Everitt Family Newsletter
~ For Everitt Families: August 23, 2024 ~
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Happy Friday, Everitt families!
It has been a fun and busy week at Everitt. Our crews are well underway and developing a strong sense of community thanks to the hard work of our students and crew leaders.
Clubs begin next week! Below you can find a list of the available clubs. We are looking for a parent who has a cosmetology background to help run a cosmetology club. Students have expressed a lot of interest in learning more about cosmetology. Please reach out if you can help.
Our first Thursday late start day went pretty well this week. Remember that students are not required to attend school until 9:55 on Thursdays. We will provide supervision for students who ride the bus and students who must attend due to family schedules. Our teachers were able to do some great thinking together on Thursday morning and we are grateful for the time.
I want to tell you how proud I am of our students. Our friends from Lifetouch who came to take their school photos this week were so impressed with their kindness and respect. They said that they were the most respectful students they have seen…and of course they are! You, their families, encourage and inspire them to take responsibility for themselves and to take care of the people around them. And they step up and do so.
I am also so proud of the way that they are tackling MAP testing so far. They are taking their time, doing their best, and really showing themselves and their teachers what they know and are able to do. Their MAP results will tell them what their strengths are and where they can grow as a reader and a mathematician. We will share their results with you and with them and will use the results to better know what their next steps are as a learner. Thank you for helping them make sure their chromebooks are charged before school, especially on testing days. We will work on the math MAP tests on Monday and Tuesday next week.
Thank you for supporting and believing in your neighborhood school. It is our privilege to partner with you!
Amanda Pouliot, Principal
Everitt Middle School
What's Happening Next?
8/26 ~ Before-School Clubs Begin (No Clubs on Thursdays)
8/29 ~ Late Start For Students 9:55 AM
9/2 ~ No School - Labor Day
9/4 ~ PTA/SAC Meetings 6:30/7:30 PM
9/5 ~ Late Start For Students 9:55 AM
9/11 ~ Sea Camp Meeting 5:30 PM
9/12 ~ Late Start For Students 9:55 AM
9/18 ~ 6th Grade Outdoor Lab Meeting 6:00 PM
9/19 ~ PTA Movie Night 7:00 PM
9/20 ~ No School for Students-Staff Development
9/26 ~ Late Start For Students 9:55 AM
Everitt Bell Schedule 2024-25
Awkward Family Photos of Our Adult Crew
SSN Crew
Kitchen Crew
Support Crew
Mental Health Crew
Diverse Learning Crew
Cleaning Crew
Front Office Crew
Math Crew
ELA Crew
Electives Crew
Science Crew
Admin Crew
Social Studies Crew
From Everitt's Social Emotional Learning Specialist:
Our focus is on building lasting connections between families, getting to know our student’s teachers, and creating opportunities to come together as a community, valuing our diversity and celebrating our differences.
Make your fall to-do list shorter by signing up now for your 2024-2025 PTA Membership. Dues are just $15 and allow us to be part of the state and national PTA networks and have seed money for our PTA projects. Even if you cannot make the PTA meetings regularly, becoming a PTA member is an excellent way to support our school community! To join, complete this form: https://forms.gle/MKp3Fokrn7zSioBY7 and Venmo $15 to @Everitt-Middle. Dues should never be a barrier for participation in PTA, so please email EverittPTA@gmail.com if we may help you with your dues payment. If you have already signed up, THANK YOU, we will reach out shortly to confirm everything came across well!
Wednesday, September 4th at 6:30 pm is our first PTA Meeting. We will meet in the school library and will have a Zoom option as well (look for the link on our PTA page included below). Come connect with others and enjoy this month's staff spotlight, along with a little Middle School 101 presentation from our Principal, Amanda Pouliot.
Thursday, September 19th is Everitt's Community Movie Night on the hill at Everitt. Bring a blanket and some snacks (we'll provide the popcorn) and enjoy a movie with new and old friends.
Check out our PTA page for reminders, important dates and meeting minutes: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/family_resources/p_t_a , and join our FaceBook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everittpta
We always welcome more ideas on ways to bring the Everitt community together and look forward to learning from each other. Please feel free to send any questions or suggestions to the PTA at EverittPTA@gmail.com.
