Pioneer Press
January 10th, 2025
In Math
Our math classes are off to a great start in 2025!
We are fortunate to have such hardworking mathematicians at Pioneer!
We would also like to remind everyone that we offer a Math Club from 2:45-3:45 each Tuesday and Thursday.
Currently, Math Club is in Mr. Martin’s room on Tuesday and Mr. Stuglemeyer’s room on Thursday.
Students do NOT have to purchase an ASB card to attend Math Club. Math Club is a chance for students to get extra support, retake assessments and continue to practice math skills.
6th Grade - finishing up operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) with decimals. Some of our sixth grade classes have begun the unit on algebraic expressions. This unit includes writing algebraic expressions as well as a review of the distributive and property. This work includes some review of converting mixed numbers into improper fractions as well. Our “hi-cap” sixth grade math students are midway through chapter 5; ratios, rates, and percents.
7th Grade - working through the expressions and equations unit. These students have worked on solving simple equations and multi-step equations and are now onto solving equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign.
8th Grade - working through the expressions and equations unit. These students have worked on solving simple equations and multi-step equations and are now onto solving equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign.
Algebra - our Algebra students are in the midst of learning how to graph linear equations. They have worked on finding the slope from a graph, slope from two points and slope from a table. Algebra students are now working on graphing and writing equations in slope-intercept form.
Geometry - our Geometry students have just begun with Proofs and Reasoning
Students from Mrs. Mateus' room participate in a Math Walk
Students particpatng in a Math Walk
Students hard at work solving problems
A group of students work with Mr. Stugelmeyer during a Math Club session
More students from Mrs. Mateus' 8th grade math in a Math Walk
From the Counseling Office - End of 1st semester
The last day of 1st semester is Friday, January 24th.
Students can pick up a copy of their 2nd semester schedule on Monday, Jan. 27th in the gym BEFORE school.
For schedule change requests, please carefully read the information below.
We will honor requests based on electives when space permits, or placement (i.e. wrong math level). Keep in mind that space in electives is limited and is affected by your student's placement in core classes (Math, Science, English).
How to request a schedule change:
1. Schedule Change Request forms will be available in the Main Office.
2. Your student can pick up a form starting Tuesday, January 21st - Tuesday, February 4th.
3. Parents/Guardians must review the schedule change request form with your student, sign and date the form.
4. Your student will submit the form to the Main Office.
5. The scheduling team will review your student's request and, when possible, make the changes and call your student down to pick up a copy of the new schedule.
6. Students WILL NOT be allowed to walk into the Counseling Office to request a schedule change.
7. ONLY paper copies of the Schedule Change Request form will be accepted, no emails or phone calls.
****Our scheduling team has 72 hours to review and process requests****
*Parents/Guardians can request an appointment with a counselor to discuss details pertaining to their student's schedule change request by emailing pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us. Please do not arrive at the school without an appointment as our counselors may not be available to meet with you. When requesting an appointment, please include your student's full name and grade.
Emailing counselors directly is acceptable, but keep in mind they are currently inundated with emails and response time can be longer than 72 hours.
Use the link below to view the elective options available at Pioneer Middle School this semester.
2nd Semester PE
It's time to purchase PE uniforms for the second semester.
We are accepting orders through January 15th. Delivery will be during the first week of February. All PE students are encouraged to pre-order their uniforms.
There will be very limited quantities of extras available in the student store. This is the last order for the school year. All orders are pre-paid.
Please submit your payment and order form to Ms. Ruby at the attendance office no later than the end of day on January 15th.
Yearbook - Baby Ads for 8th graders
Hello 8th grade families!
Our baby ad Yearbook fundraiser is here.
Follow this link to upload an adorable baby photo of your 8th grader and include a short message to your student in the quote section for it to be included in the Yearbook!
Pay your $10 dollars to Mrs. Ruby or through TouchBase.
This is a fun tradition and the money helps to support Yearbook class to buy equipment.
Top 10 Pioneer MS Volunteers
Pioneer students and staff appreciate all our volunteers do for our school!
A special thanks to our top 10 most active volunteers:
Ethan Liles
Jillian Holyfield
Julia Guggemos
Roman Pawlik
Kenneth Hayes
Maddyn Gorman
Patricia Robinson
Mikaela McGraw
Eddie Johnson
Laura Peterson
January Lunch Menu
School Clubs
Junior Student to Student (JS2S) Room A115 with Ms. Taylor
Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) - Room C102 with Mrs. Iglesias
Christian Faith Group (CFG) - Room B103 with Mrs. Vaccaro
Art Club - Room C126 with Mrs. Palacios
Math Help - Room B101 with Mr. Martin
Homework Help in the Library with Mrs. Hilton
Builder's Club in the Library with Mrs. Holyfield
Pokemon Go Club with Mrs. Elshire
Game Club Room C202 with Mrs. Nixon
Math Help Room B101 with Mr. Martin
Homework Help in the Library with Mrs. Hilton
All students participating in clubs are required to pay an ASB fee of $15.00
You can purchase your student's ASB through Mrs. Ruby
ASB fees collected go to funding clubs and sports activities at Pioneer MS.
*Students participating in the Math Help, Homework Help, Christian Faith and Pokemon Go groups - are not required to pay the ASB $15.00*
For more information on the clubs we offer, use the link below:
Transportation is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for students attending school clubs.
Use the link below for route information:
Monday 1/13
girls basketball JV/Varsity game at Ridgeline MS. JV plays first 3:30pm
C-Team Home game vs. Thomas at 3:30pm
Tuesday 1/14
wrestling match at Ridgeline MS at 3:30pm
Wednesday 1/15
Team pictures (All Basketball and Wrestling)
girls basketball JV/Varsity game at Lochburn MS. JV plays first at 3:30pm
Thursday 1/16
Wrestling Home match vs. Lochburn at 3:30pm
Friday 1/17
Wrestling match at Thomas MS at 3:30pm
Registration opens on Friday, January 17th for Season 3 sports: Girls Soccer & Boys Basketball (closes 2/3/25), for more information email Mrs. Plumb at eplumb@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Coming Up!
Wednesday, January 15th - ACE Day - 1:40 pm release for students
Monday, January 20th - NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Wednesday, January 22nd - ACE Day - 1:40 pm release for students
Thursday, January 23rd - Pioneer MS MLK Assembly - 8:20 am in GYM
Friday, January 24th - last day of 1st semester - 11:40 am release for students
Friday, February 14th - NO SCHOOL - snow make up day
Monday, February 17th - NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day
From the Main Office
Is your student arriving late to school?
Students start class at 8:10 a.m.
-If your student arrives at 8:10 a.m. or later, please have them stop at our check-in kiosk for a pass to class. Tardies need to be excused by parent/guardian.
Don't forget to excuse your student's absences and tardies!
Option 1: Call 253-583-7200, choose the attendance option.
Leave a message if we can't get to your call. The voicemail to the attendance line is checked several times a day.
Option 2: Email us at pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Transportation Changes?
Option 1: Please call the office no later than 2:00 pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) and 1:00 pm on ACE days (Wednesdays) to request transportation changes.
Option 2: You can also request transportation changes by emailing us at pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us