RAMS Raider's Den for Dec 19, 2024

Thursday, December 19, 2024
Message from RAMS Principal - Heidi George
Dear Roseville Area Middle School Families,
As we wrap up this week and head into winter break, I want to take a moment to reflect on the wonderful energy we’ve had in our school community. This week, we had a unique and fun experience bonding with your middle schoolers through an "underground spirit week." The staff participated in a themed dress-up/accessory day each day, and the students had to guess the theme of the day. I encourage you to ask your middle schooler what they guessed — their responses are sure to bring a smile to your face!
I hope the upcoming break gives everyone time to recharge, relax, and engage in activities that fill your bucket. As we all know, this season can bring a range of emotions, and it's important to remember that each of us may be experiencing this time of year in a different way. No matter where you are emotionally, please know that we are here to support each other through it all.
I wish you and your family peace, joy, and much-needed rest during the break. I am excited for what 2025 will bring and look forward to welcoming our students back in the new year.
Learning for ALL,
Heidi George
🎉Raving About RAMS!🎉
In FACS 7 student's sewed pillowcases for their final trimester projects. Jack Yang was the first student to finish his. What a beautiful job he did on his pillowcase!
Students in Ms. Vasquez's Estudios Globales are demonstrating their Deep Culture. This student is wearing a traditional mask from Ecuador. The mask is used during Carnival. This student is wearing a mask that his family made and they wore during the parades.
Students playing a team vocab quiz game in Spanish class about family members to prepare for an upcoming quiz.
- Thursday, December 19 - Parkway Pizza on Hamline and Lexington - Dine to Donate
- Monday, December 23 - Tuesday, December 31 - No School - Winter Break
- Wednesday, January 1-Friday, January 3 - No School - Winter Break Continued
- Monday, January 6 - School Resumes
- Thursday, January 9 - Ready for RAHS! 5:30-7:00pm @ RAHS - See below for more info
- Thursday, January 14 - SAVE THE DATE! RAMS Family Connections Night - 5:30-7:00pm
- Tuesday, January 14 - RAS Music Faculty Recital 7:00pm @ RAHS
- Monday, January 20 - No School - MLK Day
- Friday, January 31 - Asynchronous Learning Day - Grades 7-12 - Teacher Workshop Day
Registration for the 2025-26 School Year
After winter break, 7th and 8th graders will begin the registration process for the 2025-26 school year. The links below will share information about timelines and opportunities to learn more about our registration process. Registration materials will be shared with students on January 8th.
7th to 8th grade Timeline
8th to 9th grade Timeline
You and your student will complete their registration for High School online. Please check out our RAHS Registration Site.
Ready for RAHS!
Hey, Class of 2029! Are You Ready for RAHS?
RAHS Registration Night
📅 Thursday, January 9
🕧 5:30-7:00pm
Reminder: Calling in Students Absence or for Early Pick-up
Please be sure to give the front office notice either via a phone call, a note or the ramsattendance@isd623.org attendance email if your student will be absent or if you will be picking up your student early so we can be prepared for your student to leave with you. This way you will not have to come into the building and your student will be ready to leave in the front office when you arrive. Your student can sign themselves out on the iPad on the front desk and come right out to your vehicle.
Students who are also feeling ill should go to the Health Office first before calling home. Once they are seen by Nurse Tighe and if it is determined that they should head home the Health Office will reach out to home to secure a ride. Students should not call home from their cell phones to be picked up if they are not feeling well.
School Supply Spotlight
RAMS Teacher's Amazon Wishlists!
Would you like to support a teacher at RAMS? Below are several Amazon teacher wish lists! Thank you
for supporting our school!
Coach Taylor - English 7 & Academy 7
RAMS Snack Shack (Supports RAMS Raider Pride Parties and Activities!)
Technology Information
Technology enhances student learning and engagement, but it also has the potential to be distracting. If a student struggles using their iPad appropriately in class, teachers will redirect the student’s behavior. If a student continues to misuse the iPad, the teacher will write a referral and the student will be placed on restriction. A restricted iPad only allows the use of preselected academic websites. If an assignment requires open internet research or to view a teacher-assigned video on YouTube, students can come to the media center to use a computer under supervision to access these resources.
The first violation is a one-month restriction.
The second violation is a three-month restriction.
The third violation is for the remainder of the year.
For more information about behavior expectations and restrictions, see the 1:1 Program Family and Student Guide.
Health Office Information
RAMS Health Office is staffed from 7:30am-3:30pm on student contact days
P: 651-482-5291
F: 651-288-5034
RAMS School Nurse - Joan Tighe: 📨 joan.tighe@isd623.org
RAMS Health Assistant - Linsey Saxon: 📨 linsey.saxton@isd623.org
Athletics & Activities
Winter Sports Registration Still Available for Boys Basketball
- Practices start on Wednesday, January 7th. Practices are 3:00-5:00 Monday through Friday
All students MUST have a sports physical on file before registering. Please see links below for physicals and registration.
- Sports Physical Form (Found here in English, Spanish Hmong & Somali)
- Online Registration
- Information on Free Sports Physicals at Twin Cities Orthopedics
- 5:15pm Interactive Activity Bus Maps
- Activity Bus Stops
*7-12th sports in the district are run by the RAHS coaches and activities office. More information can be found at www.rosevilleraiders.org. RAHS fall sports start Monday, August 12th.
