RPS Superintendent's Update
Dr. Branco - 8/27/24
Dear RPS Community,
I hope this message finds you and your family happy and healthy after a summer filled with fantastic weather and opportunities for down time, trips, staycations, and many other ways to reenergize, reconnect, and prepare for an exciting and impactful school year. I am excited to see our students back in classrooms collaborating with their peers as they engage in a wide variety of learning activities throughout the year.
Positive Energy = Positive Impact
The District Leadership Team spent some time this summer discussing the importance of being a positive energizer. We have learned that “positive energy is four times more important in predicting performance than either influence or information…and trumps most other factors in accounting for organizational success” (Cameron, 2013, pp. 53-54). For a variety of reasons, it is often difficult to stay consistently positive and able to see the world through a “glass half full” lens. However, our collective ability to do so can and will have a positive impact on our ability to provide our students with high quality educational experiences that foster their academic, social, emotional, and civic development, while preparing them to be college, career, and/or service ready. I invite everyone to join us in our quest to be positive energizers as we work together to support the individual and collective growth and achievement of our Rockport Public School students.
Communication, Engagement & Advocacy
This summer, in addition to the wide variety of work that was done to get ready for a new school year, the School Committee and the Leadership Team each participated in powerful retreats that provided time for reflection, professional development, and goal setting. The School Committee focused its work on communication and advocacy, and developed a goal focused on supporting the development and implementation of key actions intended to provide increased and more effective communication with the community focused on
the District’s commitment to providing each student with an inclusive, high quality educational experience that fosters their academic, social, emotional, and civic development, while preparing them to be college, career, and/or service ready.
continued advocacy for community support for maintaining a comprehensive local school district that supports the concept of a multi-generational community.
The Leadership team focused on teacher-centered professional development, teaching & learning initiatives, community engagement (Family/Caregiver Engagement and Non-Family/Caregiver Engagement), and the importance of being a positive energizer.
Strategy for District Improvement
Our work continues to be guided by our Mission, Vision, and Core Values as developed and implemented over the past two years.
Mission (What we do)
The Rockport Public Schools, in partnership with our community, are committed to providing each student with an inclusive, high quality educational experience that fosters their academic, social, emotional, and civic development, while preparing them to be college, career, and/or service ready.
Vision (Where we want to be)
The Rockport Public Schools, in partnership with our community, strive to be an inclusive and comprehensive learning environment that recognizes and responds to the identity, individuality, and voice of all members while establishing a community that intentionally meets their needs and prepares students to maximize their potential and become critical thinkers, problem-solvers, innovators, leaders, and creatives who positively impact our world.
Core Values (What we believe)
High Expectations - We maintain high expectations for academic growth and achievement, equitable opportunities, and personal and collective responsibility for our actions
Wellness - We prioritize the social, emotional, and physical wellness of each member of our learning community to ensure a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment.
Integrity - We recognize honesty is about words and integrity is about actions. We engage in open and honest communication, take personal and collective responsibility, and demonstrate strong moral principles (guidelines that help us do the right thing).
Sense of Belonging - We foster an inclusionary culture that provides each member of our learning community a sense of belonging grounded in social emotional safety, impactful relationships, and personalized growth.
Creativity & Innovation - We provide a learning environment that promotes creativity (the ability to produce new and unique ideas) and encourages innovation (the execution of creativity).
While our Mission, Vision, and Core Values remain constant, our Strategic Priorities have been updated to reflect our focus for this year. Here is a link to the updated RPS Strategy for District Improvement.
Busy Summer
Over the summer we have made a number of buildings and grounds improvements, have invested in professional development for teachers, and have made final preparations for the implementation of new programming. Thank you to our hardworking year-round staff, the many educators who spent time this summer developing new skills and/or programs, and to the numerous volunteers who helped out in various ways to ensure that we were ready for a new school year.
Thankful and Proud
I am thankful to partner with the incredible RPS educators and support staff whose knowledge, energy and passion for educating our students is on display each and everyday. Our district benefits greatly from a community that values and supports the education of our up-and-coming community members. Without organizations such as the PTO, EFR, FRA, Rotary, school councils, and the school committee, we would not be able to provide the same quality programs and materials that we do now. By serving on or joining a committee or organization, participating in public meetings, or working behind the scenes on any number of school related programs, parents and community members serve as role models for our students and provide authentic examples of how adults can be active and supportive members of their community. We value our current stakeholder relationships within the local community, and we look forward to developing new relationships as well.
It is my hope that we can continue to work together in the best interest of all of our students and provide them with the highest quality education possible so that they will be prepared to make a positive impact on their community and world. It is my privilege to serve as the Superintendent of the Rockport Public Schools. I wish each and every one of you a wonderful school year!
Rockport Public Schools
Email: mbranco@rpk12.org
Website: rpk12.org/
Location: 32 Jerdens Lane, Rockport, MA, USA
Phone: (978)546-1200
Twitter: @Mark_Branco