Bogan Weekly News
December 13, 2024
A Message From Ms. Cannon
Happy Friday!
One more week until winter break! We are excited to soak up these last few days of 2024 with our students. Today we had our 5th grade Entrepreneurship Fair. We are proud of all of the hard work our students put into this day! Also, I would like to send a special shout-out to our fifth grade team members for all of the planning, time, and effort that went into making this day a success!
We hope to see you at our PTG sponsored Winter Wonderland on Saturday from 9:30am-11:30am!
Kirsten Cannon, Principal
Around Bogan
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Our students have been working hard to earn their ice cream scoops in the cafeteria. We have been really proud of all of our students for their efforts.
Next week, I will share our matrices for recess and restrooms. We will introduce those matrices with our students of break.
We have updated the graphic to be a little "cleaner" and more organized. It is included for you to see below. We will be making this graphic into a large poster that will be hung in the cafeteria.
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is very full! We added photos of the lost items on Facebook. You are welcome to come to Bogan to claim your items or you can let your child know to visit the table/rack outside of the cafeteria.
Any items not claimed by winter break will be donated.
Also, please make sure your child's name is written on the tag so that we can ensure lost items get back to students. Thank you!
Lunch Accounts
As a reminder, you are able to add funds to your student's lunch account through the Talawanda EZ Pay system. If your student's account reaches -$50 it will be rolled into your school fees. Please be mindful and keep your student's account current. You can use Talawanda EZ Pay, send a check or cash to the school office to take care of your student's balance.
December Lunch Menu
Here is our lunch menu for December!
Counselor's Corner: updated December 13th
Hello parents and guardians! We have almost made it to winter break! There is so much excitement in the air as we wind down these next few days and I know all of the students are looking forward to a much deserved extended break.
Across all grade levels, we have finished Unit 2 of Second Step, where we learned about handling our big emotions and various methods we can use when we need to calm ourselves down. When we return in January, we will begin working on a new unit that teaches us all about empathy and kindness.
As we move into winter break and a busy holiday season for many families, I want to encourage you to remember that if you as an adult feel stressed, your children may pick up on it as well. While we have been working on being able to identify our feelings and how to calm ourselves, it’s important for you to remember that sometimes our kids don’t have the words to share how they feel and instead can show those feelings in the following ways:
- Physical complaints such as stomach aches or headaches
- Changes in sleeping and/or eating patterns
- Meltdowns
- Oppositional behavior
- Withdrawal
- Heightened clinginess
I encourage you to talk to your child if you notice any of these changes at home and help them to understand and process through how they are feeling. Some coping skills you can use include taking a break, deep breathing, reading, going for a walk, or many other coping skills that you can find listed online.
If there is anything I can do in this final week before break or even once we return to school, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know. I hope you have a wonderful break with your students!
Nurse's Notes
December 14th: PTG Winter Wonderland: 9:30am-11:30am
December 23rd-January 7th: NO SCHOOL: Winter Break
January 14th: Dine to Donate: Cane's
January 20th: NO SCHOOL: MLK Day
January 28th-30th: 2nd Grade CogAt: More information to come
January 31st: PTG Kids' Night Out: 6:30pm-9:00pm
PTG Corner
Pebble Go
We are excited to have Pebble Go! Pebble Go provides access to a lot of different digital books that you can read with your children at home. Many students also use Pebble Go in the classroom and have really enjoyed the content! Please see below for the login information. The subscription will expire August 30, 2025.
Site Login: https://login.pebblego.com/
Username: bogan
Password: bogan
Around Talawanda
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