MUMS Family Newsletter
January 31 , 2025
Week 21
I hope this message finds you well!
Thank you so much to all of our volunteers who helped make last week's DJ Skate night a success! We had just under 200 students on the ice. It was so awesome to see students taking risks, learning something new, or enjoying a skill they already had!
Additionally, we want to reassure folks that as we receive updates or changes to local and federal guidance we are responding and addressing the changes as a District and School team as necessary. We will do our best to communicate the ways in which we are doing so in a timely manner. We appreciate questions for clarity and support as we navigate this current landscape. Dr. Baker is updating her Superintendents page regularly and that is a space where you can access information as well.
Thanks for your continued support!
If you have questions generally, please reach out to us at mwisell@acsdvt.org (Michaela)
or zjerome@acsdvt.org (Zach) or dhunt@acsdvt.org (Dustin) or by calling the MUMS office at 802-382-1600 or by visiting the MUMS website for more information.
Michaela Wisell, Principal
Zach Jerome, Assistant Principal
Dustin Hunt, Activities Director
Important Dates:
- February 6th - 9th Grade Course Registration (for all 8th Graders) at MUMS during periods 1, 2 & 3
- February 12th - Early Release (12:45 dismissal)
- February 24th thru March 3rd - February Break
From The MYP Coordinators
Skill building through Pickleball!
In PE, students are having a lot of fun playing Pickleball, a sport that has grown tremendously in popularity over the past several years. Mr. Martelle and Mr. Ambrosio are taking the time to explicitly teach two hugely important Approaches to Learning skills (ATLs): 1. developing new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning and 2. applying these skills in unfamiliar situations. For those of you who have ever played Pickleball, you can understand how critical it is to develop this learning, especially in unpredictable moments!
Eileen Sears, MYP Coordinator
& ACSD Curriculum Leader
Pam Quinn, MYP Coordinator
Introducing the MUMS Concert Closet initiative!
MUMS families: Do you have all-black dress pants, collared shirts, dresses, or dress shoes taking up room in the back of your closet that a child in your family has outgrown? The MUMS Tiger Concert Closet is a newly formed initiative that is seeking donations of all-black concert attire for kids to borrow for the winter and spring concerts. This school-based "borrowing closet" will be available for all band and choir students to use throughout their years at MUMS. They will borrow what they need for each concert and return it afterwards.
Whether it's being short on time, schedules, transportation, finances, or some combination of these things, the hope is that the Tiger Concert Closet will make things easier for families and students. A special shout-out goes to Junebug, who is graciously donating two huge rolling racks, sizing dividers, bins, hangers, and their time to help us set this up at MUMS! You are an amazing organization and we are lucky to have you as our partner!
Beginning this week, you can bring in your donation to either the front office of MUMS during regular school hours (8:00 am- 3:30 pm) or to Junebug (9 am- 5pm, 211 Maple Street, Middlebury). There will be a bin clearly marked "Tiger Concert Closet" where you can leave your donation. You can also donate clothing or money at Junebug (they'll have a collection jar earmarked for MUMS Tiger Concert Closet). We will add clothing and shoe donations directly to the Closet, and turn any collected money at Junebug to purchase high-need items. We can accept sizes from kids 10-12 to adult XL.
If you have questions or want to join our committee, please email etothsears@gmail.com and we will be in touch. Thanks for supporting our young musicians!
Important Information for 8th Graders!
Thursday, February 6th: MUHS school counselors will meet with 8th graders to introduce themselves and talk about what to expect in the 9th grade at MUHS. These presentations will take place during the school day at MUMS. Students will then have the opportunity during this meeting to choose the elective courses they want to take at the high school, and complete a course registration form. Completed course registration forms (which include math and language acquisition teacher recommendations) will be mailed home from MUHS in late February for your review.
If you have any questions about any of this information, please feel free to contact any of the following counselors:
Laura Emilo- 8th grade School Counselor at MUMS
Sam Lewis- MUHS School Counselor (Student Last Names A- Goe)
Emily Schademan- MUHS School Counselor (Student Last Names Gom-Sal)
Adrien Preston- MUHS School Counselor (Student Last Names San- Z)
2025-2026 ACSD School Calendar has been finalized!
Please see the below link to access our Finalized 2025-2026 School Calendar.
VSAC Talent Search Program
If neither you or your child’s other biological or adoptive parent have a 4 year college degree, your child may be eligible for the program! Please fill out this quick form and our VSAC Counselor will reach out to you with the application.
Message from the Nurse
It's that time of year again! Several positive flu cases have been reported here at MUMS, with an increase over the last week. With that in mind, we wanted to share some guidance and reminders to help minimize the spread of illnesses. Please remind your students not to share water bottles, food or anything else that can further contribute to the spread of illness. Please also encourage your students to eat well, stay hydrated and get plenty of rest. Good hand washing is the #1 way to prevent the spread of contagious illness!
We expect students to stay home with any potentially contagious illnesses or symptoms including the following:
Vomiting/diarrhea-must be 24 hours symptom free before returning to school
Fever 100.4 or greater -stay home until fever free without use of medication for 24 hours
Any infection requiring antibiotic-keep your student home until they have been on antibiotics for 24 hours
Persistent cough that disrupts normal activity
Unexplained rash
Influenza and COVID-stay home until fever free without medication for 24 hours
Any other symptoms or illness that impedes a student’s ability to learn or staff’s ability to work.
Students may return once feeling well enough to be at school and fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
If your student tests positive for Influenza or COVID, it is very helpful if you are able to call or email the school nurses to report this so we can track trends and determine if we are having outbreaks.
Thank you!
Liz Palko, BSN, RN
Student Attendance (absences/dismissals) and Bus Notes
- To report your child absent from school or notify us of an early dismissal please leave us a message on our attendance line by calling 382-1297 before 8:30 AM.
- If you send a student to school with an early dismissal note or bus note they should bring them the office before TA.
- All bus notes need to be stamped/signed by one of our Administrative Assistant's in the front office. Students will not be allowed to ride a bus to another location without a note from home that is stamped/signed by the office.
Help Improve our Volunteer Program!
Do you volunteer in our schools? Join Superintendent Wendy Baker for a discussion about how to streamline, strengthen, and improve our volunteer program at ACSD schools. We will schedule a time to meet this fall to gather your feedback. Interested?
Button or link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1H6laR0CJwNAVk9RKvXDYd2kvHeiw0vzwBb_9qcRNwg4/edit
Volunteer, Substitute & Join our Friends of MUMS Group!
We are so excited to welcome parents and community members back into our buildings this year! If you are interested in substitute teaching or volunteering this year, please start an application now!
If you are interested in joining our new Friends of MUMS group, email friendsofmums@gmail.com
ACSD Calendar 2024-2025
Follow us on social media!
TELEPHONE: 802-382-1600