Scholar Newsletter
October 8th, 2024
Voice of Inspiration
The Keck School Difference
Min Yu (Photo by Chris Shinn)
University of Southern California Stem (USC) Cell scientist Min Yu brainstorms new ways to beat breast cancer. “The best thing that I have done is to get a group of critical, open-minded, excited, motivated people in the lab.”
Announcing the 2025 Human Lander Challenge
Join the S-STEM Scholars Network
The Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) Resource & Evaluation Center (REC) aims to increase the number of talented low-income students who obtain degrees in STEM and enter the STEM workforce.
S-STEM Scholars and Alumni sign up to receive information and resources to support your success in STEM careers!
STEM Events
Career and Conferences
ACS on Campus at University of Minnesota
Join American Chemical Society (ACS) on Campus at University of Minnesota for an engaging half-day event. Get to know ACS Editors and learn their tips for Scholarly Publishing and Managing Your Data. Find out more about the latest ACS Resources you can use to grow your career.
All events are FREE and open to all students and researchers studying the sciences, not just chemistry! Attendees will receive a personalized participation certificate after the event.
In-person event
Oct 24, 2024 | 12:30–5 PM CT
4 hours
401/402 Walter Library, 117 Pleasant St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455
Chemistry Education
Registration for the 2025 Nebraska Conference for NCUWM Now Open!
2023 Group Photo
The 27th Annual Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics (NCUWM) will be held in-person January 31-February 2, 2025, in Lincoln, Nebraska, at the Embassy Suites and University of Nebraska-Lincoln City Campus.
Students interested in presenting at the 2025 conference should complete an application between October 1 and October 18, 2024. Presenter applications received after Oct. 18 will be reviewed as long as talk and poster slots remain open. Non-presenter registrations were accepted for as long as we have space through November 15, 2024.
Registration fees: The rate is $50 per person and is collected at the time of registration unless the individual's institution is paying and requests an invoice.
National Conference on Undergraduate Research
Engaging Minds. Empowering Students. Are You Ready?
NCUR 2025 @Pittsburgh | April 7-9, 2025
David L. Lawrence Convention Center | Pittsburgh, PA
The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) is dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity in all fields of study by sponsoring an annual conference for students. Unlike meetings of academic professional organizations, this gathering of student scholars welcomes presenters from all institutions of higher learning and from all disciplines. Overall, this conference offers a unique environment for the celebration and promotion of undergraduate student achievement; provides models of exemplary research, scholarship, and creative activity; and offers student career readiness development. Find out more about the history of NCUR here.
General information about registration rates, travel discounts, a preliminary schedule at a glance, hotel information, and more are available on our NCUR site, here.
NCUR 2025 is now accepting abstracts from undergraduate research students in over 50 different disciplines as well as abstracts for our mentor-led sessions. Find out more information on how to submit, the guidelines and requirements, and more through the button above. Abstract submissions close on Friday, December 6, 2024. Click below to submit your abstract.
Interested in Genome Engineering? Check this out!
Join other Undergraduates to learn about the Center for Genome Engineering. The seminar will showcase possible academic pathways for trainees, opportunities for lab experience, and an overview of our latest research. Pizza provided!
Event Details
Date: Thursday, October 24, 2024
Time: 3PM - 4PM
Location: Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building
STEM Opportunities
Graduate School and Research
AMS 2024 Online Fall Graduate School Fair
The American Mathematical Society (AMS) Online Fall Graduate School Fair is a great opportunity for undergraduates to learn about possibilities for graduate study and for master’s students to learn more about opportunities for PhD study. Representatives of graduate programs in the mathematical sciences are available to answer questions about their graduate programs.
The 2024 Fall Online Graduate School Fair will take place October 9, 12 pm to 6 pm ET (9 am to 3pm PT) on vFairs, a top-tier event management platform. Some benefits of vFairs include:
- Booth setup training for exhibitors and access to booths prior to the event.
- Easily upload program infographics and documents for attendees.
