Clackamas C-TEC
Professional Technical Education Consortium
December 2024 Newsletter
In an effort to better communicate with our CTE teachers, I will be sending you monthly emails following our Clackamas Career Technical Education Consortium steering committee meetings that occur on the second Tuesday of each month.
Consortium Goals for 2023 - 2025
Explore and advance work-based learning
Develop messaging to students and families about CTE pathways
Increase the Retention Rate of Participants (0.5cr or more) to Concentrators (2cr) from 36% to 46% in Four Years
Reduce teacher turnover
Schools, Programs, and Teachers Develop Meaningful Connections between secondary and post-secondary and with Industry Partners
Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment for School Staff
Every two years, the Clackamas Technical Education Consortium conducts a Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment. This process involves examining extensive data—everything from participation rates and demographics to state test scores, graduation rates, and work-based learning metrics. We also gather input from students, families, and employers. Now we’d like to hear from you. Please take a moment to fill out our short, anonymous survey. It won’t take long, and your feedback is invaluable.
Thank you for participating.
Secondary Career Pathways Grant Funds
The CTE programs of study in Clackamas County have been awarded $417,091, for the 2024-25 grant cycle, representing 50 programs of study out of our total of 81. This is based on student data that is submitted to ODE in the spring of 2024.
To earn funding from the state Career Pathways Grant a program must earn at least one point. Points are earned for the following:
- Students who have earned 3 or more credits in a single program of study
- Students who earned at least one Industry Recognized Industry Credential
- Students from above who are also from an underserved population
Budgets have been sent to your school CTE administrator and you should work with them, along with your advisory committees on how to best spend those funds. As these are state funds, there are much less restrictions on how to use them as compared to Perkins funds. Pathways funds can be used to purchase simple tools and consumable material unlike with Perkins.
Budgets are due to me by January 6th, and funds must be fully spent by June 30, 2025, or they go back to the state.
The Breakdown:
Funding ranges from a minimum of $2,000 to a maximum of $45,000, calculated at $117.47 per point. A program needed at least 18 points to receive more than the minimum and at least 424 points to qualify for the maximum allocation.
Statewide, 749 programs received CP allocation funds, with 308 programs earning the minimum and 5 programs earning the maximum.
Allocations for the entire State have been posted on the 2023 - 2025 Secondary Career Pathways Dashboard
Oregon ACTE Conference: April 17-18
Reunite, Excite & Ignite CTE Potential
Oregon ACTE Annual Conference
April 16-18, 2025
Seaside Civic & Convention Center
Registration Fee:
(renewal/membership benefit fee and conference meals included)
$550 Early (thru 12/31)$600 Regular (thru 2/28)
$650 Late (after 2/28)
4/16 Pre-Conference ODE/HECC Workshops and Excite Program Showcase $50 $50 $50
Recruiting Presenters for AI Empowered EDU Conference
2025 AI Empowered EDU Conference: Call for Workshop Proposals
Call for Workshop Proposals: 2025 AI Empowered EDU Conference
The 2025 AI Empowered EDU Conference, hosted by Clackamas ESD, Multnomah ESD, Northwest Regional ESD and University of Portland will be held on Tuesday, May 13th at University of Portland campus.
We invite you to submit a proposal for the conference that meets our goal of equipping attendees with AI tools, strategies and policies that advance AI literacy initiatives across our regions.
We are seeking interactive, hands-on workshops that have attendees using AI during the sessions. We hope these workshops will involve attendees using AI and sharing, creating, designing, and solving problems together.
Are you using AI and have an idea for a workshop?
Oregon Statewide PLC Dashboard and Calendar
Access all the essential information for Statewide Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) here, including:
- Calendar: Upcoming meetings and events
- Meeting Agendas & Minutes: Detailed session plans and summaries of past meetings
- In the News: Career area current events
- Resource Share: Career area-specific materials and information
- SW PLC Directories: Stay in contact with other CTE professionals
Completers are Back!
After several years without a definition of a CTE program completer, ODE has decided on a definition:
Concentrator: CTE concentrators are learners who have taken two or more credits in a single CTE POS. At least one of those credits must be in intermediate or advanced-level coursework, and the learner must have graduated high school
Clackamas Youth Trades Initiative - Pre Apprenticeship
The Clackamas Technical Education Consortium, in partnership with Clackamas Community College, and Clackamas area trades-related employers will secure agreements from union and non-union apprenticeships, will establish a workforce readiness youth pre-apprenticeship program: CYTI- Clackamas Youth Trades Initiative. This Oregon youth pre-apprenticeship program addresses the urgent, in-demand, high-wage employment needs of both regional trades industry partners and the high schools that make up the Clackamas Technical Education Consortium (Canby, Clackamas Academy of Industrial Sciences, Colton, Estacada, Gladstone, Molalla, Oregon City, Riverside, Sabin-Schellenberg Professional Technical Center, Sandy, West Linn, and Wilsonville. This program will prepare high school students for postsecondary transitions to registered apprenticeships, direct employment in skilled trades, and/or college enrollment.
