Monomoy Regional High School's Weekly Newsletter
Published: March 8, 2024
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MRHS Spring Musical: March 12-16
Tickets are on sale, purchase tickets for any night here!
Student Volunteers Needed!
HES PTO Shamrock Shimmy
The Harwich Elementary PTO is holding its annual Shamrock Shimmy family dance on Saturday, March 16, from 3-5 p.m. Help is needed with the activity tables and photo booth.
Please click here to sign up to volunteer. Thank you!
Family STEAM Night
Family STEAM Night for all Harwich and Chatham families with children ages 3-6 will be held at Harwich Elementary School on Thursday, March 21, from 5-6:30 p.m. and high school volunteers are needed to support the event. Help will be needed at some of the stations and with childcare for older siblings. Set up will begin at 3:30-4 p.m. and breakdown help will be needed until around 7:15 p.m. If you can help out, please email
Monomoy's Portrait of a Graduate
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Free Prom Dresses & Accessories Available!
The Diversity Club’s Gift of Thrift has an array of beautiful prom dresses and accessories available! They are absolutely free, due to the generosity of our community. Please stop by and check it out - located outside Ms. van der Burg's room (Room 245).
Wrapping up Black History Month with a Bang!
Throughout the month of February, students in Spanish classes learned about inspirational Afro-Latinos to celebrate Black History Month. With the message "La historia negra, la historia nuestra" (Black history, our history), we explored the lives of writers, actors, doctors, sportsmen and women, and musicians, focusing on the legacies of music legends Celia Cruz from Cuba and Joe Arroyo from Colombia. The classes contributed to crafting a striking mural featuring these artists, incorporating the words Talento (talent), Orgullo (pride), Admiración (admiration), Resiliencia (resilience), and Coraje (courage).
To conclude the celebration, members of the Spanish Club enjoyed a salsa class with Latina dancer Roslyn Inoa, who brought the rhythm of these artists to life and taught the basic steps of this style of Latin American music using songs such as "La Rebelión" (Rebellion) and "La vida es un carnaval" (Life is a carnival).
A huge shout-out to our incredible dance instructor, the Spanish students, and the members of the Spanish Club for your enthusiasm, active participation, and positive vibes in this celebration.
Prof. Berbeo created this fabulous video with the Spanish Club; please enjoy it! WATCH VIDEO HERE!
Key Club: February Activities
- Members from Key Club helped organize and run a bake sale this past weekend. The Bake Sale was held at the E. Harwich Stop & Shop and raised money for the MSPCA in Brewster. Everyone brought in some baked goods and took turns running the table. This was a great group effort, and we will be doing this again soon!
- Two weekends ago there was the Annuals Father-Daughter Dance at the Chatham Community Center and the Key Club helped run the dance. We had people helping with the music, dancing with the kids, and helping with serving up snacks.
- For Valentines Day all the members helped make personal cards to give to the district's bus drivers and cafeteria staff. Then we went out to the buses and handed them their valentine. It was a small gesture but it felt good to make our important MRSD people smile :)
Is your teen struggling to regulate their emotions and behaviors? Encourage them to join the free yoga classes occurring this Spring after school in the MRHS Library. Yoga could help your young person:
- Engage in deep breathing promoting relaxation and stress reduction.
- Learn mindfulness practices that can help them become more aware of their thoughts and emotions. This self-awareness can lead to better emotional regulation and a reduction in stress and anxiety.
- Practice physical postures that promote physical relaxation and can alleviate tension and discomfort. They also improve physical health, aiding in overall well-being
Classes are taught by a certified yoga teacher from community partner Yoga Neighborhood and supervised by a school staff.
- Location: MRHS Library
- Time: 3:20-4:20
- Dates: March 12, March 19, March 26, April 9, April 30, May 7
SAVE THE DATE - Class of 2026 Fundraiser: April 5
Ad Lucem Root Word of the Week
Student Newspaper: The Bite
The Bite student newspaper is proud to present our Website! Please peruse the articles written by our amazing student journalists, and check back frequently for updates! MRHS's Creative Writing Club, Sandscript is now featured on the site as well! Be sure to check out their poetry and creative writing pieces.
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SENIORS - Scholarship Opportunities
Seniors, there are SO MANY scholarship opportunities. Apply for as many as you can!!
Take some time each week to check Naviance for LOCAL scholarships!!
Monomoy Dollars for Scholars
Monomoy Dollars for Scholars applications are open for graduating Seniors. Applications will close at 6 pm on April 1. These scholarships are for students who reside in either Chatham or Harwich(regardless of the school they attend) and for all graduates of Monomoy Regional High School. Connect to the application here-
Once you have applied, application assistance and mentoring are available. For general instructions, click here! See below for an important checklist!
UPCOMING: 2024 Spring College Fairs
Driving Course for Students with Disabilities
This free course starts on March 21 and continues for 7 weeks, every Thursday night!
YOUTH VOICE: Looking for Students Grades 6-12
Youth Voice is an opportunity for students in grades 6-12 to come together to have their voices heard in identifying what their community needs are and working collaboratively to develop needed solutions. To sign up, click here or email
Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 4:00PM.
Guardianship & Alternatives Workshop: March 28
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Skills Class for Parents
Ocean STEAM Women Fellowship Opportunity!
Apply by April 4, 2024
The 2024 O-STEAM Fellowship is a collaboration between WHOI Sea Grant at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Sea Education Association. A free opportunity to work with a predominantly female team of researchers to explore a variety of STEAM-related activities.