- Student attendees will be able to access the event for three months after the fair to continue to explore and connect with programs.
The fair will open with a kickoff panel to provide student attendees with advice on how to effectively navigate and network at the fair, as well as on strategies for applying to graduate programs in mathematics.
Advance registration is required for both students and program representatives. Registration is free for students.
University of Minnesota Graduate Programs Fair
If you have been thinking about pursuing a graduate degree in STEM, considering attending the U of MN Graduate Programs Fair! This is a great opportunity for you to explore our graduate program and many other resources.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Time: 1PM - 4PM
Location: Coffman Memorial Union Great Hall
The fair is designed to help you navigate graduate program options at the U, and begin to establish support systems in your decision-making and graduate exploration process.
By attending the event, you can expect to:
Meet faculty, staff and representatives from various graduate programs at the Twin Cities and Duluth campuses
Connect with current students from various graduate student organizations and learn about their unique experiences as grad students at the U of MN
Learn about systemwide resources available to graduate students
Feel supported in your graduate education journey. The Graduate Fair is just the beginning! Receive invitations to attend other sessions throughout the year that will be designed to help you feel more comfortable and equipped as you move from prospective to admitted student, and beyond. You'll continue to learn from University experts on topics like: seeking funding opportunities; overcoming imposter syndrome; writing your personal and diversity statements; negotiating admissions and funding packages; and more!
Visit our the Graduate School Diversity Office website for an overview of participating graduate programs, and additional event details and information.
Upcoming Fall 2024 Gopher Grad Workshops
Are you a first-generation college student, Pell-eligible, and/or from an underrepresented community seeking a pathway to transform systems? Are you interested in or exploring the possibility of attending graduate school? Explore all of the great workshops the Gopher Grad Initiative has to offer!
GFSD Application is Open - A STEM Opportunity for US Graduate Students
The Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity is a partnership between government agencies and laboratories, industry, and higher education. GFSD's goal is to increase the number of American citizens with graduate degrees in the physical sciences and related engineering fields, emphasizing recruitment of a diverse applicant pool.
Since inception in 1989, GFSD has awarded 467 graduate fellowships. Of those fellows, 204 have received a PhD and 92 have received an MS. Sixty-six students are currently enrolled. Ninety-five percent of GFSD fellows have been minority, female, or both, those historically underrepresented in science. Recent alumni have received PhD's from Caltech, Cornell, Duke, George Washington, North Carolina State, Stanford, Texas A & M, UC Berkeley, University of Chicago, University of Illinois, University of Maryland – CP, University of Michigan, University of Missouri, and University of Wisconsin.
By helping to provide a continuous source of scientists who are U. S. citizens, employers and universities can achieve diversity and balance in our nation's scientific community. In turn, GFSD can help today's promising young scientists — tomorrow's science leaders — to realize their dreams.
The GFSD Graduate Fellowship is unique in being: open to all American citizens; lasting for up to six years; providing a $20,000 annual stipend; covering tuition; allowing a fellow also to hold a research or teaching assistantship; including one or two paid summer internships with a government agency; providing a mentor and the opportunity for a lasting relationship with the sponsor.
The application is easy to complete, requiring the same information as other national fellowships. The online application typically opens August 31 and closes in December.
If you have interned, have been employed or are employed by a government agency or laboratory, ask your mentor or research supervisor to nominate you directly for an GFSD fellowship. Contact GFSD for details.
Connect with STEM at Stillman School of Business
By 2028, it is estimated that there will be more than a million jobs in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field. At the same time, a decline in qualified STEM professionals means a number of positions are going unfilled. STEM-designated programs, such as the ones offered at Seton Hall, are critical to producing professionals to work in fields that benefit U.S. economic growth and overall global competitiveness. In addition, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has classified STEM careers as having some of the greatest growth potential and the highest paying salaries for the 21st century.
