MTMS Wolf Wire
January, 3, 2025
MT's purpose is to educate and empower students to become responsible citizens.
A Few Words From the Principal
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had an opportunity to do something that made them smile over this break.
We have been busy today at MT preparing for everyone's return and the start of the second semester. With a weather event approaching, now is a good time to review the district's winter weather communication notifications so you can be prepared. This was originally sent out in November to all families:
USD 232 Families –
Now is a good time to review plans and be prepared this winter for when our school district cancels or delays the start of school due to inclement weather or other emergencies. Consider childcare options for your family as we head deeper into the winter months.
Information about school and inclement weather is communicated in the following ways as soon as a decision is made.
- Sent via text message through our schoolNEWS Alert System. Sign up for text message alerts.
- Posted on the front page of the district’s website.
- Local television stations (ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC)
- Social media - Follow @usd_232 on X (Twitter) or on Facebook @USD232official
The district will not announce when schools are open. If no announcement is made, schools are open.
While the process we use is comprehensive, we understand that you may not agree with the district's decision to close school or keep school open. Please know if weather conditions are severe, you have the option of keeping your child at home. In this case, please contact your school's office and your child's absence will be recorded as an excused absence.
Two-hour Delayed Start
In the event of a two-hour delayed start, all school start times will be delayed by two hours.
High schools would start at 9:50 a.m.
Middle Schools at 9:55 a.m.
o Exception:MillCreekMiddleSchoolbeginsat9:50a.m.
Elementary schools at 10:45 a.m.
All morning bus pick-up times will be delayed by two hours. Schools will end their day at the regular time and after-school bus routes will operate on their normal schedule. Breakfast will not be served should a delayed start be used. Read more about a two-hour delayed start.
Again, this is just a reminder to be prepared this winter. Read more about inclement weather procedures.
USD 232 Administration
Please stay warm and safe this weekend and we will see you next week.
Important Dates
January 7 - School Resumes
January 13 - Skate City Glow Skate Party 6:00-8:00pm
January 20 - No School - Buildings Closed
January 24 - Winter Social
After-School Activities
January 7 - Boys Basketball Parent Meeting @5:00
January 8 - Boys Basketball Pictures
NO Timberwolf Success Program (TSP) this week.
News & Information
MTMS's 2 - Hour Delayed Start Schedule
In the case of inclement weather and the the district calls for a 2 - hour delayed start, MT's 2 - hour delayed start bell schedule is below.
Student Arrival Time & Inclement Weather
A reminder that per the student handbook, students should not arrive at school prior to 7:35 when the back doors are unlocked and teachers are in the building to supervise. Students will be allowed inside earlier when the wind chill is 25 degrees or below, raining, snowing, etc. Thank you for making sure your students are dressed appropriately for the weather!
New Semester, New Schedules!
A reminder that students should check their student Skyward accounts and print off new schedules before the first day back. This will help them to be prepared for a new quarter, new classes, and new adventures!
Stay up to date! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and our website! Email MTMS.pta.wolves@gmail.com with questions or to find out how to get involved.
Important Dates:
1/24 – Winter Social
Skate Night
Save the date to kick off the new year and semester at our only middle school Skate City event planned this school year! Catch up with your besties after the Winter Break, socialize face-to-face, and have fun while burning some pent-up energy. Bring your own glow merch or get some there and relax by taking advantage of the pizza dinner special while you're at Skate Night. Can't wait to see you there, next year, friends!
Nurse's Newsletter
Don’t Let The Flu “Bug” You!
According to the Center for Disease Control, the flu season can start as early as October and last until May. Fighting the flu starts with 2 simple steps.
1. The flu vaccination is recommended for anyone 6 months of age and older. Those considered high risk, including pregnant women, young children and adults over the age of 65 should have a vaccine. Although not available for children under the age of 6 months, those who care for infants should be vaccinated to prevent spreading the flu to those too young for the vaccination.
2. The second step is prevention with healthy habits. Prevention is key to stopping the spread of germs. Healthy habits include hand washing, covering your cough/sneeze, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, and social distancing.
- Hand washing– Always wash hands with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, alcohol based sanitizer can be used.
- Social distancing– This means staying away from others when you are sick and avoiding contact with those who are ill. If you experience flu-like symptoms, the CDC recommends limiting contact with others until you have been fever free for 24 hours. Someone is considered fever free when there is an absence of fever without the aid of fever reducing medications.
For more information on these steps, as well as information on how to protect your family this flu season, please visit: www.cdc.gov/flu
To help control the spread of illness in our school please follow these illness guidelines:
- Fever-Keep student home until fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication
- Vomiting, Diarrhea, GI upset-keep home until symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
When reporting your student absent due to illness please give a brief description of the illness such as sore throat, fever, vomiting, flu, strep throat. This will help with illness tracking and reporting to the health department.
MTMS Rewards Store Wish List
Thank you for supporting our students!
MTMS Information
Location: 6100 Monticello Road, Shawnee, KS, United States
Website: http://mtms.usd232.org/
Phone: (913) 422-1100
Attendance Line: (913) 422-5854 or Report an Absence online
Fax Line: (913) 422-4990
Instagram: @mtmswolves
Regular School Hours: 7:55am-3:05pm
- Carloop doors open to students at 7:35 (except earlier during inclement weather)