Thank you,
Dan Weinstein, Everitt PTA President
Everitt Labradors at Work & Play
Clubs are beginning this week. If students are interested in starting a club, have them reach out to a teacher or another adult to sponsor it. Here is a list of the clubs at Everitt this year (this is subject to change):
French Club
Jazz Band (7:30-8:30)
Tri-M (Music Honor Society)
Cross Country (7:45-8:45)
Sources of Strength
Student Council (7:30-8:30)
Fiber Arts
Fashion Club
Flag Football (7:15-8:45)
Martial Arts (Personal Achievement Martial Arts)
Builders Club
Cross Country (7:45-8:45)
Cheerleading (8:00-8:30)
Strength and Conditioning
Thursday (No regular clubs!):
Flag Football (7:15-8:45)
Sammy's Buddy Program (During Late Start 8:55-9:55)
Theatre Guild
Mountain Biking
Girls on the Run
Strength and Conditioning
Student Council (7:30-8:30)
Guitar Club
Environmental Club
Coming soon:
Cosmetology (We need a parent who is able to help lead this club. None of us have the right skills!)
Drawing and Cartooning
Cub Scout Pack 240 Interest Night
Are your kids ready for an adventure? Join us for Cub Scout Pack 240/Troop 240 Interest Night on Monday, September 9th at 6:00 PM, located at 7530 W 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge.
Scouting is a great way for boys and girls to learn new skills, build lasting friendships, and explore the great outdoors. Come meet our leaders, learn about our exciting programs, and see what scouting can offer your family. We look forward to welcoming new faces and sharing the excitement of scouting with you! Don't miss out on this opportunity to become part of our community. For more information contact Scoutmaster Zach Urban at 720-252-5930 or zachary.melinda.urban@gmail.com
Everitt Middle School Sports
Boys Youth Basketball Tryouts
We will be holding tryouts for our Fall/Winter Gold Crown teams on Sunday, August 25th at 9am. The tryout will be at Wheat Ridge High School. You will enter the building at the south doors that face 32nd Avenue.
Crew Celebrations
Aiden V holds the door for all of the 6th grade class every day as they head out to recess. He is thoughtful and kind to everyone.
Mya A went out of her comfort zone and included all others in our class into the activity that we are doing! She included them on her team and also included them as they were completing the activity.
Desi W lead his class this week with immense levels of positivity and inclusion. He greeted everyone with a warm welcome. Desi also helped others out when they needed it.
Eric F shows maturity far beyond a 6th grader, and leads by a positive example. He makes sure others understand the assignment and feel included.
Jesiah M leads our entire 2nd hour and helps out tremendously with our SSN kiddos. It is amazing to watch how well Jesiah works with others and makes sure they have tools to be successful.
Gunner Y jumped in to help our SSN kiddos in our 2nd hour class with enthusiasm and positivity. He showed great empathy and leadership amongst all of his peers.
When Seamus O realized his remark might have been taken wrong, he immediately approached the other student to clarify and make sure they were ok.
During our Colored Cube challenge, Antonio V took the lead for his group and helped guide them through a very difficult challenge. He listened to other's ideas and helped them try out their ideas.
During our Colored Cube task, MaryJayne C shared multiple ideas to help her group be successful. She watched other ideas and approached failures in the task with an open mind and asking questions to help her team try new things.
During our Colored Cube task, Crosby K shared multiple ideas to help his group be successful. He tried new ideas and made everyone feel heard.
Cole M comes to class excited and ready to learn each day. He is a joy to have in my class.
Amari N was helping out in the library during Picture Day and helped a group of 7th graders meet expectations by kindly reminding them of the expectation and being a positive role model!
Donny F always shows up to class with a positive attitude and is eager to help anyone! Thanks Donny!
I needed a lot of help with a project for my 5th graders and Declan E jumped in to help and recruited some other awesome help as well. We were able to complete the project quickly!
I asked Hunter S to help with a project and he jumped right in! He was great about being organized and working quickly making the project a breeze!
Cooper S was helping with a project and did a great job helping me get everything organized! It helped tremendously to get everything ready for my 5th graders!
Everitt Middle School
With foundations of equity and excellence, Everitt empowers and inspires our students as individuals, lifelong learners, and creative critical thinkers to engage in authentic learning and contribute meaningfully to their communities and their world.
Email: amanda.pouliot@jeffco.k12.co.us
Website: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/
Location: 3900 Kipling St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, USA
Phone: 303-982-1580