Click below for more information:
Interested in Research and Graduate School? Join Augsburg TRIO McNair Scholars
Prospective transfers from community colleges are strongly encouraged to reach out to learn more about the program, eligibility, and application process.
Augsburg’s TRIO McNair Scholars Program is recruiting students for Fall 2024 admission. Eligible applicants will be at Junior status by the end of Spring 2025 and available to conduct full-time research Summer 2025. Students from all majors are welcome to apply, though preference is given to applicants that are interested in pursuing a doctoral (Ph.D.) degree. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all participant slots are filled.
The TRIO McNair Scholars Program works with students who are members of groups underrepresented in graduate education and who exhibit strong academic potential. The goal of the program is to prepare Scholars for graduate study through coursework, academic advising, workshops, and involvement in undergraduate research and other scholarly activities. The program also assists with securing admission to and financial assistance for enrollment in graduate programs. Students will acquire the research skills necessary to succeed in graduate school through a paid research internship ($6000) with an Augsburg faculty member during Summer of 2025.
The McNair Scholars Program is federally-funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Therefore, to be eligible, applicants must be first-generation (neither parent graduated from a four-year college or university) AND low-income AND/OR may be persons from groups underrepresented in graduate education. The Department of Education defines these groups as African-American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Hispanic/Latino. Additionally, applicants must be either U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents and maintain at least a 2.8 cumulative GPA (3.0+ preferred). Unsure if you qualify? Please visit the link below for more information on eligibility requirements.
If you’re interested in learning more about McNair, please contact Lara Crombie, Program Coordinator, crombie@augsburg.edu.
Training and Research Experiences in Nonlinear Dynamics
TREND is a 10-week undergrad summer research program in nonlinear dynamics at UMD College Park, funded by the NSF (award PHY-2150399.) and housed in IPST (Institute for Physical Science & Technology).
Projects are computational, experimental, theoretical, or a combination of these. Topics include:
2D materials | collective behavior | biophysics | chaos | lasers | neural networks | optoelectronics | particle physics/particle rings | photonics | plasma reconnection | quantum nanodevices | robotics | turbulence | weather prediction
TREND 2025 is expected to run June 2 to August 8. Applications are expected to be due February 14, 2025.
Want to chat? Schedule a virtual meeting with Daniel Serrano (Program Director): https://calendly.com/trend-reu or dsvolpe@umd.edu
Undergraduate Research PReP Program with MOTE
Do you know any undergraduate students, or are you one yourself, who may not yet feel fully prepared for a complete research experience?
Marine Science Undergraduate Research Experience Professional and Research Preparation (MarSci-URE PReP) is a one-week immersive residential program designed to enhance the prerequisite science research and career skills of students from underrepresented minority populations for participation in undergraduate research experiences. However, students of any race, ethnicity or identity are welcome to apply. Stipend, travel accommodations and housing provided.
Click here for more information.
For more information about the program, please join MOTE for a URE PReP info session:
When: Monday, October 14th, 12pm – 1pm
Gilman and Scholarship Applications – Due October 10
The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, providing them with skills critical to our national security and economic prosperity. The Institute of International Education has administered the program since its inception in 2001.
The program encourages students to conduct STEM-related research abroad as part of their study abroad or international internship program. The program also encourages students to study languages (those deemed important to national security). Veterans of military service are encouraged to apply, and preference is given to veterans when other factors are equivalent.
To be eligible for the Gilman a student must be a U.S. Citizen or National and receiving a Federal Pell Grant during the time of application or during the term of the study abroad program or internship.
"Study abroad is a special experience for every student who participates. Living and learning in a vastly different environment of another nation not only exposes our students to alternate views, but also adds an enriching social and cultural experience. It also provides our students with the opportunity to return home with a deeper understanding of their place in the world, encouraging them to be a contributor, rather than a spectator in the international community."
Former U.S. Congressman Benjamin A. Gilman
Plan ahead to give yourself time to submit a solid application:
NASA Summer and Fall Internship Applications
NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) paid internships allow high school and college-level students to contribute to the agency’s mission to advance science, technology, aeronautics, and space exploration.