Parenting Solutions Library
Follow us on Social Media!
TWITTER: @MonomoyGuidance
INSTAGRAM: @MonomoyGuidance
Wishing you health and safety,
The MRHS Counseling Team
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Tatiana Malone - Tatiana is a hard worker and a quiet leader. Her on-court presence is to lead by example and fill whatever role the team needs as the game develops around her. She is a great team leader for the veteran players as well as helping to develop the younger players. Tatiana is also a standout in the classroom carrying a 4.02 GPA. Tatiana will excel as she moves forward in her continuing education. ~ Coach Craig Andrews
Owen Lucey - Owen exemplifies the true spirit of a scholar athlete. Over the past five years, he has dedicated himself to both his studies with a 3.97 GPA and his passion for ice hockey, demonstrating remarkable commitment and leadership on and off the ice. As a coach, it has been a joy to witness Owen's growth and development, both as a player and as a leader within the team. His determination, work ethic, and positive attitude have set a shining example for his teammates and peers. As Owen prepares to embark on his journey at Mass Maritime Academy, I have no doubt that he will excel. Wishing him nothing but the best in his future endeavors. ~ Coach Chris Peterson
High School Athletics Information
Meet The Coaches Night: March 11 at 5:00 pm - MRHS Gym
Winter Sports Awards Night: March 11 at 6:00 pm - MRHS Gym
Practice/Tryout Start Date: March 18
- All student-athletes must register on Family ID/Arbiter Registration prior to the first practices/tryouts.
- All student-athletes must have an up-to-date physical on file with the school nurse prior to the first practice.
- All student-athletes must have an up-to-date ImPACT Test with our Head Athletic Trainer, Taylor (Murray) Sliney, prior to the first practice.
- All student-athletes must complete the free online courses, Concussion in Sports and Implicit Bias at and forward the certificate to Taylor prior to the first practices.
- All student-athletes must submit a pre-participation head injury form to Taylor.
If you have any questions regarding ImPACT Testing or courses please email Taylor at
Booster Club - Comedy Fundraiser: March 22
The Monomoy All Sports Booster Club is holding a Comedy Night fundraiser at the Pelham House Resort on Friday March 22nd, doors open at 6:30pm, Show starts at 7:30pm. Tickets are $40 dollars each and include the show and appetizers. There will also be a cash bar.
This is a 21+ event for anyone in our community and beyond to attend. Come out and have a fun night filled with many laughs and help support our Athletics programs!
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MRHS Performing Arts Department Calendar 2023-2024
Please click the link to see the MRHS Performing Arts Department Calendar 2023-2024
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Count Jelly Beans: Mar. 1-25
- Earn a chance to win a prize!
- Harwich Community Center
St. Patricks Day Parade: Mar. 9
- 11am in Yarmouth at the intersection of Route 28 & Long Pond Road, goes through downtown Yarmouth and ends at Higgins Crowell Road
Community Discussion-Youth Suicide: Mar. 9
- Brewster Ladies Library from 2-3pm
- Registration required
Wild Fostering of Osprey Chat: Mar. 9
- Presented by Stephanie Ellis, Executive Director of Wild Care
- 1-2pm at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History
Nurturing Fathers: Mar. 11
- Every Monday from 6-8pm
- February 26 - May 20
- Registration Required
Life Skills Series: Mar. 11
- Space still available!! To sign up, email
Forgiveness Workshop & Meditation: Mar. 12
- Free workshop in South Yarmouth from 5:30-7:30 pm
- Register Here!
Spring Basketball: Mar. 13-Jun. 19
- Registration is open
- Grades 1-5: $100
- Grades 6-12: $30
Stress Management Techniques: Mar. 15
- This free workshop is in a class room setting.
- South Yarmouth from 5:30-7:00 pm
- Register Here!
CCMOA Open Studio: Mar. 17
- Cape Cod Museum of Art; 10am-12pm
- There is no fee. $5 donation suggested
Healthy Back Workshop: Mar. 25
- Learn about general anatomy, proper posture, risk factors and common problems/injuries.
- Register here!
Blood Drive at MRHS: Mar. 27
- 2:30-7pm in the cafeteria at Monomoy Regional High School
- Schedule an appointment here
Retirement Planning Workshop: Apr. 1
- A free workshop for those planning to retire within the next 5 years
- Register Here!
Rec. Soccer Co-Ed: Apr. 25-Jun. 13
- For grades 8-12
- Thursday nights from 6-7:30pm
Football Camp: May - June
- Grades 3-5, Thursday's from 5:30-7pm
- Grades 6-8: Monday's from 5:30-7pm
Family Grief Groups
- 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, 5:30-7:30pm
- Hyannis, MA (Venue disclosed upon registration)
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
- 3rd Tuesday of the month from 4:30-6:30pm
- Dinner and childcare provided
Coping Skills Group
- Starting in March, Tuesdays
- 5:30-6:30 pm for High Schoolers
MRHS School Handbook
Click here to access the 2023-2024 School Handbook:
MRHS Attendance Form
To report your child's absence, tardy, or upcoming dismissal please use the following link:
Friday Focus Archive
Did you know? Past issues of the Friday Focus can be found on our website:
Contact Us!
Location: 75 Oak Street, Harwich, MA, USA
Phone: 508-430-7200
Monomoy News & Social Media
MRSD Latest News/Updates:
Official Monomoy Regional SD App: Download from App Store or Google Play.