SUMMER EDITION #6 (August 18, 2024)
Dear Davis Hill Community,
Sending out another update with just a few quick notes/ updates (See below for key info).
-Welcome/ Class Assignment Video linked below (Please watch).
-Please, please make it a habit to click on the "DHEvents Google Calendar" (Linked here and linked below). This will be the link I will be using all year for Upcoming Events. Information on Open House/ New Student Orientation is all there in the Google Events Doc.
-Please complete the Student Transportation Doc included below if you have not already (I have about 140 responses as of 8.18.24 @12:00).
-I will be in a large number of meetings offsite Monday-Thursday this week during school hours with other District administrators (Including Mr. Berthiaume).
I know the update can be lengthy this time of year with some new/ repetitive information; however, it is all important info and I appreciate you taking the time to review!
Jay Norton, Principal
'Entitlement and gratitude can not occupy the same space within.'
Christina Dawson
“Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals.
If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
Please see the link below for an update from our School Nurse, Mrs. Villnave!
This year all Davis Hill Kindergarten students will come in for a brief 'drop-in' day on August 27th (Which is the first day of school for students in grades 1-5). Caregivers and students will have the opportunity to explore the classroom, lunch room and playground during their visit.
Drop-In will be from 10:00-10:45 on the 27th and all students and families will meet in the front of the building/ lobby area prior to going to classrooms.
A reminder that our staff works very hard to develop class lists. Sending and receiving grade level teaching teams and special education staff (when applicable) work together, with administration, to create classrooms that are in line with the goal of our WRSD School Committee Policy (“establish classes that will enhance the dynamics of the classroom by bringing students together who will work as a learning team, and challenge and complement one another”). Classroom placement is a complex and time-consuming process that our staff takes very seriously.
A volunteer parent questionnaire was sent home last spring in order to provide parents an opportunity to offer input related to their child’s learning style and provide any pertinent information that may support Davis Hill staff in the placement process.
Per School Committee Policy, parental requests for specific teachers are not to be considered in the placement process.
Please Note
Classroom Assignments are not considered final until they are posted on August 20th in the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
- Families will be able to access the Parent Portal to view transportation, handbook and policy information. Please be sure to review and sign-off Student Handbook prior to the beginning of the school year. Link: PowerSchool Parent Portal
Once again this school year all families will be accessing classroom assignments through PowerSchool. This practice is consistent with other elementary schools in the District. Teacher assignments are expected to be available starting on *Tuesday, August 20th via the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
I am going to be holding one 'Wiffle Ball Wednesday' Session on Wednesday, August 21st from 4:30-5:30 (if the weather allows). If your DHDragon would like to play a quick few innings of 'ball' and hit a few off of me... please come on down! If you plan on attending, please complete the Google Form Below so I have an idea of how many students to plan for.
Thank you! Mr. Norton
As we get a new year up and running, ensuring that our students get home safely is of the utmost importance. Please fill out the Google Form below for each child who attends Davis Hill as this will give us an idea about how children will be dismissing from school. We do understand that there will be changes for families, and at this time we are using this data to support our general planning for dismissal procedures.
Prior to completing, please note the following important information:
We will be maintaining our walking procedures from last year moving forward. Please see the link below for information.
At this time, all student pick-up/ drop-offs will occur in the front of the building. I will be sending out more information on this for review prior to the start of school; however, we have historically had a large number of cars which do lead to lengthy wait times and traffic around the building. Getting an idea of how many cars we may be able to expect will help us in planning. Thank you!
School Hours: Doors open at Davis Hill at 8:50am. Please do not drop off students unattended prior to 8:50am as we do not have staff in place to monitor students until the doors are open. Our dismissal begins around 3:25 (a bit earlier even in the beginning of the year).
Dismissals: If you need to dismiss your child early for any reason, please send in a note to their homeroom teacher the morning of the dismissal or send an email to their teacher and myself that morning. Please include your child’s first and last name as well as their homeroom teacher on all notes. Please refrain from dismissals after 3:10pm as the office gets busy with dismissal preparation.
Absent: If your child will be absent, please call the school in the morning to notify us. If you know in advance that your child will not be in school, please send an email to their homeroom teacher and our school secretary, Mrs. Tara Slavin (tara_slavin@wrsd.net) in advance notifying us. Please include their first and last name, homeroom teacher, reason for absence and duration of absence.
PLEASE NOTE: Do not email staff/ teachers regarding dismissal changes during the school day. We can not guarantee that staff will read the email and/ or there is always a chance that our technology has a disruption. Please call the office with any dismissal changes during the day. Thank you!
Tardy: If your child will be tardy to school, please walk them to the front office upon arrival to check in.
PowerSchool: The Parent Portal in PowerSchool is the key tool for accessing important information (Student Handbook/ Report Cards).
Volunteering: You will need to complete a Cori Form that can be found online in order to volunteer at school. Approvals generally take 4 weeks. At times, opportunities to volunteer may be available. The link to the CORI FORM is also located below. Please don't wait until spring (i.e. Field Day) to get your CORI. Please take the time to get this done early in the school year. Thank you!
We have had some grade level and special education assignment changes of note that have been announced to our Davis Hill Staff. I wanted to share these changes out with the Davis Hill Community as well for informational purposes. Changes are in BOLD.
Kindergarten Teachers:
Mrs. Alcock, Mrs. Benoit and Ms. Whitman
First Grade Teachers:
Mrs. Colton, Ms. Cortis, Mrs. Lanza (formally K Teacher) and Mrs. Nunnemacher
Second Grade Teachers:
Mrs. Madden, Ms. Grensavitch, Mrs. Riedle and Mrs. Sachse
Third Grade Teachers:
Mrs. Duffy, Mrs. Manjarrez, Mr. Rakowski and Mrs. Sherblom
Fourth Grade Teachers:
Ms. OBey, Mrs. Pisano (formally 5th Grade), Ms. Poh and Mr. Vincent
Fifth Grade Teachers:
Mrs. Austin, Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Walsh
Additional Change:
Mrs. Shoro (Formally Grade 1 Teacher) is moving to our Special Education Team and will be joining Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Wheeler.