OSTEM internships offer students an opportunity to gain practical work experience while working side-by-side with mentors who are research scientists, engineers, and individuals from many other professions. Internships may be full time or part time; and, they may be on a NASA center or facility, or even working from your home or dorm.
Join our NASA team and gain valuable on-the-job experience, build your resume, and strengthen your career readiness. We offer three sessions annually, so visit our website often for opportunities.
2025 Internship Application Deadlines:
Summer 2025 – Early Decision: Oct. 25, 2024; Final, Feb. 28, 2025
Fall 2025: May 16, 2025
Internship Opportunity at Genentech
Genentech is a biotechnology company dedicated to pursuing groundbreaking science to discover and develop medicines for people with serious and life-threatening diseases. Our transformational discoveries include the first targeted antibody for cancer and the first medicine for primary progressive multiple sclerosis.
At Genentech, our achievements stem from curiosity, a passion for knowledge and a desire to make a difference. Whether you're a student or a recent grad, our internship program offers unparalleled access to meaningful projects and some of the most accomplished experts in their field.
Join our network and we will notify you when the right opportunity arrives.
Click button below to join.
Wallin UpTurnships - 2024 - 2025 Application now open!!
The Wallin UpTurnships Program Application for Fall 2024 – Summer 2025 is now open! Students can follow this link UpTurnships - Wallin Education Partners (wallinpartners.org) and click on the “Apply Now” button to get started. The application process has been updated and ask that students applying create an account. This allows students to complete the application in multiple sessions instead of having to complete it all at once. It also gives us the ability to show them their progress through the application process on an individualized portal.
Students can apply to multiple programs with a single application – Fall Projects, Spring Projects and Summer Internships. There are a number of exciting projects lined up for the Fall in areas like Data Analytics, Marketing, Finance, and Accounting).
As a reminder, this program serves high-potential, under-represented college students from low-income backgrounds.
Please reach out if you have any questions!
Heidi Hegenbarth
Tel: (952) 452-9604
Career Development Manager
Minnesota SciTech Internship Program
SciTech connects college STEM majors to paid internships at small Minnesota companies -- it's a one-stop shop for finding STEM internships statewide! Gain hands-on experience, network with pros, build your resume, and "earn while you learn."
In order to be eligible for SciTech internships, students must meet the following criteria:
- Minnesota resident OR living in and attending college in Minnesota
- At least 18 years of age
- In good academic standing (2.5+ GPA)
- College junior or senior (at least 60 credits completed) OR
- Technical or community college student (at least 24 credits completed) OR
- Enrolled in a STEM degree at an accredited U.S. college
- Legally eligible to work in the U.S. (international students may participate if they have CPT/OPT work authorization)
Deadline to apply: Varies
For more information on how to apply and to view a list of current internship opportunities, visit https://scitechmn.org/.
Interested in learning more about advocacy, research and how it relates to the human experience? NSF Gallery Images? Click below:
Diversity in Action: September/October Issue
Keely Cat-Wells, entrepreneur and advocate for the disability community, graces our September/October cover, while we take a deep dive into the science of longevity. There's also a dino-mite new Fossil Lab, a doctor who is a also a hip-hop artist, a group mentoring teens through photography, plus much more: Diversity in Action Sept/Oct 2024 Issue
- NSF-supported research impacts nearly every field of science and engineering. NSF's influence reaches from the ends of the Earth to the depths of the oceans and to space and beyond. Our Multimedia Gallery has some of the most stunning images from NSF’s research legacy. We have pulled some of the most beautiful gallery images for you to use as a virtual background.
Do you have suggestions for opportunities to include in the upcoming newsletter? Feel free to forward them to stem@augsburg.edu.
Augsburg STEM Programs
Email: stem@augsburg.edu
Website: https://www.augsburg.edu/stem/
Location: 2211 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Phone: (612) 330-1042