JCS Community Newsletter
October 6, 2023
Johnson City Schools will be on fall break from October 9-13. Students will return to school on Monday, October 16th. Enjoy your break!
Upcoming Dates
October 2023
- National Principal Month
- National Arts & Humanities Month
- National Book Month
- Down Syndrome Awareness Month
- School Custodian Appreciation Day - October 2
- National Taco Day - October 4
- National Coaches Day - October 6 (Also Instructional Coach Appreciation Day)
- Manufacturing Day - October 6
- Fire Prevention Week - October 8 - 14
- FALL BREAK - October 9 - 13
- Columbus Day - October 9
- National Boss' Day - October 16
- Digital Citizenship Week - October 16 -20
- National School Bus Safety Week - October 16 - 20
- Unity Day (Bullying Prevention) - October 18
- Topper Trick or Treat - October 26 from 5 pm to 7 pm at Science Hill
- National Red Ribbon Week - October 23 - 31
- National First Responders Day - October 28
- Click here to view Printable Calendars 2023-2024 & 2024-2025
Topper Trick or Treat
Science Hill High School will be hosting their second annual Topper Trick or Treat event on Thursday, October 26 from 5 pm to 7 pm. The community is invited to come out participate and elementary students are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes.
Attendance Matters Spirit Week
Johnson City Schools' Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund documents are available for review through this link. At the bottom of the page, there is a link to a Google form where we ask for feedback from all of our stakeholders. Every six months we will use this feedback for our ESSER 3.0 Public Plan-Federal Relief Spending Addendum. Please feel free to review these documents and provide us with feedback.
TISA Funding
Each district's TISA accountability report is required to be presented to the public for review and comment before the report is submitted to the department. The report must be submitted annually to the department by November 1st. Johnson City Schools is seeking feedback for Johnson City Schools TISA Accountability report from October 5, 2023 through October 12, 2023.
Please click here to review the document and provide feedback.
Information from Human Resources
Johnson City Schools is hiring Educare assistants, custodians, and instructional assistants. Current job postings can be viewed at www.jcschools.org/jobs.
Johnson City Transit is in need of bus drivers. Please visit this page for more information about open Bus Driver positions.
If you have any questions or concerns about Bloomz, feel free to reach out to at BrooksB@jcschools.org with any questions.
We have noticed that we have a low percentage of families who can receive our text messages through SchoolMessenger. This is because you MUST OPT-IN to be eligible to receive the text messages. The primary use of the system will be to notify our families of delayed openings, early dismissals, school closings, and emergencies. Schools may also use this service to push out reminders. Parents are asked to provide current e-mails and phone numbers which will be added to SchoolMessenger system from our student information system, PowerSchool. After parents submit their phone number, they must text “Y” or “Yes” to 67587 from that device in order to be eligible to receive text messages.
Safety Buttons on Badges
The Johnson City Board of Education approved funding to install the CrisisAlett system from CENTEGIX. This will equip each teacher and staff member in Johnson City Schools with a CrisisAlet badge that will be setup through geo-fenceing and function both indoors and outdoors.
After receiving city commission approval, Johnson City Schools is working toward having the system installed by January. The grand total for installation and five years of service across the district will be $609,700. For more information, please read the bid sheet below.
October 2 | Johnson City BOE Meeting
October Board Recognitions
Letters of Commendation from College Board
Mara Donahue
Everett Hamm
Henry Hance
Christian Marshall
Davis Owens
Molly Wilson
National Merit Semifinalists
Allen Feng
Owen Hoover
Shiven Jain
Amanda Noe
Aarushi Raj
Sophia Stone
Dakota Ward
Selena Wheeler
College Board Recognitions
I. As part of their program to provide opportunities for students to share strong academic achievements with colleges and programs seeking to recruit diverse talent, College Board recognizes outstanding student achievement in four different groups. These groups include Rural Area, African-American, Indigenous and/or Latino students. We are proud to announce Science Hill High School has several students who recently earned recognition from College Board through this program:
National Hispanic Recognition Award:
Gianna Becerra
Christian Marshall
Melyssah Toledo (pictured)
Erick Trejo
National African American Recognition Award
Gianna Becerra
Cherokee Elementary
North Side Elementary
South Side Elementary
Woodland Elementary
Indian Trail Middle School
Liberty Bell Middle School
Science Hill High School
Finally, we want to recognize Fairmont Elementary for recently being named a National Blue Ribbon Reward School, which recognizes a school’s overall academic performance or closing achievement gaps among diverse groups of students. Fairmont was recognized as an Exemplary High Performing School. Fairmont is one of 353 schools nationwide and only six schools in Tennessee to earn this distinction. Additionally, this is the 2nd time in 12 years that Fairmont has earned this recognition.
Next Board of Education Meeting
The next Johnson City Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, November 6 starting at 6 p.m. inside the Board Room at Central Office (100 E. Maple Street). Board meetings can be viewed on the Johnson City Schools' YouTube channel.
Johnson City Schools launches STOPit App to empower and protect students
Johnson City Schools has enrolled with STOPit, the leading technology platform for schools that deters and controls harmful or inappropriate conduct. STOPit empowers students with an easy app to safely and anonymously report anything of concern to school officials – from cyberbullying to threats of violence or self-harm. STOPit empowers students to stand up for themselves and others while giving our schools the insight we need to keep students safe. Students can download the App from the Apple Store or Google play store on their mobile device and then search for their Johnson City School. While the reports are anonymous, there will be severe consequences for anyone who is found to have made a false report.
In the News...
Science Hill High School’s Advanced Placement (AP) Program continues to grow, as it saw record numbers participate in AP classes during the 2022-2023 school year. In all, 690 Science Hill students took AP classes, while 1,485 AP exams were given amongst the 27 AP classes offered at Science Hill during the 2022-2023 school year.
Read more -
Middle School Club Tennis
In only its third year, the Johnson City Schools Middle School Tennis Team is already making waves across the state. The club sport, with players from both Indian Trail and Liberty Bell middle schools, finished as state runner-up in the USTA TMSAA State Tennis Championships Co-Ed Silver Division.
Team members for the State Tournament were Maren Jordan, Kevin Zheng, and Reagan Trice from Indian Trail Middle School, and Jackson Baker, Rohan Papireddy, Jason Wang, William Tran, Mujtaba Malik, and Brendan Wang from Liberty Bell Middle School. The team was coached by Jamie White and Michael Smelser.
Checkout the Topper Report!
The Topper Report is Science Hill's weekly newscast! Here is their latest report.
Johnson City Parks and Recreation
Johnson City Public Library
Visit the Johnson City Public Library on their website at www.jcpl.org.
Middle Grade Graphic Novel Club
Children ages 8-12 are invited to explore the wide world of graphic novels together! We will meet in the Library's Jones Meeting Center at 6 p.m. on the following Mondays: September 25, October 16, November 20, and December 18. Participants will hear book talks on different graphic novels, participate in drawing exercises, and have opportunities to share art and recommendations with other graphic novel enthusiasts! No registration required.
Share your Good News!
Johnson City Schools loves celebrating the accomplishments of our students, staff, and community. If you know of any events, awards, programs, or other compelling stories involving the Johnson City Schools' community, please fill out this form or reach out to Collin Brooks at BrooksB@jcschools.org