RAHS activities office contacts:
📨 Natalie Crosby or 📨 Andrea Schmidt
RAMS Activities Office Contacts: 📨 Tanysha Scott and 📨 Susan Garland or call 651-482-5290
Students 8th grade and younger must be accompanied by an adult AND that adult must stay and monitor those students. Students and parents who don't follow these expectations will be subject to loss of entry to future RAHS events.
Nutrition Services
RAMS Menus
Menus at the secondary level will no longer be provide for each month in a calendar format. Please click on the grey button below to access the menus online. Make sure you change the school to be Roseville Area Middle School and check that you are in the week you would like to look at the menus.
FTA Information
RAMS 2024-25 FTA Meetings
🕐 7:00pm
📍 RAMS Team Office (next to Media Center)
📅 Thursday, February 6
📅 Thursday, March 6
📅 Thursday, April 3
📅 Thursday, May 8
From the District
Community Flyers
Community Ed Updates
Winter 2025 ECFE Classes! ❄️ 🧸
Do you have young children? Do you know a friend or family member that does? Registration has now started for our next session of Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) classes! ECFE supports the growth and learning of caregivers and children together, as the classes and resources equip parents with beneficial tools for raising their child. We offer classes for caregivers and children ages birth to 5 years! Class fees are determined with a sliding scale, and we also offer FREE classes.
Swim Lessons Still Available! 💧 🤿
It's not too late to register yourself or your child for winter swim lessons with Roseville Community Education! We have a variety of classes with spots still open. Swim lessons help teach important water safety skills that are beneficial for all ages. Learning to swim also opens the door to a lifetime of fun at your local lake, pool, or waterpark! Choose from:
💧 Adult/Child Swim (9 months - 5 years)
💧 Pre-K Lessons (3 - 5 years)
💧 Youth Lessons (5 - 14 years)
💧 Adult Beginner (15+ years)
💧 Adult Refinement (15+ years)
Roseville Royal Ball: Meet Your Favorite Princesses! 👑 ✨
Calling all young princes and princesses! Come visit with your favorite lily pad princess from New Orleans and golden-haired tower princess! Enjoy character performances, character-led activities, dancing, sing-alongs, photo opportunities, a craft, and an afternoon of fun. Children must be accompanied by an adult participant. Children are welcome to wear their favorite fairytale costume!
🌟 $25 child general admission
🌟 $15 adult general admission
🌟 $45 child VIP admission (includes a royal makeover, a magical goody bag, and a formal invitation that will be sent to your child)
Saturday, January 18 | 2:00 - 3:30pm (VIPs can arrive at 1:15pm)
Aŋpétu Téča Education Center
Important RAMS Phone Numbers and Email addresses (click on any staff members name below to send an email)
- Main Office - 651-482-5280
- 📨 Attendance Email or leave a message at 651-482-5281
- Principal - 📨 Heidi George - 651-482-5284
- Assoc. Principal Grade 7 - 📨 Garin Bogenholm - 651-482-5287
- Assoc. Principal Grade 8 - 📨 Joseph Bue - 651-482-5297
- Building/Administrative Support Staff - 📨 Linsey Owen - 651-482-5284
- Registrar / Student Records Support Staff - 📨 Rebecca Thompson - 651-482-5288
- Athletics/Activities - 651-482-5290
- 📨 Tanysha Scott - Activities Director
- 📨 Susan Garland - Activities Clerical
- Student Support Services Office - 651-482-5289
- 📨 Julie Gabos - Grade 7 - Counselor
- 📨 Todd Richter - Grade 8 - Counselor
- 📨 Amy Grengs - School Psychologist
- 📨 Lisa Valerius - School Psychologist
- 📨 Angie Feigal - Social Worker
- 📨 Duane Woeste - SEL Teacher
- 📨 Rachael Gandossy - Counselor
- 📨 Melanie Cogan - Student Services Support Staff
- Health Office - 651-482-5291
- 📨 Joan Tighe - School Nurse
- 📨 Linsey Saxton - Health Assistant
- Special Education - 651-288-5000
- 📨 Jodi Walker - Special Education Lead Teacher
- 📨 Nancy Boulay - Special Education Clerical
- Centerline Bus - 651-482-1794
- District Transportation - 📨 Kristen Donaldson - 651-635-1638
- Tech Support - 651-288-5001
- 📨 Kathryn O'Brien - Media Specialist
- 📨 Kaolee Yang - District Tech Integrationist
- School Fax - 651-482-5299
- Spanish Liaison - 📨 Cecilia Martino - 651-235-3426
- American Indian Liaison - 📨 Savannah Rojas - 651-332-6513
- Somali Liaison - 📨 Kowthar Ismail - 651-322-0468
- Karen Liaison - 📨 Hsar Htoo - 651-332-6929
- Bhutanese/Nepali Liaison - 📨 Indira Kharel - 651-307-7471
- Hmong Liaison - 📨 Maider Lee - 651-210-7821
- African American Liaison - 📨 K’Lynn Lewis - 651-239-2826
Pre-order your RAMS 2024-25 yearbook online directly from JOSTENS.
Questions about Yearbook? Reach out to our Yearbook Coordinator Kelly Rogers.
RAMS Back to School Email
RAMS sent out a Back to School email the past two weeks that had a lot of great school information. If you missed those emails please CLICK HERE to find the most recent email.
Change in Information?
Has any of your contact information changed over the summer? Address, phone numbers, emergency contact information, etc? If so, please contact the office by calling 651-482-5288 or email
📨 rebecca.thompson@isd623.org and we will update our records
Roseville Area Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, including in employment, as required by Title IX.