Prairie View
January Newsletter 2025
A Note from Mr. Ryan
Happy New Year! We hope you've had a wonderful winter break with your family and friends. Students will return on Tuesday, January 7th. As we come back from break, please keep in mind that the wind can be quite brutal on "The Prairie." As a result, we will stay inside for morning and lunch recesses if the "real feel" temperature is 15 degrees or less. When the temperature is above 15 degrees, students will play outside unless ice or snow clearing is an issue.
During the winter season, please send an extra sweatshirt with your student(s) in their backpack to allow for layering during recess. Winter hats and gloves should also be sent to school each day! While at recess, only students with winter boots, snow pants, hats, and gloves will be allowed to play in the snow. These items help keep students warm and dry when they return to their classrooms and engage in learning. You are welcome to leave a pair of boots at school if possible. If you need assistance with winter clothing, please don't hesitate to contact our main office at 815-786-8811.
Second trimester progress reports will be sent home on January 10th. Only students who are currently receiving a "B" (Beginning) score on an academic standard or learner trait will receive a progress report. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your student’s teacher!
January's Core Value: Collaboration!
We are excited to share that we will be offering a leadership opportunity for our third-grade students to practice collaboration with their peers and younger students. We have empowered our third graders to re-teach and review our Common Expectations as we return from the unofficial halfway point of the school year.
These expectations, introduced at the start of the school year, are displayed on posters throughout the building for students and staff to reference. A common set of expectations helps students feel a sense of comfort and consistency as they navigate their day.
We are thrilled to see our third graders embrace this opportunity to serve as leaders within the school! Below are visuals of our Common Expectations. We encourage you to review these with your student(s) to support the process at school.
CUSD #430 Core Values
Student absences need to be called in by 8:15 am (815-786-8811) on the day of the absence for the safety of your student. There is an answering machine here at school, so you can call at any time to let us know if your student will not be present. An automated system will take calls before 7:00 a.m. If your child is not at school and we have not been contacted, we will make every effort to get in touch with you, including calling emergency contacts that you've provided during the registration process. If contact cannot be made, please note that the absence will be considered UNEXCUSED.
Students shall be permitted no more than seven (7) excused absences, including vacations, per school year, based upon parental/legal guardian confirmation for the reasons of the absence. After the student has been excused seven times in one school year, additional excused absences for illnesses may only be verified through a written medical statement from a physician. For our full attendance policy, please refer to our student handbook.
Free and Reduced Lunch Information
Free and Reduced Breakfast/Lunch
The carry over period for students who were receiving free/reduced lunch for the 2023-2024
school year will end on September 27, 2024. If a new 2024-2025 application has not been
submitted by that date your child will automatically be put on paid breakfast and lunch
beginning September 30, 2024.
Please click on the link below to apply for free/reduced breakfast and lunch:
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is
prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or
disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, and Office of Civil
Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-
3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Substitutes Needed
We Need Substitute Teachers and Substitute Paraprofessionals!
Do you want to make your own schedule?
Do you have at least 60 credit hours or an Associate's Degree?
You can be a Substitute Teacher and would be making a significant impact on our school with your support!
As a Substitute Teacher, you would make $120 daily or $140 after a total of 10 days in the district.
Here is the link to the DeKalb ROE for a Substitute Teacher packet.
You can easily become a substitute Paraprofessional as well with just a High School diploma and earn $14 an hour. Here is the link for the DeKalb Paraprofessional licensure.
Parent Pathways: Preschool
Early Learning Essentials for Parents of our Littlest Learners
Attention Preschool Families! This series is designed to empower families with practical strategies to support young children's development and set them on a path for lifelong learning. Join us to connect with other parents, gain insights into early childhood milestones, and explore ways to create a nurturing learning environment at home.
Our Parent Pathways sessions are designed to provide a supportive and interactive hour for families. Each session begins with 25-minutes led by our parent educator, where parents can learn valuable insights and strategies, while preschool students are supervised and engaged in play in classrooms. Following the parent session, families will enjoy a 25-minute activity to practice new ideas together.
These are the dates of our Parent Pathways events from 5:30 - 6:30 pm.
December 17th
January 21st
February 18th
March 18th
April 15th
May 20th
We kindly ask that non-preschool children have pre-arranged supervision at home, though infants may stay with parents if necessary. Please note that no diapering services will be available during play supervision.
December17th's Topic: Establishing Routines at Home
Activity: Making Playdough
The importance of routines and ideas on how to easily implement them at home.
Upcoming Important Dates
January 6th: No School - Institute Day
January 7th: School Resumes
January 9th: Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
January 10th: 2nd Trimester Progress Reports Sent Home
January 13-24th: Benchmark Testing for K-3 Students
January 13th: Fox Valley Therapy Dogs visit Kindergarten
January 14th: Fox Valley Therapy Dogs visit 1st Grade
January 15th: Land of Smile Assembly 9:00AM-9:45 AM
January 16th: Prairie View PPA Meeting at 1:30 PM
January 20th- No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 21st: School Board Meeting @ SMS Library 2nd Floor 7PM-8 PM
January 23rd: 1st Grade Opera House Field Trip