Raptor Report
Save the Date......
Feb 10 - Art Club (3rd-5th), 3:40-5:00 pm
Feb 10 - Table Top Games (Middle School), 3:40-4:45 pm
Feb 10 - 5th grade Band, 3:45-4:45 pm
Feb 10 - Girls Basketball Game vs. BRMS @ Home, 4:30 pm
Feb 10 - Mission & Vision Task Force Meeting, 4:00-6:30 pm
Feb 11 - Lego Club (4th & 5th), 3:35-5:00 pm
Feb 12 - Basketball Club (MS ), 8:00-9:00 am
Feb 12 - 4th grade field trip to CSU
Feb 12 - Girls Basketball Game @ Severance, 4:30 pm
Feb 12 - Wrestling Meet vs. BRMS @ Home, 4:30 pm
Feb 13 - Student Council Meeting, 7:30 am
Feb 14 - Valentines Day
Feb 14 - 5th grade Orchestra, 3:45-4:45 pm
Feb 17 - No School - President's Day
Spirit Week! February 10-14!
Random Acts of Kindness Week!
Monday, Team up for kindness! Wear sports gear!
Tuesday, Twin day! Dress like your friends!
Wednesday, Show school staff some love! Dress like a teacher day!
Thursday, Dream of kindness! Wear your pajamas!
Friday, Valentine kindness to all! Wear red or pink!
Kindness Grams
Send a kind message to a friend at school! During the Random Acts of Kindness Week, student council will be selling postcards that will be delivered on Valentine’s Day!
When: February 10-13 - they will be delivered to students on Friday the 14th
How much: $1.00 per gram
A pencil will be included with each kindness gram!
KidsPak 8th Annual Food Drive - Feeding the Future
What: KidsPak 8th Annual Food Drive - Feeding the Future
Where: Loveland King Soopers, Safeways, Walmarts, Sam’s Club, Berthoud Hays Market
When:February 28 9:00am-6:00pm
March 1 9:00am-6:00pm
March 2 9:00am-4:00pm
Why: Volunteers will be in stores to provide a shopping list and receive the purchased items. With a goal of 43,000 pounds of food, KidsPak is hoping to surpass last year's total of 40,000 pounds generously donated by our community.
Sign up to volunteer here:
KidsPak 8th Annual City-Wide Food Drive - Grocery Store Greeters
See the flyer for all of the details!
Unified Basketball vs First Responders
Mountain View Unified Basketball vs Loveland First Responders game on Wednesday, February 26 at 6:30pm. We would love to pack the stands! The district EDI team is providing free pizza for students.
5210 + Challenge
The Challenge is on! The Healthy Kids 5210+ Challenge is a FREE month-long program, during February, where students, school staff and families learn and practice the 5210+ healthy habits. The goal is to get 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, 2 hours or less of recreational screen time,1 hour or more of physical activity, 0 sugary drinks and 9 or more hours of sleep every day! Your student(s) will be bringing home a tracking log to keep track of their healthy habits throughout the month of February. Students that complete 80 checkmarks on their log will earn a FREE t-shirt. All students and staff that participate can help our school earn money for PE equipment and school wellness initiatives.
Check with Hannah Breckinridge for more information.
Lost and Found
We have over 50+ lost jackets, coats and sweatshirts hanging on the Lost and Found racks again, after just four weeks of school. There is also a boxful of lost gloves and hats. Please come on in and look for your student's missing items. All clothing will be donated in March after Conferences.
Please view important immunization letters below:
Dear Families,
As we continue in the winter season, it’s important that your contact information in the Parent Portal is updated to receive any communications regarding school closures or school delays. Please add emergency contacts to your child’s profile also in case you are unable to pick up your child if school is closed early.
All visitors must be in VITAL to help with class parties!
Join us and become an AUTHORIZED Riverview Volunteer
All volunteers in the Thompson School District must be registered before they are authorized to volunteer at the schools.
This is includes, but is not limited to, activities such as:
Assisting in your child’s classroom
Chaperoning your child’s field trips
Volunteering at events
Register by going to: tsd.org/get-involved/volunteer
Click New Volunteers (blue box)
Tip: Consider registering your spouse at the same time as yourself!
FYI: If you registered last year, you do NOT need to reregister!
Once you register, the district will provide Riverview with your personalized volunteer badge. When you arrive at the school to volunteer, just find your badge at the front office desk and log in to the volunteer system. This helps us keep track of all the wonderful volunteer hours provided by our Riverview families!
Riverview School
3550 Barkwood Drive
Johnstown, CO 80534
(970) 613-7000
Attendance Line: (970) 613-6666
Fax: (970) 613-7020
Principal: John Dumbleton
Assistant Principal: Jennifer Bradshaw
Supervisory Dean: Jessica Laue
School Secretary: Jana Lewis