BCS Newsletter
January 6, 2025
A Word from the Head of School
Hey there BCS Family!
I hope the Christmas Break treated everyone well, and allowed for a refreshed spirit to move into the new year ahead. A major theme I've picked up on from the writings and works of authors and pastors like Pete Scazzero and John Mark Comer is that our being with Jesus must be participated in enough, to fully support the efforts of doing things for Jesus. Ultimately, this is the balance of tension found between a contemplative life (rest, sabbath, solitude and silence, prayer) and an active life (service, compassion, community, hospitality, work). Both are necessary and both are crucial.
Over the course of the break, I found myself thinking about our current cultural moment and the need of redemption to enter into our definition of what work truly is. Frederick Bruechner has a beautiful quote on vocation, that ultimately I believe initiates a redeeming thought on the potential that our work can be. He says that vocation "is the place God calls you where your deep gladness and the world's deepest hunger meets." Our work is to be a place where thriving and flourishing is allowed to happen and be cultivated here on this earth, where needs are met as an extension of God's goodness and care, and our joy in doing it allow us to ultimately join in the beautiful community that is God Himself as He invites us to continue to steward and manage the many different aspects of this world He assigns us care over.
I pray our work, both paid and unpaid, becomes a place of delight, joy, and encounter with the living God who is loving and active, redeeming this world wholly still to this day.
Grace and peace,
Skyler Sikes
Head of School
Academics Reminder
Questions for Mr. Resecker? Current students and parents of current students can schedule time to meet with the Director of Academics by going HERE.
Sign up HERE.
PSIA, an academic and fine art competition, is coming up in February. This is an excellent program designed to offer 1st-8th graders the opportunity to compete in a variety of subjects. These include academics, art, music, and speech. We are now taking sign ups for participation. You should have received a handout before Thanksgiving listing all the categories by grade level. If you did not receive one or have misplaced it, you can email me an I will get you a new copy. If you would like to see all categories listed out by grade level, visit the website here: www.psiaacademics.org.
This year we will be hosting the district event on February 22 at BCS. The top 2-3 qualify to go on to the state competition. We will set up practice opportunities starting in January. Attached is a link to sign up. If we have more than 3 interested in any category, we will have a preliminary competition in order to choose the top three for district. This is an excellent opportunity for our students and I would encourage you to check out all of the options offered. Please sign up today!
If you have any questions, please contact Laura Sandler at lsandler@1bcs.org.
Mini Cheer Camp - February 10th-13th
Mini Cheer Camp is coming up soon!
When? February 10th - 13th - 3:15pm-4:15pm
Who? Students PreK-5th Grade
Cost? $45
If you have any questions, please contact Kaia Rogers at krogers@1bcs.org.
Save the Date for Grandparents Day - Friday, February 14. All grandparents welcome!
More details to come soon!
BCS Athletics
Basketball is in full swing! Come out and support our Eagles! You can find all of the information you need about games on the athletic calendar below.
BCS Athletics Highlights
Help us celebrate these amazing student athletes. Great job, Eagles!
Congratulations to our All-State selections for the 2024 Football Season!
It was a great volleyball season! Please join us in congratulating our All-District and All-State Volleyball girls! Also, special congratulations to senior, Carlie Martinez on being chosen for the All-Southern Brazoria County First Team.
BCS Basketball Highlights
Right before the break, our boys brought home the VICTORY at the Central Christian Tournament!
Not to mention our MVP Luke Coburn and All-Tournament Team!
Shepherd Poe
Mason Speed
Tyson Sullivan
Blake Henderson
So proud of our girls in their second place win at the Founders Christian Tournament right before Christmas!
Support the Junior Class
Celebrate your child's birthday in a FUN way, while also supporting the Junior Class!
BCS Highlights
We have an outstanding PTF organization here at BCS! PTF hosted a SNOW DAY for our elementary students before Christmas. Kids made ornaments, played bingo, cut out snowflakes, bounced on inflatables, had a snowball fight, enjoyed a "snow day snack", and had a wonderful day full of FUN! Thank you PTF for your hard work and preparation, and thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers!
1st Grade Thankful Letter Writing Project
Mrs. Liles' 1st graders recently completed a writing project. Each first grader picked one special person around the school. The students were thrilled to deliver a note of thankfulness along with a beautiful poinsettia. 1st graders, we are thankful for YOU!
Professional Development THANK YOU!
On Friday, January 3, our teachers and staff participated in a professional development day. Thank you to our own, Kenny and Samantha Resecker for offering great tools for the classroom!
And, big thank you to Dr. Matthew Pyeatt and the Hand 2 Mind organization for leading our staff through training in the science of reading and best practices to support developing readers! "Assume nothing, teach everything."
Rodeo Results - Garreth Faltisek
Garreth competed against 75 other calf ropers at the Mike and Sherlyn Johnson Vegas Tuffest Jr World Championship . After two rounds of roping Garreth secured the 14th hole out of 15 who would have the privilege to return to the finals.
Garreth’s run in the finals moved him to 10th in the average for the week, and 8th place in the finals.
Congratulations Garreth! We are proud of you!
Helpful Links
It's a busy and full time of year! As we begin a new semester, it's a great time to check and/or replenish student supplies, give reminders about dress code, etc.
If you have questions about supplies, dress code, grades, or anything else, please check out our parent resource page.
You can also find important information, dates, and other helpful resources on our website HERE.
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Upcoming Important Dates
January 20 - No School
January 27 - Board Meeting
February 10-13 - Mini Cheer Camp
February 14 - Grandparents Day and Early Dismissal
February 17 - No School, Professional Development
February 22 - PSIA hosted at BCS
Fast Links