The Webb Weekly
Week of 5/27/2024

Week of 1/20/2025
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A "Pawsitive" Look at Last Week
Teacher of the Year Ms. Sandra Flores
Congratulations to Ms. Flores for being Webb's teacher of the year. We are so proud of you!
Tracking Science Data
Mr. Garcia's class took to the track to complete science experiments.
Getting a Reaction in Science Class
Students have a great time creating chemical reactions in Ms. Marquez's class.
Spanish Superstars
Mr. Pecina guides his students as they prepare for their AP exam in May. We know they will do great!
Math Problem-Solvers
Students in their math classes practice using the calculator and show off their work on erasable white boards.
Playing Around in ELAR
They are not exactly "playing," but the students are reading and writing their own plays with character development and stage directions.
Winterizing Wonders
Thank you to Ms. Esquibel and Mr. Pecina for helping to winterize our garden to get it ready for the freezing temperatures.
Grate Work!
When a student's phone accidentally fell into this deep window grate, this team figured out a way to retrieve the phone.
Fine Arts & Entertainment
Webb Members of the All-City Band Perform at the PAC
Congratulations to the players on their performances on Saturday. We are very proud of you!
Wildcats' Sports News
Boys' Basketball Bold Beginnings
Both the 7th Grade and 8th Grade A Teams beat Mendez this week with many students scoring in the double digits.
The Start of Girls' Soccer
We are excited for our girls' as they begin an exciting season. Games are held every Saturday beginning at 9:00.
Webb Family Info. / información de la familia Webb
Stocking the Shelves with CIS
Thank you to CIS who have kept our family Community Puestos ATX stocked. Our families are very grateful to have this option when in need. If any staff or parents would like to donate non-perishable items, please continue to leave some on the shelves.
Family Messenger
Hello Webb Families:
We will be mailing out report cards this week. Please look carefully at your child's grades and attendance. In order to pass to the next grade level the student must be passing their classes and have above 90% attendance. If a student is below that mark, they must attend credit recovery after school on Tuesday and Wednesdays from 4-5.
AISD School Absence Note / Nota sobra la ausencia escolar del AISD
You can use this link to directly send an absence note to the school.
AISD Student Success Guide and Family Resources / Guía de éxito estudiantil y recursos familiares de AISD
Our Parent Support Specialist is here to help
Join our PTA
Visit our PTA Facebook Page
***Updated Schedule
Due to testing, some dates may have changed. Please see the updated calendar below:
Webb Community Corner
More resources and information here:
ACC ESL Flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14asa-z5FbM-q_fQVoAE5Bqyt-grfOklU/view?usp=share_link
ACC ESL Registration: https://forms.gle/YabM3sTuhFhhW8zs6
ACC Computer Class Flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NVdoru2QMcFGMCIMMKhIwOI_FvQesCJR/view?usp=sharing
ACC Computer Class registration: https://forms.gle/nCGBvtKyQ6BxcZh86
FRC Health Insurance Clinic
Family Resource Center hosts a Health Insurance Clinic every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month.
Promotoras (Community Healthcare Workers) helped submit MAP (Medical Access Program) applications for 19 families this past Wednesday. All uninsured Travis County residents are encouraged to apply, regardless of their U.S. residency status. If you would like assistance you can call the FRC at 512-493-4288 to make a appointment!
Family Resource Center Resources Information:
Hello Families, ------- la información en español está abajo --------
Monday, 1/20 is a federal holiday - Martin Luther King Day - No school for AISD students.
Prepare for extreme winter weather: https://www.austintexas.gov/winterweather
Cold Weather Shelter at the One Texas Center is open Sunday, 1/18 through Wed 1/22: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ntZiWYZjf2GGunm_obGgmsZkkqILlyGJ/view?usp=share_line
Please find information about food distributions and adult education opportunities here.
