Hall's Corner
November 22, 2024
Schools will be closed for Thanksgiving Recess, Wed., Nov. 27 - Friday, Nov 29.
There will be no Hall's Corner for the week of November 29.
Enjoy your holiday!
Report cards were sent home via email on Tuesday. If you wish to have a paper copy mailed home, please reach out to the Registrar's Office, Charlotte_Kimberly-Haag@bcsd.org or Gwendolyn_Parks@bcsd.org .
Good Luck to our women's volleyball team (state finals) and the football team (regional game) this weekend!
Thanksgiving Message
Celebrating Thanksgiving
As part of our district learning around Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education, we are taking a thoughtful look at different parts of our curriculum and instruction with our students including holidays such as Thanksgiving. As you may know, many Native American images found on Thanksgiving cards, decorations, and some school materials are very stereotypic. They are often based on a "composite" view of Native Americans rather than on accurate and diverse Native American lifestyles and traditions. As a consequence, Thanksgiving imagery serves to teach and reinforce children's misinformation and stereotypic thinking about Native Americans. Moreover, the story of Thanksgiving is usually told from only one side -- that of the European pilgrims who came to America. Rarely is it told from the perspective of the people who were already here.
Through our work with students our hope is to help children understand that Thanksgiving means different things to different people. Some families celebrate Thanksgiving and others do not. As we talk about Thanksgiving, we hope to help students understand it as part of a larger effort to learn accurate information about Native Americans of the past and present. Additionally, it offers a chance to talk about gratitude in light of the Native Americans who provided food and resources to the colonists. As we give thanks this season, we hope you will find ways within your family to reinforce these lessons and help instill in our children an appreciation and accurate understanding of all cultures.
If you are interested in more resources, please see the list below.
Additional resources:
- Book list with books written from the Native perspective: https://coolmompicks.com/blog/2015/11/21/childrens-books-about-thanksgiving-from-native-perspective/
- American Indian perspectives on Thanksgiving: https://americanindian.si.edu/sites/1/files/pdf/education/thanksgiving_poster.pdf
Counseling Department
BHS is hosting the second of two FINANCIAL AID Information Nights for families of seniors. If you missed our last presentation, please save the date!
FINANCIAL AID Information Night
Tuesday, December 3rd, 6:30 PM, in BHS room 262
Join MCC Financial Aid Expert, Jerome St. Croix, for an overview of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) forms, program, and financial aid process. There will be plenty of time for questions.
Senior Newsletter
Senior newsletter 11/15/2024 https://secure.smore.com/n/2deum
- College Rep Visits have begun. Visit the Web to see the weekly updates. https://bhs.bcsd.org/46742_3
November Counseling Corner
June Exam weeks draft schedule is here! Please get the dates on your calendars!
** Math Updated 10/10**
ATTENTION BHS Families and Students
June 11 & June 17 – June 25
Students with scheduled exams are expected to be there for ALL EXAMS!
Students in the News
Crossroads 2024 Yearbook recognized at the ESSPA Conference
The Crossroads 2024 Yearbook "What Defines Us," was honored for their excellence in the following categories during the 85th ESSPA Conference which takes place each year at the Newhouse School, Syracuse University in October:
Best Overall Layout:
Best Overall Yearbook:
Best Cover Design:
Although the club decided not to attend the conference in person this year due to transportation costs and the timing of the event, we are very pleased with our standings! We've updated our shelf in the atrium & put our newest awards in the trophy case (see attached photos.)
2024 Editorial Staff Included:
Owen Touri ('24) & Theresa Miller ('25) as Co-Editor in Cheif
Abigail Garvey ('26)- Design Editor
Lia Satter ('24)- Senior Section Editor
Henry Werzinger ('25)- Photo Editor
Carly Leichtner ('26) - Clubs & Copy Editor
Julia Ochs ('25)- Clubs Editor
Emerson Pearlberg ('25)- Clubs Editor
General Staffers:
Lucy Madison, Erin Kinslow, CJ Lopez, Charlotte Empie, Nasir Smith, Montero Amos, Ceyda Lenio, Annalise Yartz, Brandon Taccia, Julia Winter, Annelise Buck, Jordyn Raville, Glenn Suppe
Mrs. Pickering
Congratulations to all involved!
November Math Meet results - Check it out!
