Prairie Dell Elementary News
PDE's Monthly Newsletter
Showing our ROAR and Growing our Brains
We have jumped into the month of September. We spent the first two weeks of school teaching routines, teaching our ROAR (Respect, Ownership, Attitude, and Responsibility) expectations, and laying the foundation so that we can grow our brains this school year. We have had a great start to the school year and we are excited to watch our students grow!
We are here to support our students and families. Please do not hesitate to stop by the office or give us a call if we can assist you in any way.
Ryan Klein - Prairie Dell Principal
School Wide ROAR Rally
We held the first ever ROAR Rally in the gym during the first week of school! We talked with our students about doing their Wildcat Best, showing their ROAR, and growing their brains this year. We celebrated our first Wildcat Wow, handed out paw points for students following expectations, and talked about how students can be recognized this year for working hard. It was a positive pep assembly to end our first week of school. We also established the tradition of Fist Bump Friday.
PTO's Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Our annual PTO Cookie Dough Fundraiser will kickoff on Monday, September 9. This is our only major fundraiser at Prairie Dell Elementary this school year. This fundraiser helps pay for all field trips, students prizes and awards, staff appreciation efforts, and other fun things for our building.
Students will watch a video on Monday (9/9) that explains the fundraiser and the prizes for selling items this year. We will send a packet of information home to you with your students on Monday with all of the details you will need, including important dates. If you have any questions, please call the office and we will help and assist with your questions.
Fall FastBridge Screening
We are in the middle of our fall Fastbridge screening window for reading and math.
All students, K-5, are FastBridge screened three times per year to help measure growth and progress in reading and in math throughout the school year. We use this data to help guide our instruction for students that may need interventions or for students that may need extension activities. This data is helpful for us to get an idea of how our students are performing and growing. You will get an update on your child's FastBridge scores after each screening window.
School Picture Day - September 18
Prairie Dell Elementary
Picture Day Is: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Wagner Portrait Group will be photographing students for portrait packages & school records.
Only online orders will be accepted.
(Please do not bring checks, cash, or order forms to school as they will no longer be accepted.)
Online Pre-Order Password: 8B8W8W6W
Can’t order online or have other questions? We are happy to help! 314-567-5900
Dr. Griffin's Counseling Corner
Dr. Griffin has started counseling lessons in each classroom. She visits each classroom once per week to focus on social and emotional skills. The first unit for our classrooms is Growth Mindset and Goal-Setting. Kindergarten through second grade lessons are focused on being ready to learn at school, and how to pay attention. Third grade through fifth grade is focusing on how to set goals that are specific, challenging, doable and motivating.
Be on the lookout for the Second Step Homelink which gives more in depth information on each unit.
Prevent Ed Lessons will start the week of September 9th for 5th grade students. Prevent Ed provides a program called Building You, Building Me. This four lesson unit explores the different levels of friendship and focuses on the language and behaviors that can either build or wreck a friendship.
Girls on the Run
Last chance for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls to register for Girls on the Run. Registration closes on September 13. Please click this link if you would like your daughter to participate in Girls on the Run.
Girls on the run inspires individuals of all abilities to discover, grow, and build their self-confidence. Together, they experience a sense of belonging and and connection as a team. At the end of the season, the girls run a 5K and complete a community impact project. For more information, reach out to Mrs. Morgan.
Wildcat Wows
Big Smiles
What is Big Smiles? Big Smiles is an innovative, school-based mobile dental outreach program that provides dental care to students while they are at school.