FREE Central Texas Food Bank food distributions: Food Resources: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E9GPiuVIWMHmOJy8l6VVyYIzaxJXYTGZ/view?usp=sharing
- Monday, 1/27, 10am-12pm, AVEY CTFB Food Distributions, Burnet MS, 8401 Hathaway Dr., 78757
- Monday, 1/27, 3pm-5pm, AVEY CTFB Food Distributions, Burnet MS Family Resource Center, 8401 Hathaway Dr., 78757, P-505
- Find Food Now by the Central Texas Food Bank: https://www.centraltexasfoodbank.org/food-assistance/get-food-no
- Food Access Calendar from ACC: https://students.austincc.edu/social-support/food-assistance/food-access-calendar/
- FREE food delivery to your home: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D5CVC-Os29zn8XB9Vo76CAot_9c8piac/view?usp=share_link
- Need help applying for SNAP (food stamps)? Request an appointment here: https://forms.gle/8ujgT4cP5LphrPSd9
NEW! Adult Education Opportunities: AVEY Adult Education Catalog
- Virtual Money Management Classes by CHASE (Tuesdays in February @ 1pm - Spanish, @ 2pm - English): https://forms.gle/C6mPcLetvys83xNz7
- Community Health Champions - Rundberg by Central Health (in February): tinyurl.com/CHCRUNDBERG2025
- Early Learners Family Engagement Event by Strong Start (1/29 @ 5pm, Barrington ES): https://forms.gle/ZUeBbRqHSnQxfURw6
- FREE Citizenship Classes for eligible legal permanent residents who want to become US Citizens. (Register by 1/24): https://fs23.formsite.com/lbjlib/CPJanFeb25/index
- Special Education Courses for parents by VELA (Register by 2/5): https://www.velafamilies.org/course-registration
- AVEY Community Block Leader meetings, (every Thursday from 1pm-2pm by Zoom) Register here and receive the Zoom link: https://forms.gle/tBq8KGy8pHNK6s3h9
AVEY Healthy Families Campaign:
- AVEY Healthcare Catalog: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eCnSaK_R65Gnm6myIxQDQ2CTOY-EL0qP/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106146300867414978472&rtpof=true&sd=true
- Austin Voices can help with MAP and Medicaid enrollment: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13MY9K-KSHjcWuQQ5UY1P2zMGAvttW9E-/view?usp=share_link Request an appointment here: https://forms.gle/x5v8LYK2u371cYnK9
- AVEY Community Vaccine Calendar with free immunization clinics for adults and children: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19t-Uj6etAIDUL6dd4FHJKAinlSBxd8sF_K3KrLgCW8Y/edit?usp=sharing
- Shots for Tots, immunizations by appointment: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-hsmZ_T4oVRoQWqtWQwQjfmX-hE4tiOx/view?usp=drive_link\
- FREE COVID-19 at home test kits (4 each) can be ordered online, 1 per address: https://covidtests.gov
- Learn about Texas Executive Order GA-46 and your right to decline to answer questions about immigration status in hospitals: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o9pnvcVIecCxAtpT3JJrYO9iTbyMYa7e/view?usp=share_link.
- Central Health/Community Care Know Your Rights (wallet card): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pEe4i9hRVl7TbnrgGo_-ZIQRGyXIHFNn/view?usp=share_link
Austin ISD Resources: https://www.austinisd.org/ - AISD Parent Portal: https://www.austinisd.org/technology/aisd-portal
- Questions for AISD? Let's Talk: https://www.austinisd.org/letstalk. You can also send a TEXT to Let's Talk at 512-886-6434 or call the Family Support Line at 512-414-9187
------- Información en español -------
Hola familias, El lunes 20 de enero es un feriado federal: Día de Martin Luther King. No hay clases para los estudiantes de AISD. Prepárese para el clima invernal extremo: https://www.austintexas.gov/winterweather?1737213620164 Cold Weather Shelter at the One Texas Center is open Sunday, 1/18 through Wed 1/22: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ntZiWYZjf2GGunm_obGgmsZkkqILlyGJ/view?usp=share_line
Encuentre información sobre las distribuciones de alimentos y oportunidades de educación para adultos aquí.
