The Bobcat Brief
November 1, 2024
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, November 5: Election Day - No School
Thursday, November 7: 5:30 Third Grade Parent Read to Succeed Meeting (via ZOOM)
Friday, November 8: National STEM Day
Monday, November 11: Veterans Day (No School) & National School Psychology Week Begins
Wednesday, November 13: Fall Individual Make-up Picture Day
Friday, November 15: Annual Career Day - Volunteers Needed (See Information Below) & Quarter 2 Progress Reports emailed to families.
Thursday, November 21: National Parent Involvement Day
Friday, November 22: College Colors Day
Tuesday, November 26: Coosa's Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon (More Information Forthcoming)
Wednesday, November 27-Friday, November 29: Thanksgiving Break
Boosterthon Update
Our students had a BLAST at yesterday's Boosterthon events. We saw lots of smiling, laughing faces as they ran, skipped, and high-fived around the track. We are VERY appreciative of our families for helping to raise almost $34,000 ($33,971 - exact amount) for our school. The students enjoyed a nice surprise yesterday -- KONA ICE!
We are SO CLOSE to reaching our $36,000 goal! Donations will remain open for one more week! Any class that raises an additional $300 by next Friday, will receive an ice cream party. Every contribution makes a huge impact for our students at Coosa. Thank you for all of your support! 🙏❤️
Check out the photo below of our fourth and fifth graders Color Run finale photo!!
Boosterthon Reward
Students LOVED taping Coach Adkins to the wall this morning!
Third Grade Parents
A letter about this meeting with a Zoom link was sent home with all 3rd graders last Friday. It will also be sent via BrightArrow on Thursday morning to families. We look forward to seeing many of our families at this Zoom!
Coosa's Annual Career Fair - We Need Volunteers!
Coosa Career Event will take place this year on Friday, November 15th, 2024, from 8:00-10:00am.
- Please consider participating in our highly anticipated annual event! Each year, our amazing community and family members gather for a few hours to share information about their diverse variety of careers with our students. Through this interactive experience, our students have shared newly sparked interests and a window into future possibilities they had not considered previously!
- Each volunteer is provided table space to display any hands-on items/materials/photos, etc., pertaining to their careers.
- All grade levels will participate in the event.
- If interested or have any questions, please contact Nicole Bossak at Nicole.bossak@beaufort.k12.sc.us or 843-322-6123.
A Message from Mrs. Bryant
Each month, our Literacy Coach, Mrs. Bryant, will be creating a video read aloud along with questions, for our families to enjoy. We encourage our families to listen to the story together by utilizing the link below and engage in conversation centered around the comprehension questions. We hope our families enjoy the story. https://tinyurl.com/3SisterGarden
Below is a breakdown AOR 6.1 retelling and summarizing for Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. The goal is to assist our Coosa kiddos in building comprehension skills at each grade level:
The Three Sisters Garden is a traditional planting technique “stemming” from Native American communities. This garden consists of three main plants—corn, beans, and squash—which are grown together to support and nurture one another. Each plant in the garden plays a specific role that benefits the others:
- Corn grows tall, providing a natural structure for the beans to climb.
- Beans fix nitrogen in the soil, enriching it for all three plants.
- Squash spreads along the ground, acting as a natural mulch to retain moisture and prevent weeds.
The Three Sisters Garden is a beautiful example of companion planting and shows the importance of cooperation and balance in nature. It also demonstrates values like teamwork, respect for nature, and sustainability.
Questions Suggestions for Parents While Listening:
- Who are the "Three Sisters" in the garden, and how do they help each other?
- This question encourages children to recall the roles of each plant and how they contribute to the garden's success.
- Why do you think Native American communities grew these plants together?
- This invites children to think about the practical and cultural reasons behind this gardening method.
- What lessons can we learn from the Three Sisters Garden?
- This question allows kids to reflect on the themes of cooperation, sustainability, and respecting the environment.
- If you could add a fourth plant to the Three Sisters Garden, what would it be and why?
- This inspires creativity and helps children consider what other plants might contribute to a balanced ecosystem.
- How does the garden remind you of teamwork in your own life?
- Relating the story to their own experiences can help kids better understand the value of working together.
- What would happen if one of the sisters was missing?
- This can help kids understand the importance of each plant and explore how balance is crucial in nature.
These questions can encourage curiosity, critical thinking, and deeper engagement with the story and its themes.
Gifted and Talented Screening for Grades 3-5 Reminder
Do you feel you have a student who would qualify as Gifted and Talented in Arts? BCSD students who are identified as Gifted and Talented in Arts will have many opportunities provided to them, including both school and districtwide activities. This identification will follow the student through Middle and High School.
- Screenings are open to all students grades 3-5 who are interested and are referred by an adult. The form can be completed from September 23–November 25. Screenings will take place on a date to be decided between January 21 – February 13.
- If you are interested and would like the Related Arts teachers to fill out the form, please reach out to the appropriate teacher. Parents/guardians may also fill out the form on behalf of their child.
- Please contact Mrs. Smith (Music) or Mrs. Halopoff (Art) at Rachel.Smith@beaufort.k12.sc.us and Meredith.Halopoff@beaufort.k12.sc.us with any questions you may have about this process.
- Gift and Talented Screening Referral Form – https://form.jotform.com/242283246216150
- GT Audition Materials - https://tinyurl.com/GTAuditionMaterials
Coosa's Business Partners - Thank You!
If you are interested in partnering with Coosa, you can find more information on our website: https://ces.beaufortschools.net/about-us/business-partners
Bobcat Champion
- Randall and Marci Mann
- Harris Pillow Supply
Bobcat Gold
Bobcat Silver
Bobcat Bronze
- The Lane Family
- Erica Sanchez/Jolly Family
- Sea Island Animal Hospital
Bobcat Parent/Family Supporter/Advocate
- The Beulah-Fields Family
- The Muth Family
- The Vaughan Family