00 p.m.
· Thursday, October 3 No Students-PD Day for Teachers-Rosh Hashanah
· Friday, October 18 School Closed for Students and Teachers
· Saturday, October 26 PTA Trunk or Treat and Fun at Winand 4:00 p.m.
· Thursday, October 31 Marking Period Ends- School Closes 3 hr. Early (1:05 p.m.)
Teachers on Duty-Grading and Reporting