January News
Pepin Elementary
A note from Mrs. Riesgraf
Welcome to 2025! At Pepin Elementary, we are excited to kick off the New Year with fresh opportunities for growth, learning, and community connection. We hope your winter break was filled with relaxation, joyful moments with loved ones, and plenty of fun. As we return, we look forward to embracing new challenges and celebrating successes together.
We are learning about perseverance this month in our Eagle Groups. Our Eagle groups are a combination of 4K-6th grade students who work together with an adult leader to discuss and practice the theme of the month.
What is Perseverance?
Perseverance is our focus this month! It means pushing yourself to work through challenges and obstacles. Perseverance is what happens when you keep trying, even when it gets tough. When you can’t figure out a problem, then you try to solve it another way until you get it right - that’s Perseverance. Look for ways to practice Perseverance this month.
Inclement weather plans/E-learning
E-learning day plans are ready to go in the event that there is a third snow day here at Pepin Area Schools. There is an E-learning day document provided for parents and students on the district website. Please reach out to your child’s teacher or myself if you have any questions..
Family BINGO Night and Pizza Supper - Monday, January 13
The Family Resource Council is excited to Bring You B-I-N-G-O for Family Game Night.
We will eat a Pizza supper prepared by our kitchen staff then play Bingo for Prizes.
Join us in the cafeteria. All ages welcome, bring your favorite games. All children attending need to be accompanied by an adult. There is no charge to district families.
If you are planning to attend, please fill out this registration form to assist us with planning.
Fruit Sale
Thanks to all of you who participated in our annual fruit sale! It was a success again, and a lot of thanks goes to Shannon Van Allen for her hard work in getting everything ordered and organized. We’d also like to thank the Lions Club for the use of their facility as the ‘fruit warehouse’.
Winter Recess
As a reminder, if you are in need of winter gear for your child, please let us know. We have a number of new winter coats and hats available. As temperatures get colder, children will need to be prepared for recess. It is our expectation that all students will be outside on recess days that are above 0 degrees.
Let's make January a month of learning and fun at our elementary school. If I can ever be of assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
My best,
Mrs. Riesgraf
🗓 Coming Up!
Save the date - registration coming soon!
January 2 - School resumes
January 20 - In-service (no school for students)