BMHS Parent/Family Update
July 24th, 2024
November 22nd, 2024
Thanksgiving Break
All Bellevue Independent Schools will be CLOSED for Thanksgiving Break November 27th - November 29th.
#TigerPRIDE November Students of the Month
Congratulations to our #TigerPRIDE November Students of the Month!
Middle School - Logan Bacis - Nominated by Ms. Conley for demonstrating the character principle of INTEGRITY - "Logan consistently attends class every day and asks what he can do to help. He is consistently kind, helpful, and looking out for his peers. He leads by example and is always on task. He asks me daily, "How are you?" We are proud to name Logan Bacis as our middle school #TigerPRIDE November Student of the Month!
High School - Journee Rogg - Nominated by Mrs. Winkler for demonstrating the character principle of DETERMINATION- "Journee demonstrates determination in Geometry class. At the beginning of the year, when a task was difficult for her, she would say, " I don't like this class" and would want to stop trying. She didn't stop, though. She kept asking questions and persevered until she understood. She is gaining confidence every day. She contributes to class discussions and volunteers to answer questions. She shows genuine excitement when she is successful with the content. Her enthusiasm is a contagious and a bright spot in my day. I am proud of the progress she has made so far and am eager to see her continued growth throughout the year." We are proud to name Journee Rogg as our high school #TigerPRIDE November Student of the Month.
#TigerPRIDE November Staff Members of the Month
Congratulations to the following staff members for being named our #TigerPRIDE Staff Members of the Month!
- Middle School - Heather Foster - Art Teacher
- High School - Sandy Brun - B Lab Instructional Assistant
Thank you to Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Brun for your work and dedication to the students of Bellevue!
Basketball Black and Gold Night
Come out and support our Men's and Women's basketball teams as we host our first ever Black and Gold Night on Monday, November 25th at 7:00pm at Ben Flora Gym. The event will feature competitions in involving our high school basketball teams, a performance by our cheerleaders. We will also recognize our elementary, middle school, and high school basketball teams. It will be a great night to kickoff the basketball season!
2nd Quarter Progress Reports
Just a reminder that 2nd Quarter progress reports came home with our students on Friday. You can also access their grades online using the Infinite Campus parent portal.
2025-2026 District Calendar Committee
We are looking for a parent from BMHS to serve on the 2025-2026 BISD Calendar Committee. This parent would help develop the calendar for the district for the 2025-2026 school year. The timeline for the process would be:
- Week of December 9th–13th: Initial calendar committee meeting to discuss various aspects of our academic calendar setup.
- By January 10th, 2025: Calendar options sent to committee members.
- January 2025:
- Committee members will share and discuss options with their building staff to gather feedback.
- The committee will meet (up to three times) to review feedback and determine a draft calendar for board approval. Meeting dates and times will be set based on committee availability.
- February or March Board Meeting: Draft calendar presented for the first reading.
If you are interested in serving on the District Calendar Committee, please email Mr. Spicher at by the end of the day on Tuesday, November 26th.
Staff Member of the Month Nomination Form
Parent voice is extremely valuable here at Bellevue Middle School/High School. We would like to give you the opportunity to nominate one of our staff members as our Staff Member of the Month for the outstanding work they do to serve our students and our community. To nominate a staff member, please fill out the form below. We will recognize our winners every month at one of our early release day activities.
Attendance Matters
Thank you for the great work during the statewide High Attendance Day! We had a great day with right around 95% attendance across Grades 6-12. 11th and 12th grades were the highest in the building with 98.11% attendance. Let's keep up the great work!
Kentucky Safe Schools Tip Line
In order to promote a safe and health school environment, we encourage all of our students to report suspicious activity, safety concerns, or mental health concerns to a trusted adult. If they do not feel comfortable talking to an adult in the building, they can always report concerns to the Kentucky Safe Schools Tip Line at 1-866-393-6659. All reports to the Kentucky Safe Schools Tip Line are completely anonymous.
Bellevue, Kentucky 41073