Minidoka Jr. High Parent Newsletter
Important Dates:
October 8: Flu Shots
October 10: 4:30-8:00 Parent Teacher Conferences
October 11: 8:00-12:00 Parent Teacher Conferences
October 16: Ryan Thomas School Pictures Day (Students can bring something to change into for their school photos-they will be required to wear the uniform, but photos can be taken in a shirt of their choice.)
October 17: 11:00-12:00 School Assembly: Parents Invited Fentanyl Education
October 31: On Halloween-students are not allowed to dress up, but we will have a celebration in the afternoon that day. They will also participate in the preschool costume parade and can bring wrapped candy to pass to the preschoolers when they come down the hall.
There are two sessions of preschool: a morning and an afternoon session.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Our teachers are required to conduct a parent teacher conference for every student. This can be done in person, on the phone, or a google-meet video format. It is important that we connect with parents/caregivers as close to this scheduled time as possible. Thank you for your ongoing support and concern for your child's educational success!
Idaho Fentanyl Education
Idaho Fentanyl Education is a state-funded project to educate Idaho's K-12 students about illicit drugs and the dangers of fentanyl.
Fentanyl is now responsible for over 80% of national overdose deaths under age 24, and Idaho is not exempt from this growing problem. Illicit fentanyl is distributed through social media in the form of various counterfeit drugs daily in our state. Because of fentanyl's extreme potency, one choice to use a drug could be the last choice a young person makes.
Because of the Department of Education's commitment to the well-being of our students, the Idaho Fentanyl Education program is now offered at no charge to Minidoka Junior High School. This consists of a live presentation featuring the award-winning short documentary Dead On Arrival, followed by slides and Q&A for students to learn this potentially life-saving information. Our trained educators (most of whom are ISP troopers) typically conduct these presentations in an assembly or class setting, such as in a health class. Afterward, teachers may distribute a piece of follow-up material to discuss what they have learned. Students will then have the opportunity to make a commitment to refrain from using these deceptive drugs.
Health Care Services
Dyann Blood
October 1, 2024
Please review the consent below. If you have any questions, contact 208-436-4727.
Student Spotlight
Today's Student Spotlight is Madison Andrae! She's been wonderful to have in our school! All month long she's been working hard, asking questions, and staying focused. Way to go, Madison!
Teacher Corner
Mr. Bell
In history, 8th graders are putting together their first final product: A flyer, brochure or poster describing modern day issues with different groups in the US, and what actions are being taken to address those issues, as well as how those issues are related to American history. Students have picked a plethora of topics, and I'm excited to see how they turn out!
7th graders are learning about Hinduism and Buddhism, and the origins of many South Asian traditions. We've learned all about the Eightfold Path and Four Noble Truths, and how the traditions of Hinduism affect the cultures of that area to this day.
6th graders have moved on to the Neolithic Era, and how the processes and skills of metallurgy and domestication were developed. We are beginning to dive deeper into how these skills were huge turning points in human history.
Mr. Jarvis
7th Graders spent time observing gases and testing their properties to better understand states of matter.
Mr. Bruns
In Mr. Bruns' Math class, we just finished up our first round of End of Unit Assessments in all classes. Students learned about Area and Surface Area in 6th grade, Scaled Copies in 7th grade, and Rigid Transformations and Congruence in 8th grade. Students are working together and individually to discover mathematical concepts, and I am very excited about students' engagement in the learning this year.
Mrs. Bruns
All students should have finished reading at least one book and writing at least one essay in English class so far this year. Because I have found that most students are struggling to understand and follow the writing expectations at their current grade level, all students will be working on practice or interim ISAT tests to help develop their skills. We will be reading a class selected book for enjoyment instead of with a writing goal.
Students to CELEBRATE this month are:
Kimberly for her willingness to help others when they are struggling.
Payzlee for her determination to pass all Power Focus Areas for the whole year.
Brayden for responsibly turning in all assignments on time
Jayda for her persistence to keep up in class even when she is gone.
Nayelli for asking lots of questions when she is struggling.
Ms. Hendricks
Student Birthdays
Occasionally students wish to observe his/her birthday at school. General guidelines we all follow:
· Food treats are permissible, but interruption of the school program should be kept to a minimum.
· Food treats need to be individually wrapped and prepared commercially.
· Please avoid red punch or frosting.
· Please do not provide gum.
Device Protection Plan
Don't forget that the last day to purchase device protection for your student's Chromebook is September 30.
Device Protection Plan Information-Click this link
FREE Parent Webinar on Routines to the Rescue-Transform your Family Life
Minidoka Schools App
We are excited to share the new Minidoka Schools App. You can download the app by visiting your mobile device's app store. The app is a quick, easy way to access information about our schools. Watch this short video tutorial with a quick overview of the app.
Helpful Resources
Information for Parents/Guardians
- Parents/Guardians have the right to request professional qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals.
- Parent/Patron Advisory Committee meets monthly at 12:30 here at our building. Lunch is provided, and parents/guardians have the opportunity to be part of the decision making process for our schools. We would love to have you participate as you can.