Pioneer Press
August 30th, 2024
Welcome Back Pirates!!!
Upcoming Important Dates
Picture Day - Tuesday, Sept. 10th - all grades
Note from the Principal
Dear Pioneer Middle School Families,
I'm thrilled to welcome you all to the start of a new school year! We have so many exciting plans ahead, and I can't wait to see our students learn, grow, and achieve their best. Together, let's make this a fantastic year full of success and new opportunities!
As we settle into our routines, I want to remind everyone that cell phones, earbuds, and smartwatches are not permitted during school hours from 8:03 AM to 2:40 PM. Let's ensure our students stay focused and fully engaged in their learning.
A quick reminder: there will be no school on Monday in observance of Labor Day.
When we return, fall sports are in full swing, including cross country, boys soccer, and girls fastpitch. Be sure to look out for information about our clubs, which will be starting soon.
Let's make this school year amazing!
Warm regards,
Principal Fernandes
Note from the Office
Student bus information - In Family Access in Skyward:
Class starts at 8:10; if your student arrives at 8:10 or later, please have them stop by the attendance and check in using our student tardy kiosk.
*to excuse absences or tardies, email us at pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Transportation Changes: Please call the office no later than 2:00 pm at 253-583-7200
ParentSquare, remember to check your settings. Teachers, coaches, club advisors, and the admin team send important information through this forum. If you need assistance with your account, email us at pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us and one of our secretaries will contact you.
Yearbooks for the 20242-25 school can be purchased through Jostens using the link below
Message from Athletic Office
Registration for fall sports closes on Tuesday, September 2nd.
Tryouts begin on Tuesday after school from 2:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Please have your child bring appropriate clothes and shoes to practice in.
Water bottle
Appropriate clothes and shoes to practice in
A message from Coach Stü with Cross Country:
There have been a number of parents emailing and asking for information about XC try-outs. We had the information we handed out at all 3 lunches. However, some students did not make it for one reason or another.
If your student didn't make the informational meeting, no worries; they can still try out. Make sure you are ready to run on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday next week!! We will meet in Mr. Stügelmeyer's room (A203) after school on Tuesday at 3:10.
Message from our Counselors
The last day to submit a schedule change request is Friday, Sept. 6th
Your student can pick up a Schedule Change Request form in the main office or at the attendance office.
- Parent signature is required
If you have any questions regarding your student's schedule for Term 1/Semester 1, email us at pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Message from the PE team
Health/Fitness and Sports Skills Information
Students are required to wear a PE uniform which includes:
Grey t-shirt (no logos with the exception of the Pioneer Pirates logo)
Black shorts (7” seam or longer) OR black sweatpants/joggers (no logos with the exception of the Pioneer Pirates logo)
Athletic shoes and socks
Recommended: water bottle and deodorant
Uniforms may be purchased from Mrs. Ruby in the attendance office or online: Touchbase
Grey Shirt $10.00
Black Shorts $10.00
Black Sweatpants $20.00
Students are allowed to wear solid black leggings under their gym shorts if they choose. If students chose to do this, they need to have a pair that is only worn for PE.
The first day students will dress down into the PE uniform will be on Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
Each student will be assigned a lock and a locker. Students SHOULD NOT share their locker combinations with anyone else.
Students are expected to lock up all belongings and check to be sure their lock is secure before leaving the locker room. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
If a student loses a lock, they will be fined through the ASB office before being assigned a replacement lock.
Each grade level PE class will have a rotation of Health (approximately six weeks). During this time, students will not dress in their PE uniform. Sixth grade will take part in their rotation first, date to be announced.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your student’s assigned teacher via Parentsquare.
Amanda Gidley (6th Grade) Ragan Raschke (7th Grade) Kyle Haller (8th Grade)
We would love to have you volunteer!
If you are new to the district, you can use the link below to sign up to volunteer at Pioneer MS.
Thank you for your help and support!