Marvelous Mustang Memo
For the Week of May 6, 2024
Mastery. Acceptance. Confidence.
Reminder- no toy weapons on school grounds- even after hours & weekends.
We are so glad the weather is becoming warmer & our families visit our playgrounds after school & on the weekends. This is a reminder that no toy weapons are allowed on school grounds, and it's essential to uphold safety regulations even after school hours. Our security systems from the district at times can alert the MPs even with toy weapons. We would hate to have them report to a school when it's toys and not a real threat. Please do not bring toy weapons onto school grounds at any time. Thank you for your cooperation!
Field Day is May 15th
Join Us for a Field Day Picnic!
We will be eating outside; please bring a blanket if you would like to join us. Our lunch schedule is slightly different on this day:
Kindergarten- 11:00-11:30
1st grade- 11:10-11:40
2nd grade- 11:20-11:50
3rd grade- 11:30-12:00
4th grade- 11:40-12:10
5th grade- 11:50-12:20
Order a lunch here. The lunch will be charged to your child’s account; we cannot accept cash/payment at the school. If you have questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher or our school office. We can help!
- Kindergarten field trip to Deanna Rose, 9:30 am- 2:30 pm
- Field Day
- Rain Date= May 22
- Band & Choir program, 6:00 pm
- No school, professional development day
- Board of Education Meeting, 4:30 pm
- Field Day rain date
- 5th grade visit to Patton Junior High
- Last day for PreK
- Last day of school
- Dismissal @ 11:30
- No lunch served
Breakfast Menus:
Lunch Menu:
Previously Shared Information:
USD 207 and FMWR are hosting the Summer Kick-Off on Friday, May 10th! This event is open to the community, with FREE entry (gate access required). Mechanical rides, inflatables, a DJ, food trucks/concessions and a GREAT time are expected!
Walking is highly encouraged. If driving, park at the FCC, where a shuttle will be available. For the safety of all in attendance, please keep pets at home. We will have each station staffed to operate equipment- child supervision will be the responsibility of the parents/guardians.
*in the event of inclement weather causing unsafe conditions, the event will be canceled.
Support Patton Junior High's Odyssey of the Mind!
MacArthur Elementary Mission Statement
Contact Me
Location: 1 MacArthur Loop, Fort Leavenworth, KS, USA
Phone: 913.651.6517