Robert Hunter Report
Nov. 17, 2024
Robert Hunter Elementary School
Mrs. Jessica Braynor, Principal
Mrs. Lindsay Shirvanian, Vice Principal
Website: https://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/Domain/381
Location: 8 Dayton Road Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone: (908) 284-7620
Dear Robert Hunter Families,
This past week 1st graders enjoyed a handwashing program led by the Hunterdon County Health Department. We had student representatives participate on our Food Advisory Committee and shared their feedback with Maschios about school lunches. Also, a group of 4th graders (representatives from Mrs. Smits' 3rd grade class from last school year) presented their proposal for bathroom upgrades at our PTO meeting. They did a great job, and we love seeing our students take action with their ideas!
We are approaching the end of our first trimester. Our students have shown such growth academically, socially, and emotionally so far this year. We are looking forward to sharing more about your children’s growth and progress at conferences this upcoming week. As a reminder, Nov. 21, 22, 25, 25, 26, and 27 will be early dismissal days. Dismissal will be at 1:20.
Many after-school clubs will not be held this week - please check the dates below carefully.
This Friday is Substitute Appreciation Day- we are so grateful for our substitutes who support our school community. If you are interested in becoming a substitute in our district, please reach out to us for more information.
Warm regards,
Jessica Braynor and Lindsay Shirvanian
Pictures of the Week
Useful Links for Families
The Week Ahead
Monday, Nov. 18, Day 1
After-school Clubs: I Can Draw Club, Games Club Stay and Play
Tuesday, Nov. 19, Day 2
Wednesday, Nov 20, Day 3
After-school Clubs: Gaga and Games, Busy Builders
Thursday, Nov.21, Day 4
Early Dismissal at 1:20pm
Nighttime Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, Nov. 22, Day 5
Early Dismissal at 1:20pm
Daytime Parent/Teacher Conferences
Substitute Appreciation Day
Spirit Day - Wear RH Spiritwear
Save the Date:
Nov. 23 - Craft Fair
Nov. 25-26 - Early Dismissal Day for Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 27 - Early Dismissal for Thanksgiving
Nov. 29-29 - School Closed for Thanksgiving
Picture Make-Up Day
Thursday, Nov. 21 is picture retake day. Students who were not present at school on the original picture day will have their photos taken on this day.
If your child had their picture taken and you would like a retake, please complete the form here.
Please reach out to Bethany Pacheco at roberthunteryb@gmail.com with any questions.
Please be mindful that teachers must stay within the allotted time limit in order to stay on schedule. Conference time goes by quickly! If you have additional questions after the conference is over, we encourage you to reach out to your child’s teacher following the conference. To prepare for conferences, have a conversation with your child about their school experience and prepare any questions that you may have. During the conference, you are encouraged to share your insights from the home perspective and ask questions, including how you can support your child’s learning at home. After the conference, have a conversation with your child, celebrating how they are growing and identifying goal areas together. Conferences are a great opportunity for children to see home and school working together as a team to support their success.
Lost and Found
Please check the lost and found located in the cafeteria when you visit school for your conference this week!
Resources to Support Writing at Home
Please see the following resources for supporting writing at home:
Developing Writing and Spelling at Home | Reading Rockets
Parents Invited!
Our school climate team has developed a goal focused on community engagement for this year. We have enjoyed seeing many families coming into school as guest readers or classroom helpers, and we have loved having families join us at whole school meetings when their children are hosting. We encourage you to reach out to your child’s teacher if you would like to help out or share something with the class, perhaps about your profession, a special skill, or your cultural background. And if anyone has ideas for supporting community engagement, please feel free to email Mrs. Braynor.
Changing Weather
Now that colder weather is upon us, please be sure that your child is dressed for the weather, and remember to send your child to school with a coat, hat, and/or gloves for recess. These items should be labeled with your child’s name. Please be prepared for students to go outside for recess each and every day. Our cafeteria aides, along with our school nurse, will determine how long students will stay outside for recess, depending on weather conditions.
