Slate Ridge Weekly Newsletter
October 25, 2024
Dr. Parlar, Principal
Dear Slate Ridge Families,
We’ve just completed our second round of parent-teacher conferences, and it was wonderful to connect with so many of you. Report cards were sent home with your students this week. If you haven’t received yours, please contact the office, and we’ll happily print one for you.
We’re excited to see everyone at our Trunk or Treat event next week on Tuesday, October 29, at 5 PM. It’s sure to be a fun evening for all!
Thank you for your continued support.
Dr. Parlar
Important Dates
October 25: Report Cards will be sent home with the students
October 29: Trunk or Treat, 5PM-6:30PM
November 1: RISE Assembly
Field Trips
Kindergarten: Slate Run Living Historical Farm, April 11, 2025
1st Grade: Franklin Park Conservatory, late April
2nd Grade: Franklin Park Conservatory, May 16, 2025
3rd Grade: Reynoldsburg Historical Museum Tour, May 7, 2024
4th Grade: Kelton House, February 27, 2025
5th Grade: COSI, November 7, 2024.
This weeks' Positive Office Referral Winners!
Our Positive Office Referral winners have earned their prizes and recognition by exemplifying the RISE expectations—showing responsibility, integrity, self-control, and engagement.
2nd and 7 program
Our ambassadors had a great meeting this week and chose "Ghostbusters" as their costume theme for Trunk or Treat! All ambassadors will be dressing up, and Ms. Breese kindly volunteered to decorate her car to match. We're asking ambassadors to stay after school on Tuesday, October 29, to help prepare for the event. If you prefer not to give permission, they will be dismissed as usual. We're so excited for Tuesday and can't wait to see the fun come together!
Literacy Corner
A Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan (RIMP) is a document that Ohio schools and districts use to help students who are not reading on grade level.
The purpose of a RIMP is a collaboration between teachers and parents to identify a student's reading challenges and develop a plan to help them improve.
Please watch the video below to learn more about the Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plans and how they support students so they can become successful readers.
A Parent's Guide to Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plans (RIMPs)
Innovation Corner
3rd-5th grade students are officially done with their Make DO cardboard projects. Project photos will be posted on the Slate Ridge Instagram page (@slateridgeinnovate) this upcoming week. On to the next thing!
-Project Lead the Way coming soon this winter!
-The winning name of our leopard gecko is Cheeto!
Mr. Kline, Innovation Coordinator
Arrival Time to Slate Ridge!
AM Arrival 9:10-9:20am - Enter from Taylor Rd., pull through the car rider loop, and drop students along the sidewalk in the pickup/drop zone. Exit through the neighborhood. Students will enter the building through the back gym entrance. Students arriving after 9:20am will be marked tardy and must be signed in by a parent/guardian at the front office.
Our Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support (PBIS) program is central to fostering a positive and safe environment for our students. We emphasize consistent language between staff and families to support student growth. This November, our focus is on citizenship, with students practicing what it means to be responsible, respectful members of our community. They will develop this trait with the support of their peers, teachers, our School Counselor, and Social Worker. If you have any questions or want to learn more, please reach out to your student's teacher.
PTO Corner
The Salvation Army Christmas Cheer Toy & Food Program
Serving Franklin County Families
May we serve you? Applications for Christmas TOYS for children 14 years of age and under
and a hearty Christmas FOOD BOX will be taken: