STAR Parent Weekly Updates
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Sunday, December 8, 2024 Weekly STAR Family Updates
Good afternoon parents! This is Mrs. Traumuller, the Proud Morehead Principal, with the weekly reminders and updates!
Thank you so very much for all of your patience with the weather delays last week. I know that it is hard to keep up with the schedule when it is changed during the day and we appreciate your support.
UPDATES for your calendar - Fall make up pictures are rescheduled for Monday, December 16th. This is the first date that Strawbridge had to hold the make ups. We are still awaiting transportations update for mandatory bus evacuation practice.
This week, progress reports for the second nine weeks will go home. Please make sure that you check your child's folder for them and if needed, please request a conference with the teacher. Tuesday is our staff party for the holidays, so the front office will be closed immediately following dismissal. On Friday, our second grade students will have a Fire and Safety program at school and the third grade will go to the Nutcracker.
Please remember that all traffic in and out of school during arrival and dismissal times are clearly marked and asks you to turn right. We had police officers comment on the arrival and dismissal traffic last week and I assured them that our STAR parents just needed a reminder of the procedures. I expect to see them again this week so please make sure that you are following the protocol. Also, If you are dropping off your child for school, please park either in the pool parking lot or the church parking lot across from the school and walk with your child(ren) to the school. Last week, we had two children run out across the street with cars going in both directions. Thank you for your support in keeping all of our STARS safe.
Please consider the PTA's newest family celebration with their "Dining with the STARS Cookbook, A Taste of Morehead". This is a great way to celebrate our cultures through the food that we eat. Please check out the flyer below to get the details. Please take time to visit our Morehead PTA Website for all of the up to date messages and information!
Please let us know your feedback. We have put together a simple form for you as STAR Families to share what we are doing well, what we should consider changing, or just "food for thought". This will be shared weekly as well as be on Class Dojo for your convenience.
That is all that I have for you this week. Thank you again for your partnership and support of our Morehead STAR Community! We will see all students on Monday morning!
Morehead Elementary 2024 - 2025 STARS ON THE RUN Sponsors!
MOREHEAD ELEMENTARY - An Expressive Arts Magnet
Location: 4630 Tower Road, Greensboro, NC, USA
Phone: 336-294-7370
Twitter: @MoreheadStars