Wildcat Weekly September 6, 2024
Sagewood Middle School Staff Update
Ben’s Bulletin: Weekly Insights & Updates
Happy Friday Wildcats!
It was a short week, but incredibly full! At our staff meeting Tuesday afternoon we celebrated and recognized staff, covered the evaluation process, the bullying training required for staff, and offered different sessions to meet staff needs. Please take a look at the staff agenda here if you missed it.
I also shared on Tuesday the exciting news that our 2024 School Performance Framework was an improvement from 2023 and we are now in Performance status! This was a big improvement from 2023 when we were on Improvement plan status. This is a schoolwide celebration for the work we put in last school year!
At the carnival on Thursday night we had hundreds of people come and it was a fantastic event for our community. Thank you to everyone who stayed and helped with putting on booths, selling food and making this entire event a success. I was incredibly proud of our school for what a positive event this was for everyone able to come.
Then on Friday, our 6th graders enjoyed a day of team-building and fun. Thank you to our 6th grade teachers for all of their work in organizing this day, getting parent volunteers, and building upon the relationships our 6th graders are making with one another.
We crammed everything we could into this week and I hope everyone gets some rest and takes care of yourself this weekend!
- Ben
6th grade teambuilding at the park
Drew Jones braving the dunk tank
2 of my kids (Jackson and Clara) at the Carnival
Happy Birthday to These Wildcats!!
Donna Noble 9/7
Ricardo Carreras 9/12
Denise Reynolds 9/14
Here is the schedule for the next week
Ponderosa Homecoming Week!!
September 9 - Beach/Shark Attack Day
- 6th/7th/8th Flag Football Starts
- 6th/7th Volleyball Starts
September 10 - Marvel Pod Colors Day
- Mt. Lion: Black Widow (Black and Red) - Bobcat: Thor (Grey/Silver and Red) - Panther: Black Panther (Black and Purple) - Lynx: Hulk (Green and Purple) - Cougar: Rocket and Groot (Brown, Black, and Green) - Jaguar: Captain America (Red White and Blue) - Cheetah: Spiderman (Red and Blue) - Office Ladies: Captain Marvel (Red, Blue, and Gold)
- Team Meetings
- IMTSS Implementation Team Meeting 3:00 - 4:00 pm, Room 215
September 11 - Get Animated Day
- PLC Meetings
- Ponderosa Homecoming Parade in the Pinery starting at Northeast Elementary at 5:30 pm
September 12 - Back to the Future Day
- Unified Kickball at Cimarron 3:45 pm
September 13 - Friday the 13th/Spooky Day
PRIDE Focus for the Week
Teacher Resource: Overview of AVID Critical Reading Process
Student Resource: AVID Weekly Article: “How hot dog contestants went from eating 10 to 76 hot dogs in 10 minutes”--Source: The Washington Post (2023)
Prior Knowledge–Think-Pair-Share Prompts:
What, if anything, comes to mind when you hear the term “competitive eater?”
Have you ever witnessed, or perhaps even participated, in some form of an eating contest? If so, when/where?
How do you think people are able to quickly consume large amounts of food? Is it physical, psychological, or both? Provide at least one specific reason to support your thinking.
Pre-Reading Essential Question/Purpose: How do people quickly consume large amounts of food?
Preview text with students, locating non-fiction text features (headings/subheadings, 2-column article format, graphics, captions, etc.)
Discuss choices for ways to read/process text: Individual, partner, small group
Introduce/Model Graphic Organizers for use during reading:
How does a graphic organizer help you process information while you are reading?
Revisit Essential Question: What “squared” with your original thinking about this question? How has your thinking about this question changed as a result of your reading?
Team Meeting Notes
We did not have team meetings this week!
Here was our Staff Meeting Agenda that we covered on Tuesday.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Wildcat Spotlight - Janelle Ranford
AVID Spotlight
Watch D.O.G.S. - Please fill out the form if you haven't
For a quick overview of the Watch D.O.G.S. program, check out this video.
Please take a moment to fill out this FORM so that we can prepare for which classrooms we can allow parent volunteers to come into and what you'd like them to do.