Welcome Early Childhood Families
From Dr. Rebecca Dalton
Dear Families,
Welcome to the Lansing School District Early Childhood!
I’m Rebecca Dalton and honored to serve as the Early Childhood Building Principal. During the school year, you will receive monthly newsletters from me with program and building updates. Feel free to contact me at any time. I'm looking forward to working with your families. Lansing USD 469 is dedicated to providing comprehensive early childhood education and parental support.
The Lansing school district early childhood team strives to helping your child achieve their highest potential as they engage in a learning environment that fosters the social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development necessary for Kindergarten.
The integration of developmentally appropriate practices and play-based learning into the curriculum aligns with research-backed approaches to early childhood education. All daily lessons are aligned with both state standards and the the districts' Guaranteed Viable Curriculum (GVC), ensuring continuity and coherence in the educational experience from preschool, through kindergarten, and beyond!
Here's to a great year,
For Your Calendar
As your child gets placed in a class
You will receive information about scheduling a Sneak A Peak with your teacher. You will have the opportunity to meet the teacher, see the classroom, and bring in supplies.
Up Coming Events
Thursday 10/24 - In- house Pumpkin Patch field trip!
Friday 10/25 -No EC classes
Child Care open
Tuesday 10/29 - Creepy Critters In House Field Trip with Ernie Miller Nature Center
Thursday 10/31 - Halloween parade to District Office, time TBD
Friday 11/1 - No EC classes, Professional Development Day
Child Care open
LV County KECAP Fall Festival 3:30-5:30 (see flyer below)
Tuesday 11/5 - Picture Day retakes
Friday 11/8 - Count Your Kid In Screening
Saturday 11/9 - LEF Rugged 5K (see flyer below)
No EC classes
Monday 11/11 - Veteran's Day - Building Closed
Monday 11/25-11/29 - No EC classes, Thanksgiving Break
Child Care closed 11/28-11/29
The Lansing USD 469 app is a great way to conveniently stay up to date on what's happening. Some of the features of the app from SOCS include:
- Choose from multiple calendars
- News and announcements
- Push notifications
1 Box of Crayola THIN markers
1 Pack of thin paper plates (NOT STYROFOAM) 6 inch
1 Box of sealable baggies (GALLON SIZE)
1 Container of Clorox wipes
2 Boxes of Kleenex
1 Bottle of hand sanitizer
2 Packages of Baby wipes (REFILLS ARE FINE)
1 Box of Crayola THICK markers
1 Pack of thin paper plates (NOT STYROFOAM) 9 inch
1 Box of sealable baggies (SANDWICH SIZE)
1 Container of Clorox wipes
2 Boxes of Kleenex
1 Bottle of hand sanitizer
2 Packages of Baby wipes (REFILLS ARE FINE)
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Safety is our top priority when getting all students to and from school. Please follow all of our arrival and dismissal procedures to keep everyone safe. If everyone works together and follows the procedures we can complete the process in 15 minutes or less.
*Please consider taking your start-of-school pictures at Sneak-a-Peek in order to follow arrival and
dismissal procedures on the first day. Walking your child to the classroom is discouraged to establish important routines and procedures.
*Car Line- See map below
*Car Line- Be ready: Please ONLY exit the first 5 cars in the line (identified by numbers on the sidewalk), then allow others to pull up. It helps our car line move more efficiently, compared to drop off 1 by 1.
*Car Line- Please stay in your car if you are not one of the first 5 cars.
Please be patient- SLOW DOWN.
*If you prefer to not wait in the arrival/dismissal car line. You can park in a visitor's spot on the
north side of the Early Childhood Building. Please use the cross walk to safely
cross the parking lot.
*Do not park or walk in the dismissal or arrival area. This is a safety issue and actually slows
down the process.
*Bus Riders- EC staff will arrange if you marked 'yes' in your application. The bus drivers call parents/guardians and verify pick up and drop off times.
Early Childhood and PreK parents are required to approach the bus and meet at the curb or the driveway of the bus stop. This will ensure the bus can provide transportation to and from the safest, street location closest to student’s doorstep.
*If you arrive 10 minutes after arrival, you must walk your child in and sign them in.
*Ride Changes- Please limit ride changes to emergency situations only and call at least 30
minutes before dismissal. If a ride change is necessary-please call 913-727-1755. You can also
email your child's teacher.
Thank you for helping us create a safe and efficient arrival and dismissal system.
Early Childhood Transportation is not set up the same as K-12
We will sign up your child if they are eligible for transportation. When routes are worked out, the bus driver will contact you and inform you of pick up and drop off times.
Communication - SeeSaw app
Please download the Seesaw app on your phone for regular communication from teachers. You will be given a QR code that will lead you to your child's teacher's contact.
This will also be how monthly newsletters are sent out.
Food and Nutrition Services
Making online payments to breakfast/lunch accounts
- Go to skyward.usd469.net
- Enter your Username and Password (if you don’t have it call your school’s office to obtain it.)
- Choose the student name in the top left side and click on the Food Service key on the left hand side of the page.
- Click on Make Online Payment in the center of the screen.
Making Peer Model Payments Online
Watch instructional video below
Link to Payment Portal
Invitation to Participate in Early Childhood Site Council
Our staff would also like to invite parents to participate in the Lansing Early Childhood Site Council. The site council is an advisory group made up of teachers, parents and community leaders. This group of dedicated individuals works very hard to support Lansing Early Childhood students and staff. If you would like to participate, please sign up at meet the teacher or email rebecca.dalton@usd469.net