The BHS Math Team held its second math meet of the year on Wednesday, November 13th. Ten teams from the Monroe County large school division competed. BHS math students took 3rd place in their division for the second month in a row, just behind Pittsford Mendon and Sutherland. Our math team has more students this year than ever before! YOU MAKE BHS PROUD!
TCMS Presents Frozen Jr. - Shows this weekend!
Twelve Corners Middle School is presenting Disney’s “Frozen Jr.” at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 22 and Saturday, Nov. 23 in the Brighton High School Auditorium. Tickets are $10 and are available online and at the door.
Do you want to build a snowman? You’ll love this fanciful and heartwarming stage adaptation of the top-grossing animated film of all time! Join Anna, Elsa, and all of your favorite characters as they embark on an epic, ice-filled journey of self-discovery, camaraderie, and the real meaning of true love. Adapted for young performers, this musical includes favorite “Frozen” songs such as “Love Is an Open Door,” “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?,” and “Let It Go,” as well as wonderful new songs from the Broadway production. With its empowering message of love and understanding, “Frozen Jr.” is sure to melt your heart!
The cast includes: Emma McGowan as Anna; Attie DeRisio as Middle Anna; Sadie Callard as Young Anna; Veronica Jurasinski as Elsa; Sarah Moalem as Middle Elsa; Kennedy Smith as Young Elsa; Jordan McCloud as King Agnarr; Abby Hittinger as Queen Iduna; Violet Beach as Pabbie; Iris Starr-Powers as Bulda; Joshua Robertson as Kristoff; Reid Wilder as Sven; Evren Tenekeci as Weaselton; Lauren Kinslow as Olaf; Maisy Francey as Oaken; and Indra Aguilar as Bishop. The ensemble includes: Claire Brennan, Morgan Cameron, Eden Collins, Ellie Greenberg, Justine Kirchmaier, Kaelyn Love, Alaina Marafioti, Charlotte Morey, Rory Platzer, Lucy Pratt, Abbie Sacco, Viviana Spence, Kenzi Thompson, and Hana Utech.
The crew includes: Hudson Sloan as stage manager, Rhys McLendon on sound, Ellie Pratt on SFX, Jordan Inzinna on lights, Ronin Sellix on board op, Connor Mitchell and Ashe Nipe on spots, Arwen Hull and Lauchlan Presley as deck leads, and Clem Beach, Stella DeRisio and Hannah Meltzer on decks.
Makaily Courtwright is a Tri-Artistic Director, Alison Cuchiarale is a Tri-Artistic Director and Vocal Director, Jessica Padilla is a Tri-Artistic Director and Choreographer, and Jack Witmer is the Technical Director.
Vote on 2024 Council Rock Primary School Phase 2 Capital Project is Dec. 4
Qualified residents of the Brighton Central School District will vote on a proposition in a special vote on Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2024 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Central Administration Building, Gymnasium, Door 4, 2035 Monroe Ave.
The capital project proposition would authorize the appropriation of $19,125,000 for building and site improvements at Council Rock Primary School. The proposition requests the authorization to withdraw $3,000,000 from the existing capital reserve fund. The balance of $16,125,000 would be paid through local taxes and state aid.
The estimated future tax impact on homes assessed at $250,000 is $18.00 per year. While this phase of construction has a future tax impact, the cumulative impact on the local tax levy is less than the amount approved by the voters in the 2017 Brighton Facilities Improvement Plan, which was $64.9 million. This is attributable to less debt being issued than previously projected and favorable interest rates achieved on borrowings.
The scope of the project is as follows:
- Provide consistent learning environments by upgrading 31 classrooms. This includes: flooring and wall improvements, door replacement, flexible storage, toilet room upgrades, and lighting and electrical upgrades.
- Expanding the southeast playground and making it more inclusive and accessible.
- Flooring, door, and wall tile replacement in the west, east, and south wing corridors, including abatement as necessary.
- Roof reconstruction for the art room and northwest wing.
- Installation of a turf physical education space to provide increased opportunities for active outdoor play and exercise.
In order to vote, a person must be a resident of the Brighton Central School District for at least 30 days immediately preceding the vote, and must be at least 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States. No registration is required, but prospective voters should bring one proof of residency such as a driver's license or non-driver’s ID. Click here for information on absentee and early mail voting ballots.
More information is available at www.bcsd.org/capitalproject
Battle of the Bruins Trivia Competition is Coming
Senior Deadlines. Are you ready?!
Last Chance to Make Yearbook Submissions
- Senior Photos
- Quotes
- Now- and -Thens
- Recognition Ads
Submit to:
**You should have already placed your order for Cap & Gown**
Please get online and order the cap and gown now if you haven't already done so!!
Orders can be made, no money down and pay later, by calling or email Jostens - Fitch Office Phone: (585) 377-4778;
E-Mail: scott.fitch@jostens.com
Here is a quick link to the Basic Cap and Gown Unit that is needed for the graduation ceremony. A standard tassel is included with this package.
The PTSA Family and Student Support Fund is available through your counselor.
Did you know BHS Peer Tutoring is available?!
AP Students, Register NOW for Exams
BHS Bookstore Instagram Promotion
The BHS Bookstore will be running a promotion utilizing our Instagram page (@bhs.bookstore).
- Buy something from the Bookstore ... any item
- Post a picture of you and the item tagging our instagram page
- Earn $5 off your next purchase!
The Bookstore is open daily during flex, as well as 4th period on days 1, 2, and 4. We have new hoodies and water bottles!
Fashion Club wants your unneeded clothing
Clean Your Closet and Donate your Unneeded Clothing to the Makers Space for Fashion Club
Fasion Club would love:
- Pants, Jeans
- Any kind of shirts and tanks
- Sweaters, crewnecks
- Button downs and formal wear
No thank you for:
- Undergarments, shoes and socks
Purple Week is coming!
The annual Friends of Rachel Club's PURPLE WEEK will be held the week after Thanksgiving break, December 2 - December 6. For those who that are unfamiliar with the purpose and or the goal of this event, Purple Week is a week focused on the promotion of Kindness, Peace, and Inclusion.
Brighton Community Education News!
The SAT and ACT Exam Boot Camp class is being held at BHS on Saturday, November 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:0 p.m. in Room 158. The SAT/ACT Boot Camp thoroughly reviews the essential reading, writing, math, and test-taking skills and strategies for the most current versions of both exams. We’ll also outline the additional content and action steps needed for greater progress toward the highest test scores. The next sessions after this one are February 1st and March 1st.
Register for these classes (and more!) at https://brightonschools.revtrak.net Questions? Contact the Brighton Community Education Office at mona_zamiarski@bcsd.org or 585-242-5200 ext. 5595.
Financial assistance may be available through the BCSD Student & Family Support Fund. Contact Ms. Ingle the BHS Counseling Center for more information.
The next session of the New York State Driver Education Course starts in January 2025. Registration for the class will begin on Tuesday, December 3rd, at 8:00 p.m. Brighton High School - Driver Education - General Information
All information about the course is available through the Brighton Community Education website. You do not have to be a Brighton student to register. However, BHS students are enrolled and assigned to cars first. The class fee is $640. This class fills quickly; make sure you review the class information before registration opens so you can reserve your spot as soon as registration opens!
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
File Resources
Administrator and Counselor Information
School Tool/Parent Portal Link Changes
We would like to remind you that the link to access School Tool/Parent Portal has changed, and is now: https://monroeoneric01.schooltool.com/BCSD
For some of you who may have had the old web address bookmarked or saved to your password "keychain" on your devices, you may need to log into School Tool via this new weblink and reset SchoolTool in your devices or bookmarks/favorites to this new web address.
If you have forgotten your password, there is a password reset link right on the new login page.
School Pictures
ATTENTION CLASS OF 2025! The Senior Panorama HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED for 11:20 on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18th, in the NEW Main Gym.
Absentee/Retake day was Oct 17 2024.If your child(ren) was photographed on Absentee/Retake day and you would like toorder a picture package from the absentee picture day, please see the online order info below.
Please call the Inter-State office with any questions regarding this. (585)310-7781.
Website: www.inter-state.com/order
Order Code: 89170M (retakes/absentee in October)
September picture's orders can be located by going to Website: https://inter-state.com/order Order Code: 89120QA (September dates). IDs and pictures from the September photo days that were not picked up yet are available in the Main Office.
Summer Back to School Information
Course Supply List - please see Resources at the bottom of this Hall's Corner to see a printable PDF.
Military Opt- Out, Photo Opt -Out, Supplies List, OTC Forms, etc. Click Here.