Berthoud Community Library District
November 2023
In This Issue...
- Letter from the CEO
- Extended Hours!
- Pet Food Drive
- Closure on 11/11
- Closure on 11/23 & 11/24
Family Events:
- W, F - Sunshine Storytime (No storytime on 11/22 & 11/24)
- 11/2 - Tinker Tots
- Every other Friday (11/3 & 11/17) - Musical Moments
- 11/25 - Kids Yoga
- 11/29 & 11/30 - Big Kids Book Club
Teen Events:
- 11/16 - Construct & Concoct
Adult Events:
- Every Monday - Writer's Group
- 11/2 & 11/15 - NaNoWriMo Come Write In
- 11/9 - Narcan Training
- 11/10 - Food for Thoughts Breakfast with NOCO Humane
- 11/17 - Crafter's Corner
- 11/29 - Book Club
- Podcast
- Virtual Storytime with Miss Christy
- Contact Us
CEO Note
Is it too early to say Happy Thanksgiving? We need you all to know that you’re a big part of what we’re thankful for here at the library. We appreciate your curiosity, your energy, and your support.
Note that we have multiple holiday closures during November. We’ll be closed on Saturday, November 11th for Veterans Day, and we’ll be closed both Thursday and Friday, November 23rd and 24th for Thanksgiving. Will we reopen the library on Saturday, November 25? We will!
The annual Friends of the Library Silent Auction kicks off on the 24th . Bidding will happen online again, and the available items will be on display in the library community room for just a couple days beginning on the 25th . Start your holiday shopping early and support the library at the same time—it’s a win-win.
Even with our holidays, we’ve managed to schedule a bunch of classes and events for you this month. See below for the full schedule, and as always, contact us with any questions you may have.
Amie P.
Library CEO
Extended Hours!
We have extended our Browsing Hours on Wednesday and Thursday!
We are now open for browsing Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from 10AM - 6PM. Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10AM - 8PM, and Saturday we are open from 10AM - 4PM. We are no longer closed for lunch on Saturdays (yippee!).
Curbside hours remain constant every day, Monday through Saturday, from 10AM until 5PM. Please email us at or give us a call and let us know what we can gather for you. We'll arrange a time to pick up for contactless delivery.
Pet Food Drive for NOCO Humane
Help us support NOCO Humane (formerly Larimer Humane Society) by donating to our first Pet Food Drive from November 1st through 9th.
NOCO Humane Current Priority Items:
- Peanut Butter
- Bully Sticks
- Hills Training Treats
- Unopened Science Diet products, including: soft dog treats, adult dog and cat food, puppy food, and kitten food
- Kitten milk replacer-powder formula
- Meat-flavored baby food
- Natural Balance rawhide rolls
We will be closed November 11th
We will be closed all day Saturday, November 11th for Veteran's Day. We will resume our regular hours on November 13th.
We will be closed November 23rd & 24th
We will be closed on Thursday, November 23rd and Friday, November 24th for Thanksgiving.
Family Events:
Sunshine Storytime
Join us for Sunshine Storytime Wednesdays & Fridays at 10:30AM. There will be no storytime on November 22nd and 24th.
Tinker Tots
Tinker Tots is designed for 3-6 year old children & their grown ups. We will be learning parts of a plant. We will talk about the harvest and where our food comes from. We will try fruits and send home an experiment.
This class will be on the 2nd of November at 4PM.
Registration is required.
Musical Moments
Let's play at the library! Musical Moments is especially designed for preschool children. Stop by every other Friday at 4PM to learn, play, and sing at the Berthoud Community Library.
November's Musical Moments dates are the 3rd and 17th.
Kids Yoga
Kids ages 7-12 are invited to Yoga with Miss Christy on November 25th at 10:30AM. There will be games and songs!
Registration is required.
Big Kids Book Club
Let's read a book together!
In this book club, we will meet four days in a row to read a book together. Please plan on attending all four days from November 29th through December 2nd. We will meet at 4PM each day. This book club is geared towards 2nd-5th graders.
Teen Events:
Construct & Concoct
Construct & Concoct is a drop-in craft event for tweens & teens. Our October project will involve paper.
Drop-in from 4-6PM on Thursday, November 16th.
Adult Events:
Writer's Group
Join us as we free-write, critique, and hone our craft together.
All genres of writing welcome. We meet every Monday from 10:30AM to 11:45AM.
NaNoWritMo Come Write In
Whether you’re participating in the National Novel Writing Month challenge, or just looking to get some writing done, come write in with us on November 2nd & 15th from 6-8PM.
Narcan Training
North Colorado Health Alliance will teach us how to administer Narcan safely & effectively on November 9th from 5:00-7:00PM.
Food for Thoughts Breakfast with NOCO Humane
Join us for a locally-sourced breakfast on November 10th at 8AM as we discuss topics important to our community. This month NOCO Humane (Formerly Larimer Humane Society) will be joining us. Registration is Required.
Crafter's Corner
Call (970)532-2757 or come into the Library to register.
Book Club
Due to some scheduling changes at the library starting in September, we are moving book club meetings to the 4th WEDNESDAY of each month, with the usual exception of combining November & December to one meeting in early December. The times 1:30pm and 6:30pm will remain the same.
Here is the schedule for the book club 2023-2024:
Wednesday 9/27/23: Drowning Ruth, by Christina Schwartz
Wednesday 10/25/23: West With Giraffes, by Lynda Rutledge
Wednesday 11/29/23: The Secret Life of Sunflowers, by Marta Molnar
Wednesday 1/24/24: Carnegie's Maid, by Marie Benedict
Wednesday 2/28/24: Remarkably Bright Creatures, by Shelby Van Pelt
Wednesday 3/27/24: Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk, by Kathleen Rooney
Wednesday 4/24/24: The Paris Library, by Janet Skeslian Charles
Wednesday 5/22/24: Go As a River, by Shelley Read
This is Berthoud Podcast
This podcast is not just about library 'stuff', but about the wonderful community we live in. Straight from our CEO, Amie!
We're here for you, to support you, to inform you, and to care for you the best way we know how.
Most Recent Episode:
Season 4 – Episode 8: Receive Help or Give Help: A Conversation with Alternatives to Violence
Virtual Storytime Vault with Miss Christy
View all of Miss Christy's virtual story times from the past years. Watch the ones you missed or re-watch your favorites over and over again.
Stay Up to Date
Please keep checking our website, our Facebook page, and/or our Instagram page throughout the month to see the events we are hosting and any updates we may have!
Click here to visit our website.