With 18 (Construction 5, Engineering 6, Manufacturing 7) ODE-approved CTE Programs of Study aligned with state and national industry standards, as well as Oregon community college certification and degree programs, the Clackamas Technical Education Consortium is dedicated to supporting the diverse interests of its students. Through the Clackamas Youth Trades Initiative, the Clackamas Technical Education Consortium will collaborate with industry partners to connect interested students to local registered apprenticeship sites for work-based learning opportunities, including job shadows, industry interviews, and internships. Consequently, the CYTI program will actively support the emerging career interests of students, meet the in-demand, high-skilled employment needs of local industry, and ensure the long-term workforce viability of the Tri-County Metro Area.
What we need from school programs who want to participate:
- Syllabus or Scope and Sequence of courses in your program of study with student outcomes
- List any options for college credit in program
- Short description of facilities for the program of study
- Maximum Class Size
- Evaluation Methods (i.e. grading, evaluation tool or checklists for proficiency/completion)
Pease contact me if you would like to be included in the pre-apprenticeship program.
Clackamas Community College Upcoming CTE License Courses
Winter Term registration is now open at Clackamas Community College.
Winter Term runs from January 6th through March 22nd.
CTE License related coursework offered at CCC in Winter Term are:
*ED229 Learning & Development (meets the Human Development for Adolescents requirement)
ED131 Instructional Strategies
Additional recommended Education courses offered Winter Term include:
ED216 Foundations of Teaching & Education
ED254 Instructional Strategies for Dual Language Learners
ED269 Overview of Special Education
*ED229 currently has a Waitlist but we guarantee that any CTE teachers needing this class will be let in - please put yourself on the waitlist and/or contact me via email to ensure that we know you want to be registered
All classes are offered online in an asynchronous format.
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to get registered.
Megan Helzerman
CTE Licensure Specialist
Career & Technical Education (CTE) Licensure Prep Program
Clackamas Community College
19600 Molalla Ave, Oregon City, OR 97045
503-594-0967 • meganh@clackamas.edu
Free Technology Curriculum from CompTIA Spark
This message is being forwarded from ODE
Hi Teachers,
We are excited to introduce you to CompTIA Spark’s Free Middle School & High School curriculum in a virtual session on October 21st.
You’ll learn how CompTIA Spark curriculum can engage your students in tech career exploration while building essential digital skills. This curriculum is free, fun, and easy-to-implement. This curriculum has been cross walked with the state of Oregon Knowledge and Skill Statements for Information Communication Technology.
Educators are excited to share how seamlessly CompTIA Spark integrates into their classrooms and promotes 21st century skills.
Please explore CompTIA Spark’s curriculum before the virtual event by creating a free account at: teach.comptiaspark.org
Session Agenda:
· Welcome
· About CompTIA Spark
· CompTIA Spark Product Overview
· Explore the Curriculum: Tech Exploration and Emerging Tech Units
· Getting Started with CompTIA Spark
· Discuss Potential Professional Development Opportunities
Mark your calendars for:
October 21st, 2024
Time: 3:45-4:45pm PST
Please let me know if you plan to attend the session!
David Mitchell | Senior Director of Partner Outreach
Cell: 904.755.1192 | dmitchell@comptia.org
CompTIA Spark | comptiaspark.org
NOTE: Spark has traditionally provided curriculum for middle level, but is expanding to K-12.
Clackamas Connect Career Hub
In collaboration with Clackamas Community College, Clackamas Workforce Partnership, The South-Metro STEM Hub, and C-TEC, your college & career counselors or whoever in your school helps connect students to Career-Connected Learning opportunities will have access to our new regional database - Clackamas Connect Career Hub.
This database will give access to partners in the region who desire to provide opportunities to our students, along with specific opportunities such as field trips and work-based learning, and list of industry partners willing to participate in CTE program advisory committees.
If you would like access, please email Bill Blevins @ bblevins@clackesd.k12.or.us with you name, title, and email address.
There will be a formal training in late January on how to use the database.
Thank you for all you do for the students of Clackamas County. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.
Best Wishes,
Bill Blevins
Mobile) 503-342-7671
Regional Coordinator of Career and Technical Education
Clackamas Education Service District
13455 SE 97th Avenue, Clackamas, OR 97015