October 14th AMSHS Weekly Update
Building independent lifelong learners.
Principal's Corner
It's been a great 1st Quarter for our Albany Warriors! Lots of success in the classroom and on the field. We couldn't be more proud of our students and want to discuss their strengths with you as well as areas we see they need to grow. Parent/Teacher Conferences are October 24th and there is a link at the bottom of the Update to reserve an arrival time. Students and parents are welcome to come out and talk to the staff about Q1 progress and concerns.
We value our partnership with you and appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to attend. The student class with the highest percentage of attendance will receive a Sonic Drink party. Parents who attend can also enter to win a GRC season pass. For more information about conferences, contact your child's teacher or the office.
Mrs. Barbara Terry
Middle School/ High School Principal
Albany R-3 School District
Counselor's Corner
Hey Warriors! Happy Homecoming Week!
Mon, Oct 17: We will be having FAFSA Frenzy here at the school at 6pm. This is open to seniors and their parents! There will be a guest speaker here to talk about paying for college and a financial aid representative from Northwest. The information for this event was sent home with your student and it is also linked under FAFSA Frenzy on the Counseling Corner- High School page on the school website. If students attend this event, they are eligible to apply for a $500 scholarship from Journey to College. We hope to see you there!
October 18- ACT Test- We will be taking the test at the Williford Building, leaving at 7:50 am. Students may bring their own calculators for the math section if they wish. Students, please see your email for more information regarding the test day.
Oct 19- October is National Bullying Prevention Month. The key message of this month, and Unity Day, Oct 19th, is to unite for kindness, courage, and inclusion. Please wear orange to support kindness, courage, and inclusion on Unity Day, Oct 19th.
Oct 24: This is the day of parent-teacher conferences. I will also be set up to hand out scholarship information.
Red Ribbon Week is coming up Oct 25th-28th! Be on the lookout for the dress-up days to be posted for this! We are excited to celebrate Red Ribbon Week. Students will have the opportunity to sign a banner and pledge to be drug-free.
Kristyn Carlock
MS/HS Counselor
MWSU Homecoming Parade
Softball Season
Lady Warriors Finish the Season Strong!
Yearbook Sales
Next Gen Assembly
Next Gen Assemblies came to AMSHS on Friday to share a message of self-worth and being kind. Jess Angelique and Mike Dawson performed pop style songs to appeal to students and promote them to support a person’s right to be who they are. They encouraged them to treat their fellow classmates with respect.
FFA Farmer's Harvest Lunch
Important Information About Student Academics
Parent/ Teacher Conferences are October 24th from 12-7PM in the new gym. Teachers will be set up at tables and be available to talk about student concerns and celebrate student successes. The class that has the highest rate of attendance to conferences will receive a Sonic Drink party. Parents who attend can also enter to win a free GRC season pass.
We would love for every student to have a parent or guardian come to conferences. For planning purposes, we ask you give us an approximate arrival time. Please take a moment to reserve a time using the link below.
Attendance is an important part of academic success. We require 90% attendance to be eligible but there is an appeals process if something unforeseen were to occur. Letters were sent home today for students who are not eligible because of attendance. For more information on this, please talk to your child's coach or call the office.
Official grade check was today and this also was the last day of 1st Quarter. Teachers should notify you if your child is on the list and letters will be sent home if your child is ineligible because of attendance. If you have any questions, contact your child's teacher or the office.
The following dates 1st semester. You will be notified if there are concerns. There are tutoring options available. If you have any questions about grades, please contact your child's teacher.
November 4th and 25th
December 9th and 21st
Per our handbook policy, after the 6th tardy, students will serve an after school detention. Please see the disciplinary section of the handbook for more information about our tardy policy.
Important Upcoming Dates
10/18 School Board Meeting @ 6:30PM
10/18 District ACT Test
10/24 Parent/ Teacher Conferences
10/25-28th FFA National Convention
10/27 Mosaic Career Day
Don't forget about weekly Friday 7AM Booster Club meetings at Deb's Diner
Albany Middle and High School (AMSHS)
Email: bterry@albany.k12.mo.us
Website: https://www.albany.k12.mo.us/
Location: 101 West Jefferson Street, Albany, MO, USA
Phone: (660) 726-3911
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Albany-R-III-Warriors-1089316697861329/