2nd Grade Canned Food Drive
2nd grade classes are collecting canned foods for the Flemington Food Pantry this month. Please see their flyer below!
From the PTO:
It was great seeing many RH families at our PTO meeting on Tuesday. Mrs. Smits and a bright group of fourth grade students presented a very persuasive argument for renovating the school bathrooms. The PTO is THRILLED to be able to fund the project with the help of Ciocca Chevrolet's donation of $500. We hope that the efforts of this team will inspire others to collaborate and make positive impacts in our school community. For those interested in assisting with the bathroom remodeling efforts, please contact Carolyn Cuperwich at cthomas.musician@gmail.com. Your continuous support is greatly appreciated!
Fourth Grade Baby Pictures - Due February 12
Please submit a baby picture (0-24 months) of your fourth grader for our yearbook to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYVa35dzPnzmkKlWGJgCJWsgDOqaYIu47K5uTS_JFYP-sVeg/viewform. Please reach out to Laura DiStaulo at ladistaulo@gmail.com with any questions.
United Way Holiday Hands - FRSD Drop off day November 23
The FRSD Joint PTO has partnered with United Way to provide holiday gifts to Flemington - Raritan township low to moderate income families, elderly residents and individuals with special needs. Sign up to stock or decorate the holiday store or bring our mascot to life on November 23rd at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0B4CA5A92DAAFD0-53159483-united#/
There are many other ways to give:
-Purchase from the Amazon Wish List at https://www.amazon.com/regist.../gl/guest-view/3BRHVGSK90SEX
-Purchase from the WalMart Wish List at https://www.walmart.com/.../193d2d83-8451-4fb6-a978...
-Drop off gifts at Robert Hunter during conferences
-Drop off gifts at United Way, 20 Fulper Street, Flemington by Wednesday, December 4th.
-Visit United Way on FRSD Drop off day between 12:00-2:00pm and catch a glimpse of Preschool Penguin and Robbie Raccoon!!
Craft Fair - November 23
Robert Hunter PTO will be sponsoring a holiday craft market on November 23rd, 2024 at Robert Hunter Elementary School from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Come check out the amazing and delicious items offered. Bring the kids and let them get their faces painted or do some arts and crafts while you shop! Please contact Mrs. Martinez at jamie_martinez0705@yahoo.com with any questions.
Harlem Wizards - Tickets on sale December 6
FRSD Joint PTO is hosting the Harlem Wizards at J.P. Case Middle School on February 7th at 6:30 pm. Come out to cheer for Robert Hunter teachers as they take on the Harlem Wizards!
RH Family Day at the Ice Skating Rink - December 7
We're gearing up early for some winter fun at Flemington Ice Arena. Buy your tickets to skate with the Grinch at https://www.gomotionapp.com/.../page/class-registration...
Family Paint Party Night - December 19
Paint Party Farm will be hosting a family fun night at Robert Hunter on December 19 from 6:30 to 8:00pm. Please register your painter at www.paintpartyfarm.com so that adequate wood signs are available.
Basket Auction Committee Volunteers Needed!
We’re gearing up for the Robert Hunter Annual Basket Auction, and we need YOU to help make it a success!
We’re forming our Basket Auction Committee and looking for volunteers to assist with:
-Securing donations from local businesses and community members
-Creating and wrapping baskets
-Event set up and helping to run the auction on event day
Whether you can spare a few hours or want to take on a bigger role, every bit of help counts and will make a huge difference. This is a great way to support our school, get involved, and meet other amazing parents!
First committee meeting is in early January! Please contact Sherri Biniaros at sbiniaros@gmail.com to sign up. Let’s work together to make this the best auction yet!
Order your yearbook and custom pages. Login at https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=10160407073332
Please reach out to the yearbook committee at Roberthunteryb@gmail.com with any questions.
Spiritwear - Available Every Day!
Check out this year's new spirit wear designs HERE and order today at www.roberthunterspiritwear.com