Thompson Friday Forecast
August 18, 2023
From the Principal...Matt Clark
Below is some more background on Sarah Frankiewicz, Thompson’s new assistant principal. And here is some additional background on all our administrators at Thompson. Enjoy!
In personal news, the entire Clark family started school this week (albeit not on Monday) they did begin this week. Below are pictures of both my daughters on their first day. It gives me great joy to see them so excited to begin their final years at their respective schools.
Arrival & Dismissal
Parents and guardians, everyone has done a great job of getting to the building on time this week. We have also been working to refine our practices to get students home safely as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please see the attached arrival and departure procedures to ensure our partnership to get students to and from school remains as effective as it has been this first week.
Assistant Principal Sarah Frankiewicz
Greetings! I’m Sarah Frankiewicz, and I am honored to join Thompson Middle School as an assistant principal. My entire career has been dedicated to middle school learners, which I am incredibly passionate about. I firmly believe that every student has the potential for remarkable success. By nurturing positive relationships, fostering strong connections, and encouraging teamwork, middle school students can truly thrive!
My professional journey began in Chicago Public Schools, at Belding Elementary in the Old Irving neighborhood. From there, I spent 17 years at Sycamore Middle School, teaching social studies and language arts across sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. Supporting and connecting with students has always been my highest priority. In 2019, I moved to the role of assistant principal, where I was fortunate to collaborate with the Sycamore Middle School community and all of its stakeholders. Outside of the school day, I love traveling, reading, and spending time with family and friends. I am so grateful for joining the Thompson family! I’m excited to connect with students, staff, and families as we navigate the middle school years together. Please feel free to contact me for any assistance you or your student may need.
School ID Photos
Food Services
Middle School Breakfast - $1.75
Reduced Breakfast - $0.30*
Middle School Lunch - $3.50
Reduced Lunch - $0.40*
Milk - $0.60 (when purchased separately from meals)
Other a la carte items (besides milk) - prices vary
Organic Life, the K-8 Food Service provider is looking for candidates to serve as Cashiers, Food Service Workers & Lunchroom Supervisors for the 2023-2024 school year in School District 303. Please contact Patricia Burton at 331-228-5242 or for more information.
6th Grade and New Students
School Yearbook
Fee Waivers
SCHOOL FEES WAIVER: The school fees waiver will ONLY be a PAPER application since there is financial documentation required for income verification. A family can only qualify for a free waiver of fees; there are no reduced fees. The application is on the district website. Questions regarding school fee waivers - Wendy Sedwick at 331-228-4927
FOOD WAIVER: Only one application needs to be completed for each household. Please include ALL family members that live in the household (even those not attending a school). Applications are posted on the district website. In addition, paper applications are available at the schools and the Administration Building as in years past. Unlike the school fees, families can qualify for Reduced. Questions regarding food waivers - Patti Townsend 331-228-6529
Dates to Remember
- Monday, August 14 - First Day of School
- Tuesday, August 22 - i-Ready Diagnostic
- Thursday, August 24 - i-Ready Diagnostic
- Wednesday, August 30 - Early Release for All Grades
- Friday, September 1 - Institute Day - No school for students
- Monday, September 4 - Labor Day - Schools are closed
- Tuesday, September 5 - Curriculum Night - 6th Grade parents/guardians 6:30 pm
- Wednesday, September 6 - Curriculum Night - 7th and 8th grade parents/guardians 6:30 pm
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Michelle Dague - Assistant Principal
Ms. Sarah Frankiewicz - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Danielle Moeller - Student Support Coordinator
Mr. Sam Pasholk - Student Support Coordinator
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100