Jaguar Tales
Jan. 6, 2025
Hello, Jaguar Family!
Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable break with their loved ones. We are excited to begin the semester strong as students return to school tomorrow. Our dedicated teachers have been busy today preparing for our Jaguars, and we eagerly anticipate seeing them back in the classroom!
As many of you may have noticed, the temperatures have dropped in Central Texas. With the colder weather, we often see fewer students biking or walking to school, which understandably leads to increased car traffic. We kindly ask for your patience as everyone navigates the car rider line during this time.
To accommodate our students, please note that our cafeteria will be open this week starting at 7:30 am, providing a warm space for students to wait. Once our morning duty staff is in place at 7:45 am, 6th and 7th graders will report to their regular waiting areas.
See you tomorrow! Go Jags!
Larissa Ortiz
Cedar Valley Middle School Principal
Helpful Tip: Some editions of Jaguar Tales are longer than others. If you are viewing the newsletter in your email and it seems to randomly cut off, please click on the title of the newsletter (Jaguar Tales) in your email. Doing this will link you to the full newsletter on the Smore site. You can also click on "View entire message" at the bottom of the email. 🙂
Jag Lobby - Reception Update
Ms. Samuelson at the reception desk in Jag Lobby is moving to the FLC classroom, starting in early January. Please remember to bring your ID with you every time as we may have different personnel sitting in to assist. Thank you for your patience during this time of transition.
Jag Lobby Reminders
In order to help things run smoothly, we ask that you please remember the following…
Lunch Cart: If you are dropping off a lunchbox for your student you may leave it on our lunch cart in the Jag Lobby. The cut off is 10:45 am, at which point the cart is taken to the cafeteria for students to collect their lunch during their lunch period. Your student will miss part of their lunch to collect late deliveries from the Jag Lobby.
Outside food: Fast food/restaurant food is discouraged- these items can go missing from the lunch cart and may not make it to your student.
Item deliveries: From 11:00am-2:00pm we are unable to deliver items to classrooms. Any items dropped off during these hours cannot be delivered until 7th period.
Student pick up cut off time: Please take note that the latest we can call for students is 3:00 pm. After this time, we are preparing for after school dismissal.
Thank you, PTA!
We give special thanks to everyone who donated goods and/or time to show appreciation for our staff before winter break! We felt appreciated and loved and it was a great way to "wrap up" the first semester!
Jaguar Boys and Lady Jaguar Basketball Updates
Our boys and girls basketball teams had very successful games the week prior to winter break. Unfortunately, the update was not available for this edition of Jaguar Tales, but we will be sure to share their successes in the next Jaguar Tales.
The Multicultural Fair is Back!
On January 17th, the World Language Department will be hosting the Annual Multicultural Fair! It's our fun day of multiculturalism!
As in the past, the 6th grade World Cultures classes will visit French and Spanish classrooms to enjoy short cultural lessons, then visit the library for a scavenger hunt of knowledge. They will also get to pick a few treats and view a variety of performances showcasing student talents in the library.
Please Help - Volunteer or Donate!
For this special learning opportunity, we need you to volunteer your time to assist with supervision, distribution of the treat and managing the performance schedule. We also will need a few items donated! Thanks in advance for your support!
8th Grade Student Transition/Registration Dates
January 14 - Early College High School Family Information Night 6:30pm at ECHS
January 23 - High School Counselor Visit during History classes at CeVMS
January 23 - Choice Sheets Online
January 27 - McNeil HS Parent Night - Academy & Elective Fair 6:00pm - 8:00pm at MHS
January 28 - Round Rock HS Academy Night 6:00pm - 7:30pm at RRHS
January 31 - Choice Sheets Due
February 6 & 7 - High School Registration during electives at CeVMS
March (TBD) - Course Verification (HAC)
March (TBD) - Course Change Deadline
Interested in Joining the CeVMS Cheer Team Next School Year?
Tryout meetings for the CeVMS Cheer Team will be held on Wednesday, January 9th, 2025 and Tuesday, January 14th at 6:00 pm in the lecture hall.
If your student is interested, attendance at one of the meetings is mandatory.
We will go over expectations, the application process and calendar of events for the 25-26 school year.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Price ( or Coach Inness (
Come cheer on the Jags!
We look forward to having a crowd to cheer on our sports teams this year!
Spirit Wear is Available!
Spiritwear is now available to purchase through our online store! You can place an order anytime and it will be delivered to your child's advisory class within a few days!
Check out our new shirt design for the 2023/2024 school year! The shirt was designed by an eighth grade art student at Cedar Valley! Help support our school and teachers by purchasing a shirt today!!!
Volunteers Needed!
One of the best ways to show your student that education is important to you, is by volunteering at their school. There are lots of different ways to contribute your time, support and resources.
Please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form below to help us match your interests with the school's needs (such as Staff Appreciation, Concessions, Fundraising or School Dances).
This does NOT commit you to anything other than possibly receiving emails when we need help in your areas of interest.
Beginning the 2024-25 school year, PTA Memberships will be completed and paid directly from the Texas PTA site.
For further Information, please visit Memberships.
Upcoming Events
All events at Cedar Valley can be found on the Cedar Valley Master Calendar.
Did you know that you can add the Cedar Valley Master Calendar to your calendar? Simply click on this link to access it and add it to your calendar!
Join PTA Today!
Visit our Cedar Valley PTA Online Store to make donations and purchase your Cedar Valley merchandise at our one stop shop! Merchandise will be back online shortly.
To join PTA, click here. We're happy to have you on board!
Cedar Valley Middle School
Vision: Fostering an inclusive community of lifelong learners
Location: 8139 Racine Trail, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-428-2300
Twitter: @cevmsjags
Front Office Staff
Administrative Associate - Principal's Office: Ms. Cristol Alvarez, 512-428-2316
Administrative Assistant - Counseling Office: Ms. Marilyn Beal, 512-428-2348
Attendance: Ms. Dana Harrison, 512-428-2305
Receptionist: Ms. Allison Samuelson, 512-428-2301
Registrar: Ms. Vicky Escruceria, 512-428-2315
6th Grade Counselor: Ms. Gabrielle Kerr
7th Grade Counselor: Ms. Heather Mills
8th Grade Counselor: Ms. Elizabeth Guidry
Principal: Ms. Larissa Ortiz
6th Grade Assistant Principal: Ms. Jennifer Bingham
7th Grade Assistant Principal: Mr. Marc Scott
8th Grade Assistant Principal: Mr. Andrew Carroll
Nurse Clinic
Campus Nurse: Nurse Mina Shimomura
Records Specialist: Ms. Kristie_Rocheleau