*A more detailed Full Staff list will be made available later in August.
LINK HERE: https://runsignup.com/dhdragondash
Please see the button below for the PTA Membership/ Contact Form if you are interested in becoming a member!
Also included below is a button to go directly to the PTA Website. Check it out!
Dear Davis Hill Community,
From AA Transportation: Parents - Here is some important information from AA Transportation. If you need your child to be dropped off at an alternative stop other than your home you need to fill out an alternate bus stop form and submit it to Tara Slavin before ASAP for the upcoming school year.
- If submitted at the beginning of the school year in August, it could take up to 7 business days for the form to take effect (This is the case for any form not submitted by June 14, 2024).
- All alternate stops are completely wiped out of the system at the end of each school year and need to be resubmitted for the following year.
- Children grades K-3 will be brought back to school if no adult is present unless the alternate form is sent in.
- An Updated list of authorized adults is needed.
- Alternate drop-off location needs to be sent in from parents with 2 different addresses.
- Alternate pick-up and drop-off locations for any daycare needs have to be listed (and the daycare must be within Davis Hill's boundaries).
- If your student can get off alone no need to list authorized adults.
- PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED FORM TO Tara Slavin ASAP tara_slavin@wrsd.net
Jay Norton, Principal
I have included information from an article below that outlines suggestions for easing separation anxiety. I believe it is an excellent resource. I have included items specific to the first-day of school.
By Lisa Medoff
Updated on Oct 26, 2012
When children are getting ready for their first day of kindergarten, most of them are pretty excited about finally being a "big kid" who gets to go to "big school". At the same time, their parents are preoccupied by picturing the worst-case scenario: screaming, terrified children who will be traumatized forever by the forced separation. Note that in this case, as in many parenting situations, it is the child who is originally looking forward to the new experience, and the parent who suffers the anxiety, which is then transferred to the child.
The good news is that kindergarten does not have to be a bad experience for anyone. Children pick up cues about how to act from you. If you are positive, calm, and optimistic about your child going to kindergarten, then your child will be just fine. To minimize separation anxiety, keep some of the following ideas in mind:
-Ask your child if she has any questions about school. Answer them honestly, and if you don’t know, find out the answer. If your child is worried about making friends or talking to the teacher, practice some easy phrases, such as, “Can I play with you?” and “Can I go to the bathroom?”
Give your child many chances to talk about how he is feeling about going to school. Do not assume he is scared, or plant the idea in his head by asking, “Are you worried about going to school?” However, if you are sensing that he is apprehensive, but can’t communicate that feeling, say, “Are you a little unsure about what kindergarten is going to be like?” Try to figure out specifically what the concern is. Let him know that whatever he is feeling is okay and normal. Share a time when you went into a new situation, how you felt at the beginning, and how it ended up okay in the end.
-If your child says that he doesn’t want to go because he will miss you, respond by saying, “I will miss you, too, but I’m really excited about everything you will get to do in school. I can’t wait to hear all about it when you come home.”
-When you get to school, keep it short, and stay calm. Hug your child, and say, “I love you. I know you’ll have a great day. I’ll pick you up at 1:00. Good-bye.” Smile and walk away. It is helpful to tell your child ahead of time what you will do and say that morning, so she is prepared.
-Do not hesitate when you leave. Be prepared for the fact that your child might cry and be upset, but have confidence that the teachers know how to handle the situation. The more you drag out the good-bye, the more painful it will be, and the longer it will take your child to get adjusted to leaving you. If you run back the minute your child starts to cry, you are teaching him that crying will prevent you from leaving, and he will do it every morning.
-Children will pick up on your slightest bit of anxiety and will wonder why you are concerned. It is incredibly important to prepare yourself, in addition to preparing your child. Practice what you will say to your child and how you will stay calm. If you feel like you are going to cry, do your best to hold it together until you are out of your child’s sight.
-Make it your absolute first priority to pick up your child at exactly the time that you said that you would. It will be easier to get her to school the next day if she trusts that you will be there on time to pick her up. Ask her questions about her day, focusing on the positive. Tell her how proud you are of her and how she must be excited to go back tomorrow.
-Prepare yourself for a few days, or even weeks, of difficult mornings and separations. Remind yourself to be consistent, be calm, and be optimistic. If you can soldier through a few rough days, your child will get used to the routine and future separations will be much easier.
My name is Jay Norton and I am honored to be a part of the Davis Hill Community! I live in Holden and I am the proud father of three children who all attend Wachusett Schools (except for my oldest who is off to college this year after graduating WRSD).
My professional career started in the Wachusett Regional School District at both Houghton and Dawson Elementary Schools in 1999 where I was a School Psychologist. I transferred to Davis Hill in 2008 to be the Assistant Principal. I then moved into the Principal role in the Fall of 2014 (Pictured above with our Assistant Principal- Mr. Berthiaume and I am thankful to say we are still a Team all these years later).
I am excited to start the new year and believe that open communication is foundational to creating a warm, welcoming and vibrant educational community! Can't wait to get started!
Davis Hill Elementary School
Email: jay_norton@wrsd.net
Website: http://www.wrsd.net/davishill/
Location: 80 Jamieson Road, Holden, MA 01520, United States
Phone: 508-829-1754
Instagram: dhprincipal_of_dragons
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavisHillDragons/
Twitter: @DHPrincipal