Distribuciones de alimentos GRATUITAS: Recursos de comida: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E9GPiuVIWMHmOJy8l6VVyYIzaxJXYTGZ/view?usp=sharing
- Lunes, 1/27, 10am-12pm, AVEY CTFB distribuciónes de alimentos, Wooldridge ES, 1412 Norseman Terrace, 78758
- Lunes, 1/27, 3pm-5pm, AVEY CTFB distribuciones de alimentos, Navarro ECHS Family Resource Center, 1111 Fairfield, 78758
- Encuentra comida ahora por Central Texas Food Bank: https://www.centraltexasfoodbank.org/food-assistance/get-food-now#
- Calendario de acceso a alimentos de ACC: https://students.austincc.edu/social-support/food-assistance/food-access-calendar/
- Entrega de comida a tu domicilio GRATIS: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D5CVC-Os29zn8XB9Vo76CAot_9c8piac/view?usp=share_link
- ¿Necesita ayuda para solicitar SNAP (estampillas de comida)? Solicite una cita aquí: https://forms.gle/8ujgT4cP5LphrPSd9
¡NUEVA! Oportunidades de educación para adultos: AVEY Catálogo de educación para adultos
- Clases virtuales de Administración del Dinero por CHASE (martes en febrero @ 1pm - español, @ 2pm - inglés): https://forms.gle/C6mPcLetvys83xNz7
- Campeones de la salud comunitaria: Rundberg de Central Health (en febrero): tinyurl.com/CHCRUNDBERG2025
- Evento de participación de la Primera Infancia de Strong Start (1/29 @ 5pm, Barrington ES): https://forms.gle/ZUeBbRqHSnQxfURw6
- Clases de ciudadanía GRATUITAS para residentes legales permanentes elegibles que quieran convertirse en ciudadanos estadounidenses. (Regístrate antes del 1/24): https://fs23.formsite.com/lbjlib/CPJanFeb25/index
- Cursos de Educación Especial para padres por VELA (Regístrate antes del 2/5): https://www.velafamilies.org/es/course-registration
- AVEY Community Block Leader meetings, (every Thursday from 1pm-2pm by Zoom) Register here and receive the Zoom link: https://forms.gle/tBq8KGy8pHNK6s3h9
- Encuentre información en este Catálogo de recursos de salud AVEY: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eCnSaK_R65Gnm6myIxQDQ2CTOY-EL0qP/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106146300867414978472&rtpof=true&sd=true
- Austin Voices puede ayudar con la inscripción de Medicaid y MAP: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13MY9K-KSHjcWuQQ5UY1P2zMGAvttW9E-/view?usp=share_link Solicite una cita aquí: https://forms.gle/x5v8LYK2u371cYnK9
- AVEY Calendario de clínicas de vacunas comunitaria Con clínicas de vacunación y gripe para adultos y niños: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19t-Uj6etAIDUL6dd4FHJKAinlSBxd8sF_K3KrLgCW8Y/edit?usp=sharing
- Shots for Tots, vacunas por cita previa: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-hsmZ_T4oVRoQWqtWQwQjfmX-hE4tiOx/view?usp=drive_link\
- Se pueden pedir en línea kits de prueba de COVID-19 para el hogar GRATUITOS (4 cada uno), 1 por dirección: https://covidtests.gov
- Obtenga más información sobre la Orden Ejecutiva GA-46 de Texas y su derecho a negarse a responder preguntas sobre el estado migratorio en hospitales: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o9pnvcVIecCxAtpT3JJrYO9iTbyMYa7e/view?usp=share_link
- Central Health/Community Care conoce tus derechos (tarjeta billetera): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pEe4i9hRVl7TbnrgGo_-ZIQRGyXIHFNn/view?usp=share_link
Recursos de Austin ISD: https://www.austinisd.org/
- Calendario de Austin ISD para el año escolar 2024-25
- Portal para padres del AISD: https://www.austinisd.org/technology/aisd-portal
-¿Preguntas para AISD? Let's Talk: https://www.austinisd.org/letstalk. También puede enviar un mensaje de texto a Let's Talk al 512-886-6434 o llamar a la Línea de apoyo familiar al 512-414-9187.
AISD Calendars / Calendario de AISD
Webb General Info.
Website: https://webbmiddleschool.wixsite.com/webb
Location: 601 E St Johns Ave, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 414-3258
Twitter: @webbwildcats053